Chapter 154

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Izuku wished that for once in his life something could be simple and easy, without some sort of world altering retribution punishing him for daring to relax. The time for that clearly wasn't now. No, he had enjoyed his time with his mentor Hawks far too much apparently. The universe must correct this egregious error somehow.

The method it was using today? Grievous bodily harm in the form of lost and regrown limbs. If in fact if he had a nickel for everytime he's lost an arm today, he'd have two. Which isn't a lot granted but, it's weird that it's happened twice, right?

That number has nearly increased to three via a few close calls since then. It would seem that Shigaraki must have some kind of breeding program for the Nomu given their numbers. En route to stop Iida doing something he'll regret, Izuku and Hawks have had the pleasure of being delayed several times now.

The quality of the creatures was seemingly declining though, while certainly still deadly. To Izuku it felt like they were starting to lose what little intelligence they had. The one who stole his arm twice had no trouble tracking him as he dodged, these ones though... It was as if leaving their field of vision confused them.

"Left!" Hawks called out as he stabbed his Nomu through the brain, even easier to do with these inferior ones.

Izuku crushed it and spotted one heading for Hawks "Thanks! Below!"

"Gods, where are they all coming from?!" He sighed preparing for the one charging up the side of a building.

That was a decent question indeed. If they were there to hunt Stain then why were they seemingly swarming towards him and Hawks. "No idea but I'll definitely be kicking Shigaraki in the nuts if I see him again." Izuku lamented while he had to be satisfied with kicking one of the nomu's instead.

The constant attacks were starting to get on his nerves, mostly because dealing with all of them was eating up time. Instead of quickly moving to where Manual last reported in to check on Iida, they've been stuck fighting seemingly a small country's worth of Nomu.

"Hawks! Can you call in and see if this area is evacuated?!" Izuku yelled, throwing two nomu against each other.

Hawks ducked the thrown debris intended for his head and answered "Uh sure, why?"

Izuku caught two more jumping at him midair and lazily pointed at them "I'm sick of being on the receiving end of this."

Hawks nodded and flew straight up. Luckily the winged nomu seemed to be rarer and compared to the horde of ground ones they've only encountered about fifteen.

Five minutes later and a heap of snarling nomu's held at bay with his quirk Hawks returned.

"Well I've got news."

"Good or bad?" Izuku asked, hoping the face his mentor was making had more to do with being tired.

"Depends on how you look at it." He said grimacing at one of the trapped nomu snapping its teeth and breaking them.

"Bad then... typical." Izuku sighed trying not to lose focus and let go of the creatures he's containing.

"Let's have it then what's the holdup with the evacuation?"

"Oh, no, everyone has already been evacuated."

Izuku frowned in confusion "What?! Why is that bad news then?"

"It's not, I told you, it depends on how you view it..."

The face he was making now though told Izuku that the real bad news was yet to come. With a sigh and with more than a hint of being uncomfortable Hawks continued. "The Commission has ordered a retreat we didn't hear about, that's why all of these things are focused on us. We're all that's left in the city, well, aside from Stain probably..."

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