Chapter 36

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Forcing himself to ignore his own feelings he exited the stairwell and took the elevator to the rooftop or as close as it would take him. Someone had to read the note, deliver it to those who cared for him. It's the least he could do as a failure of a hero.

When he opened the rooftop door he was greeted with a sight all too familiar to him. Both in his work life and his personal life. Backpack with a note pinned to it and shoes next to it at the edge of the rooftop.

Aizawa forced his legs to move closer even in their shaking state. It had to be done, there was no room for his personal qualms and memories. He had a job to do, a duty to fulfil. The closer he drew he saw his first clue to how this kid ended up like this. There were spider lilies in and around the backpack. He knew kids used these to joke about someone they don't like killing themselves.

He pulled off the note and read it noticing how the paper was burned in spots and judging by the rest of his books it's common place. So someone was actively bullying him too. He wondered how nobody even noticed. But like always he had rushed ahead when he didn't need to. It was all laid out in the note, which apparently was one of many. Aizawa decided to read it in entirety and stop having questions that might be answered by the note itself. He did so and felt numb by the end of it. 

To the person who finds this.

Sorry I spoiled your day. I'm sure finding a suicide note can't be fun. Though it is from a kid the world still treats as quirkless. That bit is my fault. Never told anyone I'm actually a late bloomer.

Aizawa knew all too well how unfair the quirkless are treated, most of the kids he tried to help were quirkless or had quirks deemed weak or villainous. He cursed the world's twisted views of things.

Now don't go thinking I'm just another quirkless kid who's had enough. The police love to write us off. Sure the state of the world is quite depressing for the quirkless. We are treated like scum and blamed for everything. No this isn't the reason for this.

Again the kid had jumped ahead of him, so even if the way he was treated added to his suffering it wasn't the main reason?

I'm not a good person. I've killed before. I am responsible for the death of both my parents and a nurse who did nothing wrong in her entire life...I also killed a boy called Lucas Connelly. Though to be fair he started it by blowing up the group home and all my friends.

Plenty of quirkless kids feel responsible for things they had nothing to do with especially in regards to their parents so Aizawa didn't put much stock in those claims. As for the other people He was almost sure the kid didn't set out to kill anyone. Right?

So why wait till now to go through with it? Well that quirk I got is a healing one so every attempt so far has been for nothing. Hell maybe you're reading this to me while I'm healing. Quick warning. DO NOT TOUCH MY BODY. I'll be jumping with an extra note around my neck or pinned to my body to warn others but still. It's how I killed the nurse. Drained her of all life. If only I could do the reverse...

Damn this kid was intuitive, anticipating questions he had no idea someone would ask. Such a waste. Still there was a sliver of hope, he has a healing quirk and might have survived?!

Mr.Takada I'm sorry for leaving you, you really were the only bit of my life that I didn't hate. Aside from you nobody cares for me and I can't stand living like a spectator in my own life. There's a whole notebook with variations of these notes with actual emotion in them. This one? After today I'm too numb.

He did have someone in his life who cares about him? Aizawa spotted a burnt notebook sticking out of his backpack, no doubt the very one he mentions. How long did he dream of dying if he could fill a notebook with suicide notes?!

I do want to say to Kacchan though that yes I do have a crush on you. Since we were 4 i've always loved you. Sorry I'm such a fag. Hope Hannah knows what she has.

Unrequited love and a possible source of the bullying?

Well... goodbye

I Hope.

xoxo DEKU xoxo

This kid had a lot to deal with but what stood out the most to him was the fact that he might still be alive?! Impossible as it seemed he had to know. Just then his regular phone rang and it was his police contact. He answered quickly while heading for the elevator.

"Tsukauchi? Is... he.." he couldn't finish the sentence. In part for not wanting to hope and be disappointed, but mostly because he knew how stupid it sounded.

"Yes, if I wasn't looking at him breathing I wouldn't have believed it..."

The note slightly slipped out of his hand but he managed to catch it, but it jogged his memory.


"What the heck Aizawa... why are you yelling. I wouldn't touch him anyways, that's the medic's job to-"

Aizawa cut him off. "NO! NOBODY TOUCHES HIM!"

"Okay I'm getting annoyed by the yelling now Aizawa. What's going on?!"

Aizawa sighed heavily. "Sorry Tsukauchi it's his quirk. It let's him heal but judging by his note I'm guessing it takes energy to do and huge injuries drains him. If someone touches him in that state his body will forcibly take what it needs from where it can take it. If that happens to be a person they get drained and die. Apparently he learned that the hard way by killing a nurse by accident."

"You know if it wasn't for my quirk knowing you're not lying and me seeing him slowly heal and breathe I'd say you've finally gone crazy. Fine, I'll be sure to inform the medics. Ah here they are just now. Talk later Aizawa"

Aizawa put away his phone and finally he was back on the ground floor he nearly ran to see if the kid really did survive. What he found turned even his stomach. The kid was laying on what was once his car's roof. Arms and legs at disturbing angles obviously broken almost beyond recognition. The force of the fall had however severed one of the arms at elbow length. His ribcage must've collapsed as a sickening squelch and pop was heard as his chest expanded fixing itself.

Aizawa was by no means squeamish but given his soft spot for kids seeing this one like that coupled with his own history was a bit much for him. He deposited the dinner he ate for breakfast that morning coming home in the nearest trashcan.

All his brain told him to do is run away. But he fought the urge remembering the vow he made to himself. He pushed through and made his way to the medics to hear what the plan was now that Tsukauchi had told them they cant touch him.

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