Chapter 89

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The time had come for the class trip to come to an end, the sun had long since set and they were pushing their luck with the bus driver who had only stayed this late thanks to Momo bribing him. Unable to convince him further a second time the class got on the bus reluctantly, putting an end to the outing.

Kirishima opted to sit with Mina and Kaminari on the return trip. Izuku felt slightly bad he still felt the need to distance himself from him and Bakugo to avoid a flood of bad memories. He thought they had made some progress earlier when they all went on the rides together.

 Kirishima probably just did his best to shove down his feelings to enjoy the moment to some extent. A tactic Izuku had used before quite extensively, he just wish Kirishima didn't feel the need to do that with them.

Bakugo seemed to have had reached his limit with social situations and chose to dive into his phone on the ride back. He only gave enough of a response when asked something so as not to be rude to Izuku. This was more than enough for him though. Izuku had spent most of his life in solitude so the quiet co existence of just sitting next to his lover was more than he could have wished for just a few years ago.

As Izuku stared at the scenery blurring past while the class drove back to U.A he felt the letter Shigaraki had 'gifted' him. He had almost forgotten all about the disturbing encounter. If it wasn't for the letter physically reminding him it actually happened, he could've attributed the whole episode to a fever dream from the extra spicy food. He certainly wished that was the case though.

Something still told him to open it alone. Apart from Bakugo and Hitoshi nobody knows much about Izuku's past. If this letter somehow contained information pertaining to his life before U.A it's not something he wants the class to know about.

Mineta for all his progress is unable to hold any information a secret for long if he deems it juicy gossip. The girls prefer the gossip hound instead of the over sexualized perverted version of him to be sure. Izuku however wasn't willing to risk him getting anything about himself though.

Before they knew it they were back at campus and all of them made their way to the dorms. The girls immediately set about getting to the showers. Bakugo started making dinner even if most of the class gorged themselves on junk food his endless stomach growled the entire ride back.

Izuku left him to recharge as he got into making the food, he decided the girls were onto something and went to his room to gather his shower bag. When he took off his sweater the letter from Shigaraki fell out. 

He picked it up and closed his door. If he didn't find out what this was all about now he wont be able to relax for the rest of the evening. Izuku did his best to not tear the parchment trying to break the wax seal, He failed miserably however tearing it just above the entire seal. He sighed in defeat.  

Inside the envelope was a single sheet of paper and as Izuku pulled it out a key fell out. He picked up the key and put it on his desk then proceeded to sit on his bed unfolding the paper. As he read he thought that this Shigaraki guy definitely made a mistake. . .


There will come a time when you are presented with an opportunity to learn more about yourself and where you really come from. I hope you take advantage of it and come to meet me...

P.S. Keep the key on you, the chance to use or not use it will be sooner than you think.

Your Father

Any hope he had of relaxing for the rest of the evening went out the window when he had finished reading. Your Father? It cant be. He saw him dead in his study. . . The thought crossed his mind briefly that this might be his current father but Eraserhead wouldn't use Shigaraki or even know someone like that. 

Who did this come from?! Is this some sick joke? Given how creepy Shigaraki was he wouldn't put it past him but why? What did he do to him? Tonight was the first time he's ever seen him. Right?

Izuku felt the anxiety rise in him as more questions came rushing to him, none of them having any kind of suitable answer. Note still in hand he made his way out of his room picking up the key as he went. He needed his Father. His real one, not this creep in a note.

Izuku slammed his door as he rushed out earning a few curious looks from those nearest to him. Kirishima happened to be one of them and somehow had a guilty look as Izuku passed him. It was something to worry about later Izuku thought to himself, priority one at the moment was his father.

Before he knew it Izuku had reached the faculty building and buzzed the intercom for his father's unit. The speaker crackled to life. Bzzzzrt "Yes. . ." his father's voice came through with his usual overtired tone. 

Realistically he knows his father will always help him but given his state of mind at the moment he couldn't help being worried about the last time they interacted. A mild argument about getting his phone returned to him.

His voice breaking slightly from suppressing panic induced tears he answered. "It's me dad, can we talk please?"

Izuku heard the buzzer for the door unlock go off and he rushed in making his way directly to his father's unit. He was remarkably quick for having to climb three flights of stairs and before he could knock the door was opening.

Before Aizawa could even properly open the door Izuku had lunged and attached himself in what can only be described as a death grip hug. He could do little other then allow the hug and adjust limbs so he could breathe. He picked up his son best he could and closed the door and made his way to the couch.

He tried to pry Izuku off of him but he simply held tighter, the longer this went on he started to worry that something had happened on the outing with the class. He gave up trying to remove Izuku and just sat with him on his lap. He was grateful for the fact Izuku's age slowed down when his quirk activated. It would've been impossible to sit like this if his body was the size of the rest of his sixteen year old's. Apart from Mineta. . .

He rubbed circles into Izuku's back and he seemed to relax some. The grip lessened however with him relaxing came the tears. He did his best to soothe his son so he could attempt to understand what had happened for him to be in this state.

"Okay that's it, just slow your breathing and let it out kitten. I'm here."

After about a full fifteen minutes Izuku had calmed down however it was a tad too much and he had fallen asleep. Aizawa finally loosened his son from the death grip and rolled him onto the empty space on the couch. He noticed a note Izuku was holding.

Wondering if this was the reason for the breakdown he took it and read it. It confused him just as much as it had Izuku earlier. To his knowledge Izuku's Biological father committed suicide early in Izuku's life. His questions for Izuku had to wait until the morning however, there was no way he would even think of waking him up now.

He put the note away and picked Izuku back up and carried him to the spare room where his other son was already sleeping. Hitoshi had arrived about an hour before Izuku and had his own type of breakdown over encountering his biological cousin at the carnival.

As Aizawa finished tucking in both of his boys he silently closed the door and felt the exhaustion well and truly set in. Much like he does in class he conjured a sleeping bag seemingly out of nowhere and got in not having the motivation to make it to his room. He decided to sleep right there incase one of the boys needs him again.

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