Chapter 77

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Aizawa-sensei had just gotten off the phone with Nezu about upping security since Mineta's information turned out to hold some merit. There had indeed been a suspicious individual lurking around the school and streets surrounding the U.A campus. His biggest concern was whether this was connected to the supposed group of villains Hannah was involved with. 

She's been tightlipped since she was arrested aside from the occasional snide remark claiming her daddy is more powerful than even All Might. How everyone involved in her detainment will be killed when she gets rescued. 

Deep in thought a sharp rapping on the windows of his classroom brought him back to reality rather abruptly. When he looked for the source it turned out to be none other than the source of his other worries in life. His son carrying Bakugo.

Opening the window so they could climb in he looked them over wondering if there was an emergency. "What in the name of All Might is the big idea with using the window to get in here?"

Izuku looked at him confused dusting off his clothes and adjusting how the fit. "How else am i supposed to get here then?"

His father looked stunned. "Dad?"

He sighed heavily pinching the bridge of his nose. "The door Izuku..."

Izuku looked horrified. "You want me to walk here?!"

His father sat down rolling his eyes at the antics of his son. "Yes I want you to walk here. . . Now sit down and wait for the rest of the class to get here"  

Izuku sat down in his seat behind Bakugo who surprisingly hadn't said a word since they left his room. Izuku tapped him on his shoulder "You okay Kacchan?" He only got a meek "Yeah" With a lackluster nodding. Izuku wanted to pry further but just then the class door flew open, Kirishima the first to enter. 

The redhead froze in his tracks when Aizawa-sensei asked loudly enough that the small chattering of the students behind him died down. "What took you all so long?"

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck trying to hide how nervous he was "Ah sorry sensei we waited for aiza-" Cutting himself off when he spotted Izuku and Bakugo already in their seats.

Izuku teased him sticking out his tongue asking "for me?"

Forgetting that Aizawa-sensei had asked a question he pointed a finger at Izuku. "That's cheating you can fly!"

Izuku gave him a boastful grin "I'm just built different. Isn't that right Kacchan?" Looking for him to join in on the interaction. His response and attitude left him confused.

"Whatever Deku" he mumbled 

Izuku was immediately furious and hurt. Why was Bakugo using that hurtful nickname again? Things were just fine between them in his room. In fact they were great. Twice. So why now? Izuku did his best to remain calm and asked him 


He just received more of Bakugo's cold shoulder and attitude "Nothing just leave it."

Izuku clutched his fist remembering the mental exercises Hound Dog taught him to control his anger. He squeezed his fist harder doing his best. The window next to him cracked.

Blissfully unaware how close his son is to an anger episode Aizawa-sensei carried on once the last student had taken their seat. "everyone here finally?" He asked the crowd to settle them down again. The all went quiet to pay attention.

"Good, now today will be your first class with All Might. It's also the first time you'll be wearing your hero suits you sent in designs for last week. Now remember there might be adjustments made since your design. If it's critical and you feel you must change it further the support department is open all day today. Now off you go to the gym to change, All Might is waiting in staging city A." 

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