Episode 80: Pokemon Battle Royale

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It's time for the next round of the Pokemon Indigo Plateau League, and many of the trainers are gathering at the stadium to see the program. Among the games are Mew and her friends, Pikachu Eevee, Misty along with Togpei and Pichu, Tomo with Meloetta and Skwovet, and Brock. Mew and the others have just left Pokemon Village and are heading to the stadium.

Misty turns to Mew, "So Mew, are you excited about your next match?"

"Yeah. I'm actually kind of excited, but maybe still a little nervous about it," Mew says.

"And why's that?" Tomo asks.

"Well, depending how things turn out at today's matches, If I win my next match, I'll have to go up against either A.J or Joe," Mew says.

"You do have a point, but you were able to battle with Ritchie and you both gave it your all. I'm sure you'll do the same with A.J. or Joe," Brock says.

"You're right. I have to do my best. And of course, I plan on winning," Mew says.

"You're not the only one, "A.J's voice appears.

Mew and the others turn to see A.J with Gary, Otoshi, Joe, and Ritchie.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" Mew asks.

"We're doing fine, and we're heading to the stadium too for our next match," Joe says.

"Glad to hear it. From what I remember, you and A.J are first," Misty says.

"Sure am," A.J says.

Then turns to Joe, "Better give me your best shot."

"Sure. I also gotta keep a watch out for that Sandshrew of yours. It's amazing that water doesn't affect it," Joe says.

"Yeah. Sandshrew sure did great yesterday," Mew says.

"Don't forget about us," Gary says.

"I didn't forget. Let's all do the best we can on our matches," Mew says.

Otoshi nods his head and says, "Agree."

A.J, Gary, and Joe agree with a nod and decide to do their best and do great with their Pokemon matches.

At the Indigo Plateau Stadium, the next round is beginning to take place. Misty, Brock, Tomo, Ritchie, and everyone else is watching from the stands and are excited to see the next match.

The announcer says, "Alright, it's time to begin the third round of the Pokemon Indigo Plateau Competition, where the eight remaining trainers battle out to win a spot in the semi finals. And here comes the first match of our third round competition."

On the red side, it's A.J walking towards the left side of the stadium.

"On the red side we have A.J" The announcer says.

Many of the crowd cheer with excitement as A.J's picture appears on the screen.

Then Joe comes out from the green side

"And on the green side we have Joe," The announcer says.

The crowd continues to cheer.

Mew and the others clap in excitement. Of course, she can see that two of her friends she has made will be battling against each other.

The referee waves the flags and shouts, "Let's begin the battle!"

With that, A.J and Joe begin to have their Pokemon Battle. A.J uses Butterfree while Joe uses Farfetch'd. They both then perform Flying Types attacks at each other.

Then A.J has called for Raticate and Joe uses a Geodude. Raticate uses Super Fang and Geodude uses Rock Throw at the Raticate.

For their third Pokemon, A.J has called out Sandshew and Joe is using Shellder. Sandshrew uses its dig attack as Shellder uses Water Gun.

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