Chapter 97

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A blood curdling scream could be heard throughout the U.S.J building as Izuku's body fell to the floor, katana lodged squarely in the back of his head. The source confused everyone, All Might, students and villains. 


Bakugo no longer felt unable to control his own body and stumbled over himself to reach Izuku's body. He didn't get far though as it seemed whatever came over Hannah was done. She snapped her fingers and Bakugo froze again. "Heel! You stupid boy." She commanded him.

She walked over to him and stroked his head. "Good boy, now sit!" Bakugo found himself on the floor as soon as she had said it. She giggled at him clearly enjoying herself.

Shigaraki snapped out of his own shock and spoke to All Might again after giving Hannah a suspicious look. "What a way to prove just what kind of 'hero' you really are. Killing one of your own students."

All might laughed at him. "Like I said, he's not a student plus once I get rid of you it's not going to be hard to tie up loose ends." turning his gaze towards Uraraka, Momo and Mineta he gave of a smile far creepier than Shigaraki could ever manage. "Given how few there are now. Something I have you to thank for."

Shigaraki sucked in air through his lips. "Sheesh and we're considered the villains..." 

The whole time there was a constant sniffling and Shigaraki seemed to have had enough of it. "Will you stop sulking already Toga!"

"B-but Izu-chan! I wanted to play with him..." she whined

"Enough!" he scolded her and she quieted down 

"Move in!" Shigaraki ordered with a lift of his arm and from two new portals streamed out dozens of villains all charging at All Might who just smirked.

Just when he had dispatched of one group a new one would enter. The battle lasted a good half hour when suddenly students from class 1A started to show up. First of them was Todoroki. There were so many defeated villains on the ground that it took time for them to notice Izuku was no longer with Bakugo. Though all of them were obviously looking around for him.

"Where's Deku-kun Uraraka?" Mina asked finally as she joined them. Tears she thought she had shoved down to deal with the situation came rushing making her break down unable to speak and she just pointed in the direction of his body.

How they missed him is a mystery as Bakugo hadn't stopped looking at it plus it was the only body that had a sword in it's head.

"You bastards killed him, what happened to not wanting to hurt anyone here?!" Todoroki hurled his accusation at Shigaraki.

He just laughed. "We cant take credit for that, look at your false hero. He's the one who did it"

Everyone looked at Shigaraki like he was even more deluded than what they already thought he was. Todoroki spoke up again. "He's many things but a killer isn't one of them."

Shigaraki just moved his arm to point towards where the three who witnessed it were. "Ask them if you don't believe me."

Todoroki looked at Uraraka, Momo and Mineta wondering what he was talking about. All three of them looked horrified to be sure but did they really witness the number one hero in Japan commit murder? "What's he on about Momo?"

She wiped her face. "Deku and him argued like always. Deku slapped him and he punched him away right into that guy's sword. . ." Pointing at the lizard looking villain who had brought the sword he held up his hands as if to surrender. 

"Urgh enough moping about it already!" Hannah suddenly burst out walking over to Izuku's body. 

She got there and pulled out the sword tossing it to it's owner. "Catch spinner"

"You don't throw shit like that you crazy bitch!" he berated her which she ignored.

She bent down and sat on her heels leaning in close she appeared to be saying something to Izuku. A Pointless gesture as he was well and truly gone from this world. She stood up and faced everyone again. "See. Dead. Nothing to go on about. So can we get this show on the road already? Daddy is going to want to hear the good news."

Todoroki who was not known for having much of any emotions seemed to be quite disturbed. He directed it towards Bakugo for some reason. "What's wrong with you Bakugo! How could you let that witch touch him. Aren't you supposed to be together?! Or was that a lie?!"

Bakugo just sat there looking at Izuku's body not answering.

Hannah had seemingly reached her breaking point. "What is he on about Bakugo?! Together?! Did you let him defile you?! Answer me Dammit!" When Bakugo didn't answer she turned around and kicked Izuku's body. 

She began screaming as she continued to kick him with every word. "HOW kick DARE kick YOU  kick TOUCH kick MY kick PUPPY kick LIKE kick THAT! kick YOU kick SICK kick PERVERTED kick FAG!"

All Might let slip a chuckle. Gaining disgusted looks from everyone in his class and even Shigaraki. 

Finally Bakugo woke up yelling at her. "STOP IT ALREADY!" Tears streaming down his face.

Hannah looked shocked beyond belief. "Well we will certainly be correcting this misbehavior when we get home puppy." Making Bakugo almost recoil as if she had hit him. She returned her attention to Izuku's body, she rolled his body over with her shoe so his head faced up. Bending down she slapped his face for good measure.

The moment she touched him however she was stuck and started to scream in agony as her body seemed to loose all moisture. Her hair fell out and her skin looked burned. One of the other villains was rushing over and had grabbed her arm trying to get her loose. The effect had spread and he was screaming immediately too unable to let go. When he too looked burned and dry they both fell over dead and parts of their bodies were sent shattering as if they were made of glass. The pieces breaking further the moment they made contact with the ground.

Bakugo screamed in horror. Confusing everyone as to where exactly his loyalties were given that he didn't even make a sound when Izuku died. Shigaraki made a motion with his arm and the portal guy sent the class who had made it back to them and those who were already there away again. Only Bakugo remained.

"I Meant everyone Kurogiri!" clearly frustrated 

"I cant for some reason! It's like he's grounded here." He tried to explain.

Shigaraki sighed. "Fine if he dies we tried. Take us further" They too disappeared via portal.

Bakugo watched as Izuku's body rose into the air and a green aura surrounded him. Izuku's body went from limp lifeless to purposeful and alive. He opened his eyes and they were glowing brighter than ever before.

"Impossible" All might whispered to himself mostly.

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