Episode 20: The Ghost of Lavender Tower

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Mew and her friends walk through Rock Tunnel to reach the next town and another part of their Pokemon journey. They soon walk out of the tunnel, and become surprised to see a town that is covered in fog. They also can see a tall and large tower in the town.

"So this is Lavender Town, Brock says.

"It looks kind of spooky," Misty says, feeling nervous.

"It kind of does. According to the guide book, Lavender Town is usually foggy, and it has a special tower called the Pokemon Tower, it's a resting place for Pokemon who have passed away and people can visit and pay their respect," Mew says, reading the book.

"And it also said that many Ghost Pokemon also lived in the Tower as well," Brock says.

Misty becomes frightened, "Gh-ghost Pokemon?!"

"Yeah. I guess ghost Pokemon like to hang out where they can see spirits of Pokemon. Plus, they also like to play tricks on people," Mew says.

"I hope they're not scary tricks! I don't wanna go in there!" Misty panics.

"Don't worry Misty, we're just going to go to the Pokemon Center, heal our Pokemon, grab something to eat, and get some supplies," Mew says.

"That's good. Let's go to the Pokemon Center," Misty says, relieved.

Soon, the group are already at the Pokemon Center, having their Pokemon treated and checked by Nurse Joy, and Mew along with her friends, Pikachu, and Eevee are having something to eat.

Suddenly, Mew soon hears a conversation that grabs her attention, "I hear that a ghost has been appearing in the Pokemon tower lately."

"A ghost?" Mew says, confused.

Mew looks to see two people talking.

The woman asks, "Really"

"Yeah. That's right, and a lot of people claimed to have seen it. I haven't seen it, but everyone has been talking about it. They said that the Pokemon is rumored to scare away anyone who walks on the upper floors," The man says.

Mew soon becomes interested to hear about a ghost in the tower. She wonders if it's just a Ghost Pokemon playing tricks.

After having their lunch, and gathering their Pokeballs. Mew also exchanges some of them, so some can have a chance to battle and some can rest. The group of friends then leave the Pokemon Center and decide to look around town, soon, they find a place that catches their attention.

Brock reads the sign, "Hmm, Lavender Town Pokemon House."

"Never heard of that place before," Misty says.

"Is it a playhouse?" Mew wonders.

"Let's go and check it," Misty suggests.

The group enters the place to see the Pokemon House for themselves.

Brock calls out, "Excuse us, is anyone here?!"

"Yes," A girl's voice calls out.

The door opens and a young girl with light brown pigtails and purple eyes walk in. She is wearing a pink shirt and purple skirt walk in.

"Excuse us, do you think you can tell us about this Pokemon House?" Mew asks.

"Of course, this is a place where abandoned or orphaned Pokemon are taken care of," The girl says.

"Abandoned and orphaned?" Mew says, concerned.

"I'll show you. By the way, my name is Reina," The girl says.

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