Chapter 185

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Watching everyone else train wasn't nearly as boring as Izuku had thought it would be at first. He already came up with a few ideas of his own for various ways to incorporate some of what they were doing into moves for himself after a few minutes.

Izuku really wished Kota hadn't worn himself out with worry and was missing something the kid clearly enjoyed. He also partly wished he was here because of selfish reasons. Sitting alone in Kota's spot without the kid himself there felt lonely to a degree.

Though he was learning something by watching everyone, Izuku was all too glad when they broke for lunch. His tolerance for being alone has seemingly vanished somewhere along the way of living with his dad and then everyone in the dorm.

Lunch itself was a very fun time. He learned about a night time activity they had all done to keep their mind off of things. Judging by the stories Izuku was glad he had skipped it though. This night of courage would no doubt have ended up with him screaming bloody murder and possibly injuring a poor Class B student. He really can't take jump scares, much to the amusement of his boyfriend whenever he makes them watch horror movies.

Izuku had to reluctantly tell them about this fact when they first started talking about it to smooth over their hesitancy telling him about it. Everyone seemed skittish to go into any kind of detail. They were quite reluctant to tell him about it, apparently like they felt guilty for enjoying themselves when he was asleep.

His mild embarrassment at exposing such a character flaw was short lived when they relayed how Monoma actually did scream like a little girl being murdered during Class A's bout of scaring. Izuku might have mostly accepted that the confrontational blonde's involvement with his brother wasn't intentionally malicious, but he couldn't help but feel a small bit of sadistic satisfaction at his expense.

After lunch everyone made their way back to the training area ready to further improve. Izuku however opted to take over the role of watching Kota so that all of the Wild, Wild Pussycats could help with the training again. It's the least he could do for the little guy as he apparently not only refused to sleep while Izuku was recovering, but also refused to leave his side unless Katsuki took him to go eat.

Entering the room Kota was sleeping in, he quietly cleared his throat to get the attention of Pixie Bob. She was currently watching the kid and it's also one of the reasons he volunteered for this. He needs to talk to her plus those training their quirks could really use her help again.

She looked up at the sound and when she saw Izuku a bit of color drained from her face. Still mostly in the doorway, he waved her over to him. At first he had wanted to do this tomorrow when everyone had gotten used to him not actually being on death's door. Pixie Bob's face however told him that it couldn't wait. She was definitely blaming herself for what had happened to him.

Taking a step or two back to make room for her she joined him, closing the door behind her just enough so the noise they made wouldn't bother Kota. Glancing his eyes to the sleeping form of Kota still visible to them Izuku smiled. He wondered if he was ever that cute at his age... Then promptly abandoned that thought as he felt the whisper of his mother's voice teasing him that it wouldn't have mattered anyways, he was still a worthless waste of space to her.

Pixie Bob must have seen the expression on his face and mistaken it for an emotion he was having towards her presence. She immediately started apologizing to him. "I'm so sorry Aizawa-kun, if I had known something like that could've happened to you I wouldn't have pushed you so hard."

Izuku shook his head, both to disagree with that statement and to rid himself of the specter of his mother. "It's not your fault Pixie Bob, I got distracted with watching others and got careless with my quirk."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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