Chapter 14

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Izuku's eyes snapped open and he was faced with no less than three nurses and Dr.Connelly. Two of the nurses had restraints ready while Dr.Connelly looked annoyed. "As i've already explained multiple times now there is no need for those. He's already regained the energy he needed" Dr.Connelly sighed.

Izuku adjusted himself on the bed and smiled brightly at his favourite nurse. "Can i have some water" He asked him. "Oof sorry bud we need to take out the feeding tube first. Also welcome back to the land of the waking" The nurse chuckled. Izuku joined him. "Thanks. Though i can't help you study..." Izuku teased him.

"You could hear me?!" The nurse asked shocked. Izuku simply nodded and smiled. Dr.Connelly chimed in now. "Fascinating. You really are my most interesting patient son. Let's get you examined and remove that tube so you can drink. I'm sure you can drink a bathtub's amount of water" he teased Izuku.

"Yes please" Izuku chuckled. The nurse prepped the area to remove the tube in Izuku's nose. "This will either tickle, feel really weird or be slightly uncomfortable. Just don't yank your head away and it'll be over before you know it. Ok bud?" Izuku smiled and nodded in agreement.

They other nurses decided there was no threat and left. Izuku waved at them as they left. His nurse got busy with the tube in his nose. "Ok bud, ready?" Izuku gave him a thumbs up and the nurse started to remove it. It was a weird combination of sensations, half tingling - half feeling like a pressure released. Only the last bit was between painful or uncomfortable.

"Just like that we are done bud" He got rid of the tube and things he used to remove it and started pouring Izuku some water. "I know you feel thirsty but go slow ok? Your tummy needs to recover" 

"Ah well not really, with his quirk he could probably scarf down a cheeseburger and be fine. Though I'm not recommending it mind you! Better be safe than sorry you know." Dr.Connelly laughed at his own non joke.

The nurse gave Izuku the water and he gulped it down greedily completely forgetting the advice he was just given. Izuku choked slightly on the water coughing wildly. The nurse tapping on his back. "aaaand that's why I said go slowly" he chuckled.

"Well if you're up for it can I examine you son?" Dr.Connelly asked.

Izuku's eyes had been changing colour to a brighter green than the dull green with a hint of brown he had since waking up. Now however they were glowing a bright neon green. "I've told you before to stop calling me son doctor" Izuku spoke in a calm but clearly threatening tone. He was still smiling politely however. Dr.Connelly didn't know what to make of the mismatched tone and face backing away slightly. "Ah sorry, I forgot Midoriya-kun"

"Please don't forget again doctor. . ." Izuku smiled brightly but still with the tone of a threat still present. He  calmly waited for the doctor to continue the exam. After about ten minutes the doctor had finished and had a smirk on his face.

"If I didn't see you be in a coma for myself I'd say you're a healthy young man who's never been sick a day in his life." The doctor looked like he was hesitating to say something as his face dropped to a neutral expression.

Izuku up at looked at him and asked "Is it because of Nurse Kimiko?" 

Dr.Connelly audibly gasped at the question. "How long were you aware of what was going on around you Midoriya-Kun?" 

Izuku tilted his head to indicate thinking "Around about a day after I woke up the first time I guess..."

Izuku looked down at his hands "I... I heard how it's not really my fault but still. I killed someone." The nurse was rubbing Izuku's back as he spoke. "will I go to jail?"

"Fortunately not Mr.Midoriya" a third voice had entered the conversation. The doctor stood to the side to look at the man who just entered the room. "You're the detective from back at my house..." Izuku stated more than he was asking.

"That I am young man. The death of Miss Toshino Kimiko while sad is classified as an underage quirk accident" Izuku scoffed to himself as he heard this. The irony of it was indeed laughable. 

"Underage Quirk Accidents" or "UQA's" as the media dubbed it. Izuku saw first hand how it's used by the quirked to get away with anything from a fine to attempted murder. Ironic that this was now used for it's portrayed intent instead of some rich quirked kid's get out of jail free card.

Izuku's tiny laugh didn't go unnoticed by the detective who remembered a similar thing happening back at this kid's house. "What's up kid? Something you want to get off your chest there?"

Izuku laughed clearly this time. "Just wondering if this will be the first time that defense will actually be a real UQA" The detective knew the rich used that defense for their kids for anything but how did a kid barely in middle school know about it? He wondered what's transpired in this kid's life for him to be so cynical at such a young age...

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