Chapter 81

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Izuku lay with his head on Bakugo's chest his ear perfectly positioned to listen to his steady heart beat. It was something Izuku felt like he could get used to. He was busy daydreaming scenarios of how their lives together would look in the future when his stomach pulled him back to reality.

Even though it was just around lunchtime Izuku's eyes lit up with the shine of an idea that had just struck him. "Kacchan?"

In a relaxed and lazy tone Bakugo hummed a reply "Hmm?"

Izuku shifted his head to look at him directly. "Are you going to make dinner for us?"

Bakugo looked at him wide eyed in partial shock "Hah? Am I the housewife now?"

Izuku couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. He didn't want him thinking that's what he meant though so he explained "No, I just wanted your food again Kacchan" with a cutesy tone.

Bakugo seemed to have other ideas as to what food meant. "Oh? Hungry again already?" Pulling Izuku up towards him and gently biting his neck.

Izuku pretended to be hurt "Hey! No biting! I was talking actual food mister."

Bakugo sighed "Maybe but only if-" the rest of his sentence stopped dead in it's tracks by a knock on Izuku's door.

Both boys panicked splitting apart as if repelled by magnetic forces Izuku looked horrified and whispered in desperation "oh shit if that's dad I'm dead." all while frantically trying to get dressed.

Bakugo was already dressed and was looking around like a cornered animal "what do I do?!" he asked of Izuku

Izuku looked around as he pulled his shirt on but didn't know what to either so as he walked to the door he whisper yelled at him "Hide! NOW!"

The knock came again this time louder. Or it was Izuku's heart beat pounding in his ears that made it seemed louder maybe? He picked up the pace and called out "Coming!"

When he opened the door he expected the worse only to be confused by Uraraka standing in front of him. He started to greet her "Hey-" only to be cut off by her who had looked over his room and saw aftermath of him releasing his frustrations. "oh wow what happened here?" Something he had completely forgotten about, his room is quite the mess now that he joined her in looking it over.

Trying his best to think on his feet at the possible reasons why anyone's room would be in such a state he picked a lie that seemed somewhat possible to him. "oh uhm I'm redoing the layout." He immediately regretted it as it came out of his mouth. Who trashes a room just to shuffle furniture around? He tried to redirect the conversation "What's up Uraraka-san?"

She clearly didn't buy his flimsy excuse but didn't seem to want to press him for answers either "right. . . All Might and Aizawa-Sensei are looking for you."

Izuku rolled his eyes in mild annoyance "Me? Is he seriously going to get me in trouble for leaving his lack of a class early?"

Uraraka didn't object to Izuku's classification of All Might's lesson. Izuku took it as her agreeing with him or at the very least not a fan of his teaching methods. "No it's Bakugo too. He stormed off halfway back to class too."

Izuku was mildly panicking at the thought of someone banging Bakugo's door right now wondering where he is. Wondering if maybe they'll set out to try and find him. He tried his best to suppress his worries and tried to get information out of Uraraka. "Yikes. You going to tell him next or have you already?"

She looked at Izuku horrified that he would even think about something so appalling. "No way Aizawa-kun he is beyond rude. For some reason Kirishima-kun can handle him, well at the very least he's able to talk to him and survive. Probably because of his quirk."

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