Chapter 57

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Izuku knocked before entering the locker room where Hawks was changing out of the gown recovery girl had made him wear. He was sure Hawks was ready to fly away and never think about this horrible day. He knew he cant expect everyone to be as kind as his father is. Surely Hawks hates him but even if he was the last person Hawks wanted to see, he had to apologize. Izuku knew expecting to be forgiven is basically a non starter but not apologizing seems worse than just pretending he did nothing.

After the first knock went unanswered he opened the door slightly, knocked again and called out "Hawks-san can I talk to you?" Still no answer but he heard him moving around in there so he figured he can hear him and is just ignoring him. He slid down the wall next to the door that was still open just enough for sound to travel in.

"I can't blame you for hating me. . ." Izuku gave a bitter scoff fidgeting with a button on his shirt he kept talking to the air, hoping Hawks is listening.

"You're the newest member of the 'I hate Izuku' club. Pretty big club that, but hey you get to be president of it because you have an actual reason!" Fake enthusiasm apparent in his voice.

He sat with the silence a bit before continuing. "You don't have to forgive me. . . Heck I don't even expect it but I do need to tell you that I am genuinely sorry."

Izuku felt his eyes burn hot with tears threating to fall "What I did doesn't have an excuse and I know it doesn't make it okay but I thought you were someone else."

Tears won and they fell silently and his breathing got faster. He could feel the signs of panicking setting in so he focused and gave himself some time to catch his breath. He pressed on not wanting things to go unsaid and have Hawks leave. 

"G-grabbing me that tightly in the air set of a switch in my head. I'm not saying it's your fault, I take full responsibility. I-i just. . ." Izuku sighed heavily wiping away tears. "I just wanted you to know I wasn't trying to a-attack you Hawks, but the guy I-i thought you were."

As he sat there crying yet again today he felt something soft against his cheek. It was a red feather. It must be Hawks' feather. Izuku's gaze shot up there stood Hawks in the doorway without the angry expression he thought Hawks would be wearing. Instead he was smiling down at him.

He bent down and sat on his heels. "I don't hate you little feather and I certainly don't want to be president of such an awful club." He tussled Izuku's hair before sighing deeply and hanging his head.

Hawks rubbed the back of his neck "Truth be told I overreacted to seeing you in the sky. I'm a birdbrain after all. I jumped into action before I even knew what was going on. Usually a kid in the sky without wings means jumper. I've missed catching at least two of them by now. It Eats away at your soul being able to do something and then failing at it."

He sighed and then looked Izuku in the eyes. "So stop beating yourself up over a mistake. Learn from it. Though if Aizawa is your father I am quite sure you have heard this already." Izuku just nodded eliciting a laugh from Hawks. 

Hawks clapped his hands together "Right so what were you doing up in the air earlier? What is your quirk that it makes you be able to fly without wings?"

Izuku thought Hawks is just pitying him but let it slide for the chance to talk to him. Beyond All Might he was the hero Izuku wanted to meet. 

"Ah well it's complicated but my quirk lets me replicate other quirks so they adapt to my body. The only one i've replicated is my mother's Telekinesis, but she was never this strong. So I need to learn better control. Before today I would float away without a quirk inhibitor, when I figured out I can fly with it I went a bit overboard and. . . " Izuku coughed from barely taking a breath when he spoke.

"and that's when we met." Hawks finished the sentence and Izuku just nodded in agreement during coughs. 

"You need to breathe when you talk little feather" Hawks teased.

Izuku blushed "Sorry, I grew up quirkless so all of this is pretty new to me. I've always been fascinated by quirks plus I met you. Youngest hero ever to make the top ten... Big fan and then-" 

Hawks finished the sentence again "Then you broke my arm. . ."

Izuku didn't know what to make of it but Hawks laughed after saying it and he felt his ears get hot from blush again. "Sorry again"

Hawks tussled his hair again "Forget it little feather, how about this then? I help train you in control? I have some experience with controlling each and every feather on my wings individually. After that you can put it out of your head that I hate you okay?"

Izuku was confused and tentatively excited. "You would do that for me even after what I did to you? You really are awesome Hawks!"

Hawks laughed at how excited Izuku seemed. "Of course little feather, I'll even wave my KFC fee for helping you"

Izuku gasped. "KFC?! Isn't that like cannibalism?!"

Hawks pushed Izuku's head to the side in a teasing manner and put on an exaggerated sad face and tone "I am not a chicken damn it. . ."

Izuku snort laughed.

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