Episode 2: Pokemon Emergency

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In the evening, at a town called Viridian City, there is a police station. In front of it, is a woman wearing a blue police uniform; a shirt, skirt, a hat, and heels like shoes. She has auburn eyes, and teal hair in spiky pigtails. Standing next to her is an orange and peach furred Pokemon with black stripes. This Pokemon is known as Growlithe the Puppy Pokemon.

The woman announces on the megaphone, "Attention, pedestrians of Viridian City! Attention, pedestrians of Viridian City! This is Officer Jenny of the Police Department! We have reports about Pokemon thieves in our area! Being on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers! Repeat: Being on the lookout for suspicious looking..."

Suddenly, the woman, Officer Jenny stops to notice something, "Huh? Speak of the Devil?"

The ones who are walking in her direction are Mew and Misty. Mew has her Pikachu sitting on the shoulder while Eevee is on her head. Misty helps Mew walk while she holds her bike on the other hand.

Misty turns to Mew, "How are you feeling?"

"Still a bit in pain on my ankle, but we still need to get to the Pokemon Center," Mew says.

"Pika Pika," (Be careful, Mew.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee," (You're still hurt.) Eevee says.

Mew smiles and says, "Don't worry, I'll be careful. Besides, you are more important."

"Um yeah. We're not too far from the Pokemon Center," Misty says, sounding a bit confused.

Suddenly, Officer Jenny walks up to them and says, "Hold it!"

That makes the girls stop in her tracks.

"What happened to you? Why are you carrying a bike, and the girl with the other arm, and what are you two doing with these Pokemon on your shoulder and head?" Officer Jenny asks.

"These are Mew's Pokemon, she and her Pokemon had an incident with a flock of Spearow and are trying to get another Pokemon to the center who was also attacked by the Spearows," Misty says.

"Yeah. We really need to get them to the Pokemon Center. My pokemon are hurt," Mew says.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you might be stealing it. Just show me your ID and you can go," Officer Jenny says.

"Um okay," Mew says.

She then brings out her Pokedex, and it says, "I am Dexter, a PokeDex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokémon Trainer Mew of the town of Pallet. My function is to provide Mew with information and advice regarding Pokémon and their Training. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced."

Misty then places her broken bike on the ground, and presents Jenny with a badge that is light blue and is shaped like a raindrop and her I.D. Card

"Here you go," Misty says.

Officer Jenny looks at the and says, "Thank you. Now you may go."

Then turns to Mew, "You know, you're the fourth person I'm seeing today from Pallet Town,"

"The fourth? I guess that means Gary already came by already," Mew says.

Then Misty asks, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you think we will steal Pokemon?"

"Well. It's unusual to see your Pokemon out of their Pokeballs and are on your friend there. Plus, we got a report that Pokemon Thieves in the area," Jenny says.

"Thieves?" Mew and Misty say, confused.

"Yes," Jenny says.

Then she presents a poster on a billboard to the girls. It shows two humans; a man and a woman, and a Pokemon known as a Meowth. The two humans are wearing white and black color outfits with a red 'R' on the shirts. It's hard to see their faces, but the woman has long dark pink to magenta color hair and the man has short periwinkle hair and is holding a rose.

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