Chapter 17

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Izuku was standing in the bathroom looking at the toothpaste. He felt his stomach turn. The smell of mint had brought a new round of remembering. It was all he did the entire night through. He was exhausted not having slept much. It was just one day he thought to himself. It won't matter after today. He can just skip brushing them today. It's not that big of a deal. Maybe bad breath will keep him away too?

Izuku left the bathroom without brushing his teeth or changing his clothes. He didn't want to see himself in all those mirrors more than he had to. He hoped nobody would notice he was still wearing yesterday's clothes.

He walked past the dining hall and went back to his room. Food was far from his mind even if he did eat in the morning. He never understood how someone could wake up and then first thing they do is eat. Then again he was barely fed at home so the concept of set times for food was foreign to him. Izuku made it to the room without anyone even noticing him. He hoped his luck would hold till his social worker would come to get him.

The hours seemed to drag on and no word from his social worker. Izuku decided to wait till lunch and then go ask hoping all the while to avoid Jared. Lunchtime came and Izuku's stomach having gotten used to being fed groaned. "Traitor..." he insulted his own stomach making his way to the dining hall.

Izuku made it to the last bite of his food before he saw Jared enter the room. He felt a chill run down his spine while sweat started to form. Jared noticed Izuku and was walking over. Izuku felt his stomach turn but knew he couldn't react. He felt his body betray him for a second time today and he smiled when Jared got closer.

"How's my favourite troublemaker doing today?" Jared chuckled.

Izuku hated how weak and helpless he felt. He was supposed to be the stronger version of himself. He told himself he'd take it from here. "What a joke! I'm no stronger than he was. I'm worse even" he thought to himself.

Izuku must've taken too long to speak because a hand on his head ruffling his hair brought him back with a jolt but he managed to convert it into a cough. Composing himself he playfully swatted away the hand messing up his hair. Izuku would prefer to avoid Jared but he had no choice at the moment plus maybe he knows something about his social worker. Izuku gathered courage and tried to pretend that nothing was wrong. "I'm fine you musclehead. Was just wondering if you've heard from my case worker today? She was supposed to be here already."

"Oh yeah bud! That's why I was in here! Thanks for reminding me. She's here and would like to speak to you. Off you go." Jared made a snapping motion.

"Ah ok... T-Thanks. Bye" Izuku ran to the reception without waiting to hear what else Jared had to say. Too grateful to be leaving. He tried to catch his breath when he reached the door leading to reception. He entered and saw his social worker waiting seemingly in deep thought. Izuku coughed to catch her attention.

"Ah there you are dear. Listen I have some news. But first how close are you with Miss Amaya?" Izuku wasn't sure where this was going but he knew the look his social worker was making. Something had happened and she wasn't sure how he would react.

"Like I said yesterday, just from around. She helped me some and fed me sometimes. I like her she's nice to me." This earned a sad look from the social worker. "I see. Well I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but Miss Amaya died in her sleep last night. I'm sorry for your loss, she sounds like a real kind person"

"She was..." Izuku hang his head. One of the few people if not the only one in his life who didn't treat him badly just because of his quirk status. Gone. But wait... what does that mean for him?! Before he could ask the obvious the social worker spoke up. "I assume you'll want to know where you'll go now that she's gone?"

"Yes please... I-i cant stay here." Izuku looked desperate. Something the social worker noticed. "Did something happen dear? You seem almost afraid..." 

"W-what? No... i just want to get out of here please"

She could tell he was hiding something but he didn't appear hurt so she decided to not push the matter. "Well i do have another option but that will only be available by tomorrow. It's a group home. You'll be living with other kids much like here but none of them are criminals. They just have nowhere else to go like you. Would that be ok?"

That would mean he has to spend another night here. Eat dinner here. Shower here. Sleep here... Several opportunities to run into Jared. Or worse a chance for a repeat of yesterday... Desperate to not face another encounter Izuku decided to prod further "Tomorrow only? Why not today?"

She was sure something was going on here now but wasn't sure how to do anything about it. She couldn't risk getting another warning for getting too involved with her wards. She focused on Izuku's question instead. "They need to get your room ready. It's the last day here dearie. Try to hold on. I know it's scary with criminals around you but you'll be fine tomorrow. ok?"

Izuku didn't know how to convince her that he needed to leave today. He also didn't want to force himself onto people who he was going to live with. He had no idea how they would treat him. If they were nice or just pretend nice? Will they hurt him or just try to with words? 

Thanks to Jared Izuku now had a new concern to add to his list of normal worries... What if someone there does it to him too? Izuku felt numb and barely heard himself agree and say goodbye to the social worker. He walked in a daze back to his room. Maybe if he stayed there he'd be safe until tomorrow.

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