Episode 76: Fire and Ice

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The Pokemon League competition continues on and many of the trainers have finished with their second round matches. Mew is having her match at the Rock field. The crowd cheers with excitement. Misty, Brock, Tomo, A.J. Otoshi, Joe, and Gary are watching Mew who is having her battle now.

The announcer says, "Now, the second battle on the Rock field is proven to be an epic battle! With Tom on the red side and Mew from the green side!"

Mew calls out, "Now Steenee, use Hidden Power!"

Steenee then performs hidden power and strikes at the red trainer's Arbok, and it's soon knocked out.

The referee says, "Arbok is unable to battle! The victor goes to Steenee!"

"What an incredible display my Mew and her Steenee. Now the red trainer has just one Pokemon while Mew hasn't lost a single one!" The announcer says.

The trainer throws his Pokeball and calls out, "Go!"

With that, a Nidorino comes out of the Pokeball.

"And the red trainer chooses a Nidorino!" The announcer says.

Mew then calls back, "Steenee, return!"

And Steenee returns to its Pokeball.

Then Mew turns to Pikachu, "Alright Pikachu, ready to battle?"

"Pika!" (Sure am) Pikachu says.

Then runs to the battlefield.

The announcer says, "And it appears that popular newcomer, Mew, has chosen Pikachu for her third Pokemon out.

"Alright Pikachu, give it everything you got!" Mew calls out.

"Pika Pika," (You got it Mew!) Pikachu says.

With that, Nidorino begins charging at Pikachu.

"It's a Tackle attack!" Misty calls out.

"Get ready," Mew says.

Nidorino is getting closer as the announcer says, "Nidorino's leading off with a Tackle attack!"

Mew calls out, "Pikachu, use Agility."

Pikachu then uses his speed to dodge Nidorino's attack.

"Doing great Pikachu," Mew calls out.

Nidorino continues to chase Pikachu, until it goes up a curve around the ramp going up.

"Now Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Mew calls out.

Pikachu strikes at Nidorino and hits it with a powerful Thunderbolt.

Then Mew adds, "Pikachu, use Thunder Punch, now!"

Pikachu then charges as its paw turns to a fist and electricity comes out and nails Nidorino with one hard strike.

The announcer says, "Pikachu's Thunder Punch was right on target, and Nidorino is shaken!"

The referee calls the results, "Nidorino is out of the competition! The battle and the match go to the green trainer, Mew!"

"Alright!" Mew cheers.

"Pika!" (We won!) Pikachu happily says.

Misty, Brock, Tomo, and the others are happy to see Mew has won her second round.

"And a very happy Mew will now move on to the third round of this Pokémon League competition!" The announcer says.

Gary smiles and says, "Mew may have won her two matches, but even she knows she still has ways to go. She better celebrate now because the battles are going to get tougher."

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