Chapter 23

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The brothers shared a look filled with concern. "That's ominous but okay Midoriya." Izuku smiled at him. "Oh by the way guys. Is it always this chaotic here? What the heck is going on?" Izuku chuckled remembering the chaos outside. "Oh yeah no it's pretty much always like that. You join the chaos or get swallowed up by it." Viktor joining Izuku with a chuckle.

Izuku looked at Ash and anger lurked in the back of his mind, he hoped it would go unnoticed but he had to ask. Ash was the perfect option because he didn't actually have to ask it out loud. "So uh... nobody here does stuff to us right?" Izuku looked away as soon as he thought the question to Ash. Not wanting him to pry but just answer. 

Ash looked a bit colorless and said very softly. "Not here no" Izuku snapped his head back to look at Ash. He saw tears forming and looked at Viktor instead not wanting to push him. "What does he mean not here? 

Viktor sighed. "You do know i can't read minds like him right?" Izuku looked away and apologized. "Sorry, i panicked. Wasn't thinking." Viktor put a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "It's ok i can guess what you asked by the way he looks now" He threw away the things he was using to clean Izuku's face.

"He means it doesn't happen here, it happened before we came here. If it was worse or not as bad as what you went through i don't know and it shouldn't matter." He looked Izuku in the eyes and continued. "There's no winner in who has so called worse shit to deal with. Nearly everyone here is broken in the eyes of society in some way." He kept cleaning up and speaking to Izuku. "We have all manner of "broken" kids here from villainous quirks, orphans, street kids all the way to those who would turn tricks to survive."

He sighed again "We even get the occasional quirkless kid. They don't last long though..." He said the last part barely hard enough to hear. "It's partly why the Miss lets us do what we want as long as we don't intentionally hurt anyone." She always says she's here to be a port on our journey. Whatever that means. Guess it's the attitude you got to have if you let kids come into your life without knowing if they'll stick around."

Ash jumped down from the counter he was sitting on. "Hey let's go check out where you sleep." He grabbed Izuku again and they sped off leaving Viktor to clean up the rest. "OI! don't leave me here with all this you two!" He yelled after them but they were already gone.

Izuku was amazed at how big the house was, he could see how so many kids could live here. They came to a stop in front of a door with white paint that's been chipped off in places revealing the wood underneath. Izuku saw his bag in a cubby on a wall opposite the room. "Ah ok looks like you're sharing with the twins." Ash gave him a fake somber look. "Sorry dude, better you than me." He teased Izuku. 

Izuku remembered two sets of twins outside though. "Which of them though. I saw two sets?" Ash laughed at him. "No, that's just their quirk. They can make copies of the other one. Hard enough to keep up with who is who but extra copies of them? Good luck dude." 

Izuku's eyes wide "Copies of each other? Not of themselves?" Ash was shocked never considering how their quirk worked. He was too busy trying not to invade people's heads to think about such things. "You know I'm not even sure anymore. Though I would imagine that would drive anyone crazy. Not being sure if you're the real one?" He fake shivered. "No thanks..."

Izuku was fascinated however. "I've heard about twins sharing quirks making each other stronger but never twins who relied on the other to make full use of their quirk. Izuku felt an itch he hadn't in a long time. I wanted to write notes about this and ask far too many questions. His mother beat that out of him. 

He almost felt scared when he recognized the urge but remembered he's not in danger. Which led to him remembering how he came to be here in this house of chaos. He opened the door starting to begin the regular depression cycle memories of his mother brought. Izuku stepped into the room hearing breaking glass and feeling a soccer ball whizz past his ear. 

"OKAY SERIOUSLY ARE THEY OUT TO GET ME OR SOMETHING?!!!!" Izuku yelled as Ash was rolling around on the floor unable to stop laughing. A thunderously loud voice boomed and shook all the walls of the house, dust falling from the ceiling. 


Ash was clutching his stomach in pain from the new fits of laughter that overcame him upon hearing the Miss say they broke Izuku's face.

"Hey... my face isn't broken..." Izuku pouted slightly making Ash beg for him to stop.

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