Chapter 56

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Recovery Girl was brandishing her cane swinging it wildly about nearly hitting someone each time "School hasn't even started yet and you've brought me two patients already Aizawa!" The berating Aizawa received from recovery girl went on for what seemed eternity.

Izuku made note to never piss her off, her small body hides the severe amount of wrath she can wield. He was more concerned however about his latest victim and how something he thought he buried away made him do that. He knew he would possibly have to bring it up when his sessions with hound dog starts, but never did he imagine it affected him so much. In comparison to the rest of his life?

There should not be any way something that happened once has a bigger impact on him than years of parental neglect and abuse. Years of bullying and societal discrimination. His self harm and suicide attempts. These are the things he thought he would be forced into dealing with. Not a one time event from when he was a little kid. He'd dealt with it already by putting it behind him. One time. . . Is he really that weak? Is a permanent place in his mind so cheap? One act of self gratification by some sicko. That's all it takes to haunt him for the rest of his life? Pathetic.

All these thoughts ran through his head one after the other on a loop or some variation. He sat in the hallway outside the infirmary listening to Recovery Girl berate his father. Every time the thoughts came again he banged the back of his head against the wall. Even if it healed near instantly the pain kept him grounded. If he was honest he hoped maybe he'd knock the part of his brain out where Jared seems to have sunk his fangs in.

Aizawa sat and let Recovery Girl berate him, he knew there's no reasoning with her when she gets concerned like this. Others might see it as her being angry but he knew better. He had to wait for the window where she calms herself down. It came sooner than usual though to others he is sure it would seem like forever. 

Taking his chance he asked her "He's healed then Chiyo-san? What about my son?"

Chiyo glared at him but answered "It was just a broken arm, well I say just. It was broken in three places with quite a few hairline fractures. Broken bones are easy to heal. He'll be doing his chicken impersonation by tomorrow. As for your son. . ." 

She grabbed his file and flipped through it. "You sure you aren't blood relatives?"

Aizawa blinked a few times in his confusion. "Quite sure. Why?"

She hit him on his shin with her cane. "Because he has the same issues as you with sleep. He was just over tired like we thought. Nothing a good sleep schedule cant fix but you know this!" Another hit on the same shin came his way making him flinch in pain.

"C-can I see Hawks?"  Izuku was poking his head through the door pulling on the quirk inhibitor collar he had on. His father looked at him with such sadness that Izuku thought about dying for the first time in a while. Does he hate him now that he hurt someone? Did he ever really like him to begin with? Is he going to get rid of him finally?

Stuck in his head again he almost missed when his father answered him with a question. "Can you tell me why you want to see him kitten?"

His father's use of a nickname confused him. But he didn't want to dwell on it so he answered "W-well it's my fault and I am the one who hurt him so I need to apologize to him" Aizawa was about to ask him why he was still in the hall but saw how terrified Izuku was of Chiyo and struggled to hold in his laugh. He beckoned Izuku inside the infirmary. "Chiyo is scary but she always helps. I'm sorry about the collar again, seems the ring broke during. I'll get you a new one first thing tomorrow morning." 

Izuku didn't know what to say so he just nodded his head in agreement and went the direction Chiyo pointed with her cane. Izuku flinched at it and nearly knocked a tray over but kept walking trying to hide his panic.

Aizawa stopped him by gently grabbing his arm swinging him around so they faced each other. "Hey kitten I see that brain of yours working overtime. I don't know why you would do that but I believe there is a reason for it. I'm not thrilled about you abusing your power like that but I also know you weren't aware of what you were doing. Knowing that brain of yours I bet you think I'm regretting having you in my life."

Izuku was failing to contain his tears and was wiping them away angrily but managed to answer his father by nodding in agreement. His father then did something that confused him even more. He reached around his neck and undid the inhibitor collar then looked him directly in the eyes.

"Listen to me and understand these words till they settle into your very core being. You are my son and I love you unconditionally." He wiped away new tears on Izuku's cheeks and carried on

"There is nothing you or your brother can ever do or say that will change that. Even if we disagree, even if you hate me." He threw the collar away as he spoke.

Smiling widely he told him "I trust you kitten. I would choose you and your brother again and again even if I was given a chance to do it all over." 

He stroked Izuku's hair "You made a mistake today kitten that's all. We learn from those and grow. Now wash your face and go see Hawks Okay?"

Izuku hugged his father like he was going to disappear if he didn't. Between crying and smiling he managed to reply "I love you too Dad"

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