Chapter 140

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With the help of Shouto, the blinding rage had left, leaving only a bubbling annoyance with Endeavor. This was no doubt a good thing, even if the anger was justified. What Izuku could do when he wasn't in full control is quite the scary concept. He knew this all too well. It was the whole reason he's taken his therapy so seriously.

Endeavor, on the other hand, didn't perceive anyone or anything outside of his own over inflated ego. So with a legendary scowl and a raging inferno covering him, he had stomped into the same tunnel Shouto had taken Izuku to calm down. His flames licked the walls, and the ceiling which left blackened soot marks on everything it reached. His gaze narrowed in on Izuku.


His words echoed in the tunnel and against Izuku's head. Masterpiece? Not son? Just something he thinks he owns? Shouto is just property to this man. . . His comments about Izuku didn't even register to him. Izuku was too stuck on how he thought of his own son. Yet another parent that doesn't deserve the title... Is his dad the only decent one in all of Japan?!

Endeavor had come to a stand directly in front of Izuku, looking down on him, trying to be imposing no doubt. Izuku felt his rage boil, but he had it under control due to in no small part the fact that Shouto was right next to him. Well, next to and behind slightly. Fear unintentionally emanating off of him.

Izuku looked up at the man. The heat coming off of him felt so vastly different from Shouto's and, by extension, his own. Izuku was sure it would no doubt burn and hurt were it to touch him, but it looked so lifeless. Devoid of life, almost cold. Pathetic. Izuku almost felt sorry for him.


Instead, he stared the man down, conveying how he felt about his presence and entire existence without a single word spoken. He dared him to do something, anything that would justify retaliation.

Movement out the corner of his eye anyone else would have missed told him Endeavor had taken the bait. Izuku heard the slap before he felt it. As he was feeling the bones in his face realign to their proper places and be healed, Izuku knew he did the right thing by asking his dad to get Shouto away from Endeavor. He's also quite sure that were it not for his healing his face would have been permanently disfigured and would have required multiple surgeries.

Shouto had audibly gasped as he took a step back, clearly afraid he would be next. Izuku felt how the swelling on his face was going down as he calmly turned his head back to look at Endeavor again. Seeing that he had made no lasting impact on Izuku seemingly only fueled his anger.


Izuku only stared at him as his voice reverberated off of the walls, but his eyes never left Izuku. No doubt waiting for him to actually say anything, but Izuku held firm. Endeavor pulled his arm readying to him again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Kero."

Izuku naturally had heard when Asui was coming down the tunnel to her match much earlier. It's why he let Endeavor hit him. He knew if he gave him enough rope, he'd hang himself as the expression goes.

Shouto looked behind him, bewildered at her sudden arrival. Endeavor didn't look impressed at all. His face contorted like he had smelled something sour. "This doesn't involve you, mutant." His tone was laced with utter disgust.

Just when Izuku thought his opinion of Endeavor couldn't get any lower, he goes and reveals just how bigoted and stupid he is, too. Izuku is used to the regular quirkists who would abuse and demean him for growing up quirkless.

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