Chapter 170

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Izuku sat straddling and cuddling with Katsuki outside the medical tent, legs wrapped around his waist and head resting in the crook of his neck. The scent of his boyfriend's quirk has always been part of his life and Izuku finds it quite calming these days. Some semblance of an assurance that some things do stay the same, that not everything is as up in the air and at the mercy for the gods of chaos to toy with.

Right now though, Izuku had another more pressing problem. Sitting like this was just a little too relaxing if Izuku was honest, and he was definitely in danger of drifting off to sleep. Thankfully, aside from Sato and Kirishima suffering quirk exhaustion plus Present Mic being slightly traumatized by all the bugs and looking twitchy – nobody had received more than a few scrapes or bruises.

Recovery Girl had made remarkably quick work of them all and Izuku soon found himself reluctantly being ushered to the center of the mock city, his own test about to begin. He groaned in protest when Katsuki made them both stand and sent him off with a kiss.

Izuku honestly still only had a vague idea of what he could possibly do to secure a win and pass his exam. That sort of nap he had leaning into Katsuki's scent made him want to just flunk on purpose and go to sleep properly.

Izuku knew however that his dad would just call him out on that so he had no such option. The next thing he knew all of his teachers stood before him and the buzzer signaling the start of the test had sounded. Immediately afterwards the sound of gunfire filled the air, Snipe had made the first move. Luckily for Izuku he had been using all the times he woke up from the same nightmare he's been having lately to train.

His first replicated quirk that he got from his mother has always been his go to and expanding on it was as easy as breathing to him. So it didn't take a lot of time to develop the method that had just saved him. A personal forcefield, capable of glancing off blows and stopping projectiles.

Much as Robby's Speed has saved him before – it was still simply too unpredictable when it would activate, given that both times before had been passively.

Izuku was glad his training had paid off... If only for the stunned silence across all of his teachers, especially the normally over talkative Snipe himself.

Izuku turned the rounds that would have hit him around and flicked them back at a still stunned Snipe. "Think these might be yours sensei" Izuku teased as Snipe barely dodged away in time.

Cementoss tried the same trick he did with Kirishima and Sato, but unlike them Izuku's current quirk use doesn't have a limit and it's far stronger than sugar rush or Harden. The walls he put up between the staff and Izuku crumbled away with a gesture of his arm.

Izuku tapped his foot sending his own wave of cement towards Cementoss who was far too focused on stopping it to notice Izuku had fallen through a gate and had come up behind him. He would have been able to eliminate him by putting capture cuffs on him if Power Loader didn't interfere by sending mechanized clawed fist his way.

Izuku only had the option to duck or divert the claw directly into Cementoss's head no matter the direction. While he did want to win, it wouldn't be worth inflicting injury on his teachers. Not everyone can heal like him. So he opted to duck, then proceeded to slip back into a gate to where he had started.

Out of the corner of his eye Izuku saw movement in his dad's scarf and thought he might be getting ready to capture him but he still hadn't moved. The memory of the start of the day rang in his head... Nezu.

Izuku, using the debris of the walls Cementoss had put up earlier, threw a few small rocks towards his dad, knowing he would dodge them easily. It worked better than he had hoped, Eraserhead dodged to the right. Nedzu however wasn't holding on to the scarf as tight as he probably should have been, he fell off and right into a waiting gate that sent him directly to Izuku.

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