Chapter 109

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They all finished eating and chatting which involved the occasional probe from Izuku regarding Dabi's mysterious nature, all of which he masterfully dodged. After the last one though Hawks decided to pick Izuku up and was heading to the balcony carrying him like a sleeping bag under his arm.

Izuku wriggled loose and gave him a scowl but followed Hawks to the balcony nonetheless. Hawks opened his wings stunning Izuku at how brilliant they looked up close. Sure he's seen them plenty of times, maybe it was just how the morning shone on them but they almost seemed to glow.

He stepped onto the ledge and beckoned for Izuku to follow him. He was about to ask where they were going when he remembered about his Dad. He felt almost guilty for just enjoying himself a bit with Hawks and Dabi, forgetting his worries. The smile he had had faded a bit when reality came crashing back all at once. Kirishima, his dad, his sister, his boyfriend, his former personal hero. Reality sucked.

He sighed and signaled for Hawks to wait and it earned him a sideways glance as he stepped back down from the ledge. Izuku opened a gate causing Hawks to nearly fall backwards upon seeing it.

Izuku's eyes went a bit wide seeing how startled Hawks was by the gate "Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you... We have to get my brother before we go see dad."

Hawks had started to say something but Izuku had already stepped through the gate and found himself in the common room. The second he stepped out though he felt something he hasn't felt since his mother was alive. A kitchen knife whizzing past him slashing his cheek and nicking a part of his ear.

It had healed as the knife clattered against the floor but he was slightly pissed. More than that he hated how scared he felt for a split second feeling like he was quirkless again and with his mother.

"WHAT THE FUCK, WHO THROWS FUCKING KNIVES SO EARLY IN THE FUCKING MORNING?!" He shouted but slightly regretted it when he saw Uraraka looking extremely guilty unable to look at him directly.

He sighed to himself as the rest of the class came running in to see who was yelling given that no explosions followed so it must not have been Bakugo. Izuku bent to pick up the knife and wiped it on his sleeve as he walked over to Uraraka and handed it to her handle side first. Nobody said anything for the longest time, only pressing the reality into Izuku. They feared him now after what he did to All Might.

He didn't know what came over him but as he looked around the room and nobody really looked directly at him it just slipped out. "I thought it was my mom" he said looking up at Uraraka.

Todoroki of all people spoke first. "What do you mean Deku?" a curious but kind expression on his otherwise expressionless face

"The knife. . . Flying past my face, cutting me. It was her favorite hobby." he started and everyone was looking at him now.

He gave a bitter laugh "See how many points she could get I suppose?"

"5 points for a near miss. 10 for an actual hit. 15 for a cut. 20 if there's blood. . ." he said imitating making marks on a scoreboard. Everyone was clearly shocked to be hearing this about him. He put so much effort into appearing to be the happy helpful friend after all. A lie that must've changed when he beat All Might for killing him.

A fake sad smile he's pulled off a million times didn't quite work but he looked at Uraraka again. "I'm sorry for yelling at you though Uraraka."

She opened her mouth to answer back but right then Hitoshi who must've been somewhere else broke through the crowd. "Izu? What's going on? Where were you this morning?"

Izuku just held out his hand and Hitoshi instinctively grabbed it but the curiosity on his face still evident. Izuku squeezed his hand. "Dad is coming home, let's go"

He opened a gate giving several of his classmates a scare and Hitoshi's grip on his hand grew tighter but he didn't pull away. Izuku couldn't understand why everyone was so scared. His looks nothing like Kurogiri's gates. Did nobody pay attention that day? Izuku and Hitoshi stepped through and was standing next to Hawks.

"Izu I have SO many questions but first" he said letting go of Izuku and started looking around the place before returning to look at him.

"Why are we here?"

"Well he's our ride" Izuku said pointing to Hawks who waved sheepishly at Hitoshi.

"doesn't look like we need a ride." he said gesturing to where the gate the came in had closed before leaning to look at Hawks

"No offense"

Hawks waved him off "none taken. . ." he said but his tone betrayed that he was at least a little disappointed in Hitoshi's lack of excitement to be around him.

Izuku sighed "Hito-nii we cant just open a gate in front of the hospital. I know I don't usually care but it is actually illegal to use quirks in public without a hero license..."

Hitoshi tilted his head "So why do you care now?"

Izuku shrugged "I don't but we need to not get dad in trouble" he said thinking about the absurd woman who tried to get him to pay medical bills that is  supposed to be covered by the hero commission and U.A.

Hitoshi seemed to sense something was bothering his brother but knew better than to pry too much so he just agreed. Turning he attention to Hawks. "okay I suppose, so what car do you drive?"

"only the best sportscar around" Hawks said puffing out his chest extremely proud.

Hitoshi facepalmed himself "I don't know what I expected from a bachelor" he said shaking his head in his hand.

Izuku perked up at this eager to tell someone something fun for once. "actually Hito-nii he-"

Hawks had cut him off by placing his hand over Izuku's mouth though. "I have a SUV too, should probably take that to pick someone up right?" he asked desperate to change the subject away from his love life 

Hitoshi just gave both of them a side glance before agreeing with him "yes. . ."

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