Chapter 20

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Izuku kept reading the note Tobio had left but his brain refused to make sense of it. He would read a sentence and find himself having to start over not understanding what he was reading. The dean was watching him intently but Izuku didn't know why. It's been so long that he's tried to read and retain what he was reading that his hearing had come back. Everything was muffled though like Izuku was listening through a heavy door blocking sounds.

Izuku gave up in frustration leaving the dean unsure of what was happening. Izuku decided since his brain refuses to take in information via reading he would ask the man in front of him. "This doesn't make sense. Nothing I read makes sense or stays in my head. What is this you gave me?"

Satou was taken aback when he heard this. Clearly the boy isn't illiterate as he read the note he wrote him. He knew the mind is a marvel and able to go to extreme lengths to protect itself, but to make someone unable to read something that might traumatize them? It was unheard of to him.

The dean giving Izuku a quizzical eyebrow asked him "I take it you're able to hear now?".

"Sort of, it's like you're talking through a cloth. Also there's this annoying beeping..."

"Ah that'll be the code yellow alarm." Satou reached into his pocket putting the note away and retrieving a radio. "Nancy cut the alarm already we all know about it. Over"

"Will do." Seconds later the beeping was gone.

"Thank you Nancy, any news on when the police will b-" Just then two officers walked in with Seb. "Cancel that, they just got here. Over and out."

Izuku watched everything that was going on in utter confusion. Only recently getting his hearing back the things the dean were telling the police was shocking. Jared had been found out. Izuku and Tobio were not the only ones who went through it. Izuku's thoughts jumped to Tobio he tapped the dean on his arm. "Can i go to my room now? Tobio will be so happy he's going to jail..."

Satou sighed heavily and Seb gave Izuku a sad look. "Midoriya... I tried to let you figure this out with reading the note. You really need to read and understand it. Tobio was the code yellow" 

"Code yellow? Everyone keeps saying code yellow like it's the most obvious thing in the world. What the heck is going on?!"

The dean looked a little disappointed but not shocked. "It's all explained in the rule book you got on the first night. Nobody seems to read it.." He placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder and lowered himself so he and Izuku were eye level with each other.

"We use different codes for certain situations here at the centre. Apart from code orange for fires it is never spoken about directly over the speakers to avoid trauma. Code yellow Izuku refers to someone who has been found dead in a way that looks like a suicide." Izuku's eyes went wide and fresh tears started falling. Satou wasn't sure how to comfort the boy so continued to explain the protocol for a code yellow. "The police come even on a code yellow as someone might use it to try commit murder making it look like suicide." 

Izuku was afraid he already knew the answer as the note his brain turned to mush with was from Tobio. He had to be sure he wasn't drawing wild assumptions though. "Okay but who is the code yellow then?"

The dean hung his head in disappointment with himself. "I tried to make the blow not as hard. He really left you some sweet and caring words. Midoriya-kun It's your roommate Mr. Abe Tobio" He reached into his pocket and got the note from Tobio. "If it's ok with you I can read you the note as you don't seem to be able to?"

The tears had stopped. Izuku was stunned but decided he had to know what Tobio had wanted to tell him. They were starting to become friends but Izuku didn't think they were close enough that he'd be mentioned in Tobio's last words to the world. So he agreed to the proposal from the dean. The police were restraining Jared as the dean started to read the note. When Satou got to the part for Izuku he saw the boy stumble and hold onto a nearby sink waiting to hear the rest.

Izuku was crying fully now. The words Tobio left him rung so true. He knew exactly what he meant. Izuku agreed he wasn't sure if he was ever going to feel better about what happened, but he understood what his friend had tried to convey. Izuku's sadness gave way to his fury. This mirror Izuku thought had the gift to tempt people as yet another broken shard in the sink called to him. Though this time he wasn't going to hurt himself.

"Can i say goodbye to Jared?" The question made the dean choke back on his breath. Jared smiled brightly. "Sure you can buddy. You'll tell them i never hurt you right?" Izuku's eyes glowed even brighter green but looked dead though he smiled an innocent smile. Izuku hurriedly walked over to Jared who was allowed to lower himself to talk to the boy. Izuku got to him and hugged Jared. He put his head on Jared shoulder and his mouth next to Jared's ear. "You don't deserve this Jared..."

Everyone in the room was shocked the dean even started the beginning of a protest at Izuku's statement. "What are you talking about Midor-" Before he could finish there was a glint in the room and the sounds of gurgling as Izuku had stabbed Jared in the throat. "That's for Tobio." He then kicked Jared between his legs. "That's for me and everyone else." He spat on Jared who had fallen on the floor struggling to hold his bleeding neck with his hands in handcuffs.

It was like it happened in slow motion and everyone had a delayed reaction to what had just happened. A police officer was the first to break out of the trance and grabbed Izuku's arm "Young man even if he deserves it you cant kill people"

Izuku looked at him confused. "But he's not dead... he will be if he tries to rip out that shard though." 

"Even so it's against the law to just attack anyone you disagree with. I'm going to have to take you with me too now" The police officer gave Izuku a sad look.

Izuku didn't seem to care anymore. "Whatever you say mister. If I go to jail for trying to rid the world of that monster then maybe I'm not the one that's wrong. Then again the world is full of monsters. I doubt there ever was such a thing as humans"

It was the second time today a child had such a world view. The dean decided to stop this. Maybe he could put a little faith into this boy so he may become someone decent. "Enough of this. This is already a centre for troubled boys. He and every other boy here is under my custody"

"What does that change sir? He still broke the law. "I'm well aware officer however I am married to the ambassador to Korea and while i've never used it, I'm extending my diplomatic immunity to this boy."

Izuku could see the gears in the man's head turn. The police officer smiled more than he probably should have shown. "Very well, I didn't want to take him either way. My hand was forced. We will take this one to the hospital and then jail before anything else can happen"

With that only Izuku and the dean remained. "Let's go to my office for some tea Mr.Midoriya?"

Izuku only nodded and left the bathroom. It seemed like he was in there for days but it's only been a few hours. He waited for the dean to lead the way and they left together.

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