Episode 33: The Bridge Bike Gang

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With fond memories of the Safari Zone behind them, and gaining new friends and Pokemon, Mew and her friends continue on their Pokemon Journey as they walk down the streets of the city.

"Feels weird to be back in a city, huh, guys?" Mew asks.

"Sure does. Being out in the jungle was great, but it's kinda nice to come back to civilization," Misty answers.

Mew turns to her Pokemon and Tomo, Hey, Pikachu, Eevee, Tomo. Let's have a humongous meal when we get to the Pokemon Center."

"Piii Pika Pika!" (Mm, sounds delicious!) Pikachu happily says.

"Eevee!" (Yummy!) Eevee says.

Tomo smiles and says, "Yeah."

Then Misty says, "I want a hotdog!"

"I want a deep dish, extra cheese pizza. Mm!" Brock replies.

The group continues to walk down the road and plan to have something to eat at the Pokemon Center. When something catches their attention.

"Hey, what's that thing?" Mew asks.

"What thing?" Brock wonders.

"Let's go see!" Mew says, and runs ahead.

"Wait for us, Mew!" Misty says as she and the others hurry after her.

Mew and the others continue to run down the road until they spot a bridge that is across the water. Mew and her friends are amazed to see it.

"Wow, look at that!" Mew says, amazed.

"Pika!" (Golly!) Pikachu says.

"Vee!" (Wow!) Eevee says.

"Really big," Tomo replies.

"That's an amazing bridge!" Misty says.

Brock looks at the map and says, "So, it's being completed already."

Misty looks at Brock with a confused expression, "Huh?"

Brock looks at the map and then looks at the bridge, "Hey, The map says it's still under construction, but if it's completed, we can go straight to Sunny Town on the opposite shore without going all the way around!"

"Great! We'll cross the bridge, and get to the next town. Come on, let's go!" Mew says, excited.

"Pika!/Eevee!" (Alright!) Pikachu and Eevee cheer.

Soon, Mew and her friends reach the Toll Booth operator, however, they end up receiving some bad news "Toll booth operator: Well, I'm afraid the bridge isn't completely finished. See there?"

The group looks ahead to see the construction on the bridge.

"That means we can't take the shortcut," Brock says.

"Even if it were finished, this bridge is only for cars, anyway," The Toll Booth Operator says.

"The bridge is only for cars? Couldn't we just walk across it?" Mew asks, confused.

"Well, this bridge is over ten miles long. It'd be dark before you reach the other side," Toll booth operator.

"Ten miles long?" Misty says, a little surprised.

"Course, you might be able to cross if you had bicycles," The Toll Booth Operator says.

"Bicycles?!" Mew says, surprised and nervous.

Soon, two people riding bikes cycle by and say hello to the operator who is named Norman.

"I thought you said the bridge isn't finished," Misty replies.

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