Chapter 134

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The contestants for the next event had chosen to not take part in the break-time event. Opting instead to take a breather and relax by heading to either the waiting rooms or taking the chance to go buy some food at the stalls. The sports festival really was the largest sporting event in Japan at the time. Some would even argue it has replaced the Olympics in level of importance.

Izuku and Bakugo took a seat on one of the provided couches, neither of them able to hide the beaming smiles on their faces. Izuku felt like a proper idiot for not wanting to partake in the festival now. It's been immensely fun, though if he was honest most if not all of it had to do with the fact that he'd done it with his boyfriend.

Izuku snuggled closer and absentmindedly played with Bakugo's surprisingly soft hair, dopey smile on his face. Izuku would've been worried he was bothering his boyfriend who he knows is very protective of his hair if not for the light blush on his neck that reached all the way to his ears.

Izuku snickered deviously as his fingers brushed a bit of Bakugo's neck making the other let out a small noise soundly closely like a small moan. It earned him a conflicted sideways glance. Bakugo's eyes told him how much he wanted to take Izuku right there but knew there wasn't enough time to really enjoy each other. Izuku was all set to continue teasing his boyfriend when the sound of someone clearing their throat made him realize they were in fact not alone.

Kacchan is dangerous, Izuku thought to himself once sounds other than his boyfriends breathing reached his ears again. It's also the first time he had noticed that someone was trying to get his attention. Facing him and Bakugo was none other than Todoroki blocking the view of the TV.

Everyone else had made it back with food and joined the others in watching the shenanigans of the break-time event. Midnight was having the time of her life both encouraging and teasing contestants in the event. Eraserhead and Mic sounding surprisingly into commentating this round of silliness. Well, the surprise was how his dad's commentary wasn't purely sarcastic. Izuku didn't have time to appreciate it much though with Todoroki wanting something.

"Todoroki?" Izuku asked as he wondered what had caused his usually quiet classmate to approach him like this. Then the conversation he had with his dad sprang to mind, he really hoped Todoroki wasn't mad about that. Though the more he thought about it he couldn't see how. Nothing has happened yet as far as he knew. Bakugo is only a ward of UA because his egg and sperm donors signed him away, but his dad said Todoroki's situation was more complicated.

He didn't need to worry all that much, Todoroki spoke up before his overthinking spiral went too deep. "I just wanted to say I've thought about what you said and I realized you were right." he told Izuku with a serious look.

Izuku gave him a kind smile, relieved that his meddling hadn't caused an issue yet. "I'm glad to hear that Todoroki-kun"

"Yes, so I'm going to become a hero for me, not my dad." He expanded with determination settling on his face.

"That's awesome-" Izuku tried to cheer for him but was interrupted by Todoroki.

"So with that said, I'm going to beat you and win the festival." he declared with more weight behind his words than Izuku had ever heard before from Todoroki.

The room got tense with everyone's eyes squarely upon Them and waiting to see how Izuku would react. At first it came as somewhat of a mild shock, seeing Todoroki fired up like this. It was not something he thought the guy capable of. Then a smirk crossed his face as he looked back at that determined look in those different colored eyes.

"Well I look forward to it Todoroki, though I'm not the only strong one in this room. I think you might have insulted a few of our classmates there..." Izuku said as he scanned the room filled with the other competitors.

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