Chapter 58

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"WHOA! Stop stop stop. . . Way too much pressure there!" Hawks advised making Izuku sigh. He turned to Izuku's brother "Hito-kun, watch your step and go see if Nezu is around would you please?"

Izuku's frustration was apparent on his face. It's been a week of lessons with Hawks on better control of his quirk. There has been marginal improvement to be sure but not enough to say the lessons aren't needed anymore. He's been able to move and lift light weighted objects without incident for the last two days now. Anything heavier or more dense than books or pillows gets crushed without him intending to. Fragile objects also aren't safe around him yet. Present Mic who was observing one day was rendered speechless when his favourite sunglasses shattered.

Hawks had Nezu commission a dense and heavy metal cube as a means to test his limit. There was a small pile of them next to a wall in the training area, each of them supposedly stronger and more dense than the last. To Izuku they all felt the same, heavier maybe but they bent and broke all the same.

Once his brother was out of the cityscape to fetch the chimera Izuku let out a frustrated scream and threw the cube he just compressed into a smaller version of itself. The windows of the building he threw it against shattered and a large crack ran down from where it was now lodged into the wall.

"Urgh why cant I get this?! I'm so fucking useless!"

Hawks landed next to him. "Whoa there little feather, you are far from being useless. Don't tell Yagi but I'm pretty sure you could replace him as number one right now going by strength of quirk alone. You just need control and experience."

Izuku scoffed "Control I'll never get because I'm not allowed to push myself and see how strong I am. Yes I know I fucked up by hurting you, but you said I'm forgiven."

Hawks ruffled Izuku's hair "And you are little feather!"

Izuku sighed and looked up at the winged hero "Tell that to dad. He's so worried I'll loose control again. . . Don't know if you've noticed but he's been watching us everyday."

Hawks looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Second building behind us, eighth floor, third window from the left." is all he said. Hawks turned his attention to the window after searching for it. Sure enough there sat Eraserhead watching over them.

Hawks raised an eyebrow looking at Izuku "How the heck did you know he's there? I was in the sky and I didn't even notice. . ."

Izuku just shrugged. "Guess living with an underground hero gives you instincts."

Hawks laughed "That's amazing little feather"

Just then Hitoshi and Nezu came over, the chimera perched on Hitoshi's shoulder. "Don't tell me he's done it again, the support division is stumped on how to make a tougher cube?!" He didn't sound angry, no he sounded possibly giddy. Izuku found that sometimes Nezu creeped him out with hidden intentions behind those black eyes.

Hawks simply pointed to the now windowless building with a crack through it and nodded. Izuku however had had enough and mustered the courage to go through with something he's been having an internal debate on. "Nezu sir, this isn't going to work. . . Dad is going to wring my neck probably but I need to ask you for something."

Nezu's eyes widened at the prospect of something excitingly new this wonderful boy might bring him. He's already factored him into several of his world domination plans and has had to adjust several of them. It's been the most engaged he's been with a student in a while, even though he's not technically a student yet. "How can i help my boy?"

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck to subside a bit of his nerves, this was going to be a big ask with a really big chance of not getting it. He sighed and started "Okay so, trying test how effective my quirk is via increasingly denser cubes isn't going to work. I uhm. . . I kind of have an idea what will though."

Nezu was nodding along. Hitoshi spoke up "Dad is going to skin you dude. . ."

Izuku shot him a nervous look. "I know but this is taking to long Hito-nii"

"So Hito-kun knows what you want to do little feather?"

Izuku gawked at Hawks in disbelief. "Obviously, he's my big brother."

"Big? aren't you the same age?"

Both boys just gave him a look that clearly said "AND?!" He just raised his hands in defeat. "Sorry. . ."

Nezu cleared his throat "I cant help you if you don't actually ask the question my boy"

Izuku blushed "Right, sorry sir. I'm wondering if I can have your permission to destroy some of the buildings here in the cityscape. I want to try and lift as many as I can."

"A-as many as you can?! You mean you think you can lift one easily?!" Glee apparent in his eyes he nodded eagerly before Izuku could even answer him. 

"Really?! Just like that?"

Nezu rubbed his paws together. "Well we do demolish the cityscape before each semester to rebuild it depending on how damaged it was in the entrance exam or various training exercises during the year. Go ahead my boy"

Izuku was beaming till he noticed out the corner of his eye that his father wasn't in the window from earlier. His blood ran cold when from behind he heard

"Go ahead and do what exactly?"

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