Chapter 130

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By the time Izuku had finished changing out of the paper clothes he had on and into normal clothes his dad had arrived. No doubt being informed he was awake again by either Hitoshi or Recovery Girl. The conversation was part awkward and part comforting. Awkward because it's quite strange to receive a lecture about proper quirk usage and managing his anger quite some time after the event warranting it had occurred. Comforting because his dad had finished it by just holding him in a bone crushing hug, and an almost identical plea of "stop doing stupid shit" that Hitoshi had asked for.

On the walk back to the dorms Kacchan told him about how apart from the time he was allowed to sit and wait for him to wake up, that living as a ward of UA had been quite the adjustment. Whether it was a normal thing for wards to receive this level of attention from Nezu is unknown to both of them.

Kacchan is the after all the first one in multiple years. He still found it somewhat odd to have the chimera actually care about how his day went. To have him want to spend time with him. Izuku pulled him closer and poked his cheek when he had told him that and said "Welcome to an adult actually caring about you. It's super fucking weird at first i know but it's worth it."

Kacchan was about to defend his sudden red face and gurgling noises of protest when a loud gasp from Hitoshi made all three of them stop in their tracks. Izuku was about to ask what was wrong but Hitoshi lifted his finger and pointed to the area next to the first floor landing. There, somewhat hidden but not really by much, stood Uraraka on the tips of her toes straining her neck and kissing a boy. It took them an embarrassing amount of time to realize that it was Iida that was holding the back of her neck and the small of her back as he leaned into the kiss too. Though they couldn't be blamed, he looked so completely different from how he usually does. Calm, face flush with emotion and looking actually happy. Everyone is used to him being strict, robotic and looking either constipated or angry.

The gasp didn't register with either of them so they didn't stop but Kacchan was still Kacchan and an opportunity to tease classmates had just presented itself. True he's grown since middle school and no longer has Izumi's forced quirk intervening with him but he's always been a bit of a shit stirrer. He placed his fingers in his mouth and let out a loud wolf whistle making the two of them jump apart with steaming red faces. Izuku poked his side for doing that and pulled him away as they continued walking to their dorm. Izuku looked back over his shoulder smirking at the pair of lovesick puppies shouting "Get your man!" at Uraraka who just got redder and hid her face in Iida's chest whose glasses were still white with steam.

There must have been something added to the water while he was asleep because when they entered the dorm common area, it looked like the days of Izuku and Kacchan being the only official couple were over. Momo and Jirou were cuddling on the couch, clearly more than just friends. Ojiro was holding Hagakure closer to him with his tail on the other couch.

These were the couples Izuku kind of knew would happen eventually but a pair that left his mouth open in shock was when he saw Mineta sitting leaning back against Sero. Not because anyone liked Mineta but more so that he's grown so comfortable in himself that he feels comfortable enough to not hide anymore. A small amount of pride swelled in Izuku's chest.

Izuku leaned into Hitoshi's space silently asking him "when did all of this happen?"

Hitoshi gave an awkward giggle reminding Izuku about his brother's recent breakup. "I know right?!" He said trying to stay positive.

Izuku felt shitty for bringing it up. He poked Hitoshi in his side and avoided a swing in his direction saying "I'm in the mood for a tub of Ice cream. Let's get some" Hitoshi just smiled and led them to the kitchen. There they found Kirishima sans nurse.

"Hey Kiri! Where's Yuki-san?" Izuku asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He smiled up at him. "Deku-bro, you're back! She left yesterday, i just have to keep up my appointments now. I'm so glad you're okay. When Bakubro told us you're in the infirmary again I was worried."

Izuku gaped at him "What do you mean again? I'm not there that often!" he defended

All three of the other boys in the kitchen snorted and Kacchan said "Izu, if you had a punch card there you'd have earned a free meal already!"

Izuku rolled his eyes. "No spicy ice cream for you then..." he teased him

"Oh is that so?" He asked as he stalked closer with a sly grin on his face.

"EEK!" Is all Izuku managed to say as he went running back into the common room trying to get away from Kacchan tickling him.

Kirishima just shook his head and laughed as he sat back down getting back to what he was doing. Hitoshi went to the freezer grabbing the tubs of ice cream. As he was rifling through a drawer for three spoons Kirishima spoke up. "Hey Aiza-bro, do you think Kami would like flowers?"

A spoon fell and clattered among the other utensils. "W-why do you ask?" he managed to stammer out, not turning around and looking at him.

Kirishima gave an awkward laugh "well i was wondering if it's okay to give a boy flowers on a date, but then i realized with Yuki's help that it should matter more whether the person i give flowers to would like them. I've never dated another guy" he laughed strangely and a hint of sadness mixed in there.

His voice broke a little as he carried on "I'm so used to hating the idea and myself because of it that I've never thought I'd actually be going out on a date with another boy, you know."

Hitoshi slowly turned around to face him to see if this was some sort of joke, but instead of finding a sneer on the redhead's face he found a few tears staining his cheeks. He opened his mouth to say something but Kirishima interrupted him. "So when I heard that someone broke up with Kiri I thought I'd suck up my cowardly guts for once and shoot my shot you know? I was so happy when he agreed to a date!"

There was the answer to a question he hadn't even had a chance to ask yet. Kirishima didn't know that he and Kaminari used to be a couple. Was it willful ignorance or self hatred that made him miss it. Hitoshi reckoned it must have been self hatred, he knew there was quite a lot he missed when he hated himself that intensely. Something that he's starting to feel again the more the days progress and slide past him.

He ignored the sting behind his eyes and smiled at Kirishima. He wanted to tell him that the person who had left Kami was him. To beg him to give them time to work things out. For him to 'fix' himself? How long would that take? No, Kami deserved someone who could love him fully. Someone decent, like Kirishima. So instead of saying what he wanted all he said was "Lavender and yellow daisies"

"Sorry?" Kirishima asked

"Flowers are fine, Kiri. Get him Lavender and Yellow Daisies. It's his favorite" he said before leaving but still heard the "Oh thanks Aiza-bro!" Kirishima sent his way. His eyes hurt and his skin itched. He came across Izuku and Bakugo play-wrestling on the rug under the Tv, he put their buckets on the coffee table and plopped on the couch next to Momo and Jirou and dug into the ice cream.

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