Chapter 80

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Bakugo was struggling carrying Iida on his back grunting every few steps. Uraraka looked very concerned. She stepped closer into Bakugo's view and offered to help "We can help you Bakugo"

"shut it mouse face, think I cant do something easy like this? Hah?!" He snapped back at her with disgust on his face.

Shocked at the aggression she stuttered "I-i never"

"move then!" he said shoving her aside with his shoulder

Gasping at how he was handling Uraraka Izuku spoke up "Kacchan!"

He just clicked his tongue in response "Tch!"

Izuku shook his head in disbelief at Bakugo's attitude before checking on Uraraka "I'm sorry Uraraka-san I have no idea what his problem is"

This earned a puff of air out of Bakugo's nose "pfft"

Izuku was getting more annoyed by Bakugo's antics by the minute. "Either tell me what your problem is or stop puffing over there"

Another puff of air is all he got in return "pfft"

Izuku threw his hands in the air. "Urgh! Such a child."

Bakugo growled in displeasure "Grr."

Izuku just rolled his eyes "Yeah Grrr to you to. I can make noises too mister."

The more they argued without actually arguing the faster they walked and almost went past the infirmary. Luckily Uraraka alerted them, though she kind of wished she didn't


Both Izuku and Bakugo shouted at her in unison "WHAT?!"

She looked them dead in the eyes "we're here."

Izuku blushed slightly for yelling at her too. "so we are, sorry for yelling at you Uraraka-san"

She sighed "Let's just get Iida inside."

As they did Izuku wondered aloud "Why All Might didn't ask Recovery Girl to be on site is beyond me anyways. . ."

She greeted them as they entered without even looking at them. Mildly creepy Izuku thought but maybe it's just the years she spent as a pro hero. "Oh morning dearies what seems to be the pro-" She cut herself off as she faced them and saw Iida. "Oh my, place him on the bed over there. What happened?!"

Izuku was confused. How didn't she know?

Trying to be polite thinking maybe he had misheard her he asked "I'm sorry?"

She looked at Izuku like he was slow "I asked what happened to him..."

Twinge of annoyance he tried his best not to let his sarcasm be obvious. "Uhm Miss Recovery girl? All Might's class... The indoor battle trail?"

Izuku thought she was liable to start confining him to a bed as if he was insane judging from her expression alone. "All Might's what? Why wasn't I informed about this?"

Izuku was growing increasingly annoyed at the so called pro's. Aside from his father and Hawks he's met very little who aren't in it just for the fame and financial gain. He mumbled his disdain by accident "incompetency most likely..."

He was sure she had heard him given her expression but he wasn't going to admit it openly so she had to pretend at not hearing him clearly "I'm sorry dear? Speak up."

Uraraka who had watched the exchange nervously took over. "Ah, maybe All Might forgot Miss, he did seem a bit distracted."

Izuku clicked his tongue "Tch"

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