Episode 25: Pokemon Fashion Flash

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One day, Mew asks, "Scissor Street? Why'd we come here?"

"You'll see," Brock says.

"Sure are a lot of Pokemon beauty parlors," Misty says, looking around.

Misty is right, there are different beauty parlors around the area where they're at. The place is called Scissor Street. Mew and her friends are walking along the street. Brock seems to be the only one who knows why they're here.

Mew turns to Brock and asks, "Is there any place special you want to visit, Brock?"

But Brock is busy looking around.

Suddenly, Misty remembers, "Wait a minute! I just remembered that Scissor Street is also called Breeder's Lane!"

Brock looks around and wonders, "Where is it?"

"So THAT's why we're here! Brock's always gotta see that latest breeder gear," Mew says.

Indeed, Brock dreams of becoming a Pokemon Breeder, a person who devotes time and energy learning how to raise the best Pokemon.

As they walk down the street, Brock explains, "Some of the best breeders have shops here. There are lots of terrific make-up places and fashion salons, too, just for Pokemon."

"Really?" Mew asks.

Pikachu and Eevee become curious.

"Hey!" Misty says, and runs to a billboard

She looks at the billboard to see Ekans and Koffing. Ekans is wearing a long pink skirt with green laces and buttons of stars, blue circles and pink hearts, a green ribbon, and a white collar. Koffing is wearing a yellow skirt and an orange ribbon with a red flower. They both are also wearing a lot of makeup.

Excited, Misty says, "Oh, look! This must be the newest fashion! How cute!"

"You think that's cute, huh?" Mew says, confused.

"Come on, we gotta go in!" Misty says, and drags Mew

They soon hear an announcement from a man, "You won't believe how beautiful a Pokemon can be! Step in, and see for yourself. Let us dazzle you with the latest fashions by the expert artists at Salon Roquet."

That's when Mew and her friends arrive.

"Did he just say, Salon Roquet?" Mew replies, confused.

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" Misty asks.

Brock looks at the window and says in surprise, "Whoa! Is that supposed to be a Pokemon, or a Christmas tree?"

Inside the parlor, Salon Roquet, turns out the two beauticians are Team Rocket: Jessie and James. They are staying in a Raichu and a Dodrio.

"Bring your drab Pokemon to Salon Roquet for a complete Pokemon makeover!" Jessie says, in a french accent and painting Raichu.

Then holds out a necklace, "Including jewelry!" And then places it around Raichu's neck.

James then styles Dorio's hair, "And hair styling."

"We'll make your Pokemon a Pretty-mon! Ta-da!" They both announce.

Then reveals the Pokemon to be wearing makeup and accessories.

Jessie says, "We've done it again! Another Pokemon fashion masterpiece!"

"I can't believe how talented we are!" James says.

The two turn to see the Pokemon and it reveals to have roses taped to their backs.

Soon, Team Rocket returns the Pokemon to the trainer.

Jessie says, "Your Pokemon have gone from frumpy to flashy, thanks to Salon Roquet."

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