Chapter 49

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Much as Izuku would have loved to stay with his brother the whole exam they were separated almost immediately by the deluge of students. They had rushed in seeking to earn their 100 points before the mechs were all gone.

Izuku realized he cant hang around to try and find Hitoshi. He had to score his own points too. He started running through the streets. He turned off his ring and was much faster, definitely faster than a person without a speed quirk should be. Izuku couldn't help but smile his training had paid off. His time with Mr.Takada and focusing on using his quirk to boost him with each step. 

Most of the students he ran past were engaged with what looked like the Tier 0 mechs. Mic had told them they were there to waste your time and by the looks of it he was right. They didn't do much damage but were heavily protected and didn't go down easily. A lot of effort for only half a point. . . 

Izuku found it odd how the first tier of mechs were so difficult to take down. Then it struck him. Mic had told them points are needed to pass but they are being monitored constantly. From the tier 0 mechs he's seen defeated had been from people working together.

So as he went he looked for someone struggling with a tier 0 on their own, which didn't take long. He came upon a boy with a tail who was going toe to toe with the mech, they were about evenly matched and in a stalemate. Neither willing to give and be defeated. Izuku came racing in beside him. 

"Want a hand?" he asked the tailed boy.

He huffed from straining and simply nodded. Izuku didn't waste time made a griping motion and the mech was crushed like it was a soda can. Izuku clicked his tongue in displeasure "TCH! For fucks sake, still too hard?!"

The boy with the tail sighed in relief. "These are tier 0?! How come half a point is so hard to earn?!"

Izuku still slightly annoyed with his quirk turned to the boy he helped. "Think it's to do with team work, everyone i've run past only beat these things when working together. I'm Aizawa Izuku by the way." Izuku smiled wider than ever before. It was the first time he's used his new name.

After he calmed his breathing the other boy spoke "Makes sense they did say we are being watched. I'm Mashirao Ojiro - wait did you say Aizawa? Like that scary sensei? Oh you're that kid who hugged him?! He's your relative?!!" 

Izuku laughed "Yep. He's our dad. Knowing him though the reason they called tier 0 time wasters is because we are on a clock too. Point zero probably triggers at some point to make everyone run and thus ending the exam"

Mashirao nodded in agreement. "well thanks for the help I still need points." With that he used his tail to launch himself forward and away"

Izuku thought that was a bit rude but wouldn't hold it against him, they are in the middle of an exam after all. With that he too took off running again. As he went past streets he crushed about 5 more tier 0 mechs who weren't engaged as most of the students hadn't figured out they need to work together yet. Izuku was growing frustrated however much as he enjoyed being strong with his quirk he didn't intend for it to be so strong. He was still not able to control it like he wanted. 

Izuku found himself deeper into the cityscape than most of the students when he came across a tier 3 mech surrounded by about ten tier 2 mechs. The tier 3 was almost humanoid shaped and seemed to have more intelligence than the bestial lower ranks. 

He made to go down the street and see if he could face the tier 3 and be done point wise and try and use the rest of the mechs he comes across to fine tune his quirk control. Before he took another step the Tier 3 let out an alarm sound and quite a few Tier 1 mechs came to surround Izuku.

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