Chapter 69

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Izuku was startled by Bakugo's sudden yelling, the blade slipped and he stabbed his hand. He hissed from the sudden pain in an area he wasn't expecting it. Anger started to boiled in him again. He might not be able to think logically when it comes to himself however the incident with Hawks and his sessions with Hound dog has made him aware he needs to deescalate. He doesn't want to hurt someone ever again. Even if in the moment he wants to hurt them he knows that regret will come later.

Izuku pulled the blade out of his hand and glared over at Bakugo's direction who stepped back slightly eyeing the blade in Izuku's hand. Seeing Bakugo react like he was something to be feared elicited a strange emotion in Izuku. Something else he knew not to give into. Pleasure. Seeing one of your lifelong tormentors fear you. It scratched an itch he never knew he had. This was dangerous, one misstep and he can see himself easily becoming addicted to it.

Izuku gripped the blade's hilt tighter to ground himself back in reality. "Just go away Bakugo." His brain seemed to switch between wanting to go and wanting to argue. "You-" he began to say something but Izuku cut him off making a slamming motion in the air bending the lockers. "GO!"

His face sunk and the conflict on it seemingly resolved by him giving in to what Izuku wants. He turned and left slamming the door behind him. Izuku let out his own frustrations by screaming into the air, the last few lockers that survived the first round were now buckled and bent. He threw off his gym clothes and showered. "Nezu is just going to looove me..." he mumbled to himself about him breaking more school property.

He would've loved to re-enact some movie stereotypes by sitting gloomily in the shower but after the locker bending scream Izuku felt numb. So he finished his shower, got dressed and texted Hitoshi.

Izu: Mind if I crash in your dorm tonight? Cant even with Bakugo anymore.

Hito-nii: Yay cuddles! <3

Izuku walked back to his dorm to get his clothes for class tomorrow. Chaos had erupted by the time he entered the dorms though. Bakugo had found an outlet for his frustrations in the easiest target in the class. Mineta. 

Bakugo was being held back by Kirishima and Kaminari with Sero aiding with his tape quirk. He was yelling at Mineta all sorts of threats and promises of retribution for his girlfriend. Hannah. Mineta was scared witless and it was clear on his face, yet he stood firm not advancing nor backing off. Nobody seemed to even notice Izuku walk in. He just sighed and made his way over to where the main commotion was going on.

Bakugo was struggling to get free "Stay away from her you flea sized pervert!"

Though clearly scared of his much larger classmate he retaliated "I was nowhere near her today or any other day since the entrance exams!"

Bakugo acted like the response had been spat in his face "Bullshit! She says you've been following her around like the stalker you are!"

Mineta threw his hands in the air from disbelief "When? We've been together as a class since we moved in! Look dude she's hot but by the gods she's fucking nuts!"

Kaminari lost the struggle and Bakugo's right arm broke free and he grabbed Mineta's shirt in a fist. "You're just jealous because nobody will ever want to be with you."

Izuku had seen and heard enough. He stepped past the gathered crowd who apparently didn't care all that much if Mineta got beaten up. Izuku made note of that to himself. He pulled Mineta free easily by using his quirk too, set him down behind him. Since he was shorter than almost everyone he had to use his quirk to look eyelevel with anyone. He rose up so he and Bakugo was face to face. He was no longer struggling to break free from the boys who held him. Izuku and him locked eyes. Izuku told Kirishima to let him go. "You sure Aiza-bro?" 

Izuku just nodded not breaking eye contact, they let him go. Bakugo adjusted his clothes. Before everyone knew what was happening there was the reverberating of a slap filling the air. Izuku had open handedly slap Bakugo across the face. Everyone was too stunned to speak so everyone heard what he said next. Every word was clear and filled the atmosphere with an icy chill.

"Apologize to Mineta."

Bakugo rubbed his cheek in shock. "like fuck I will that per-"

Again he was slapped cutting off his words this time.

Izuku's eyes glowed bright neon green every word felt colder than the last "I wont say it again. Apologize."

Mineta tried to make the situation go away "It's fine, please don't get yourself into trouble over me."

Izuku turned his attention to Mineta. "I wont let him break you like he did me. Not over her."

Confusion crossed Bakugo's face "break you?"

Izuku laughed bitterly. "Just apologize to him and you can go on and live a normal life"

Bakugo's annoyance was clear to see. "How the fuck did I break you Deku?"

Izuku heard what he wanted to say to Bakugo in his head so clearly but that annoying part of him that still loves Bakugo wouldn't let him say it out loud. "By bullying me everyday since we were six and telling me to kill myself. By letting me fall in love with you and then abandoning me for a girl you knew for three days. I WONT LET YOU PUSH ANYONE ELSE TO SUICIDE. NOT EVERYONE IS SO LUCKY AND CANT DIE!"

Instead what he actually said encompassed all of that without revealing his past to everyone else. Sure someone smart might figure it out but Izuku was showing amazing restraint at the moment. "Jump"

Bakugo's eyes grew wide and his skin lost color. Everyone else seemed confused. Bakugo clicked his tongue and mumbled an I'm sorry to Mineta as he left the group, pushing away everyone as he went with his shoulders.

Izuku didn't want to deal with everyone's stares yet again in the same day so he waved at Mineta and rose higher to use the ceiling again. He made his way to his room, packed the things he needed for tomorrow and flew out the window over to his brother's window. He tapped on the glass three times and was let in.

Hitoshi welcomed him in and closed the window behind him. Next thing he knew Izuku is latched onto his waist in an air compressing hug. "Let's blackmail Nezu into moving you into 1A and Bakugo into 1B. . ."

Hitoshi just laughed. "Nobody has dirt on that guy Izu." Making Izuku sulk further.

He ran his fingers through Izuku's hair. "So how has my baby brother been? It's been a whole two days since I last saw you!"

It was meant to be an honest question with a hint of teasing but Izuku broke down crying. Emotion returning after the locker room. Compounded with he just did adding onto the stress of yesterday's revelation too. Izuku was having the start of a panic attack. Hitoshi did his best to guide him through it. It took longer than usual but his breathing returned to normal eventually.

Once he calmed down he pointed to the bag he brought with him. "Take it away an call dad. I need help." Hitoshi was confused but did as he was asked dialing their father's number as he looked through the bag for what Izuku could be talking about. Their father answered just as he found what Izuku was talking about. Without thinking he swore "Jesus Izu..."

"Excuse me?" the shocked voice of their father answered back. "Oh shi- i uhm. Dad can you come to my room? Izuku needs help." Hitoshi heard a worried sigh and the line went dead.

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