Chapter 176

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The drive to wherever the training camp was being held was quite subdued so far in comparison to whenever this particular group of teenagers were lumped together. Though it's not shocking considering the early hour at which they were expected to be on the bus taking them to some undisclosed location.

At first Izuku was considerably nervous not knowing where exactly they were going, but a conversation with Mic and his dad brought some of his nerves and fears to heel. Given that the league has yet to be publicly or even personally active since the U.S.J attack, Nedzu is being extra cautious. Apparently not even his dad, Mic or Vlad knew where exactly they would be going until this very morning. The fact that both of his parental figures were coming on the trip too had definitely helped to calm down him too.

Izuku had to take a moment to realize and come to terms with the fact that he does actually see Mic as a second parent. He'd been hoping for it, but for it to happen so subtly that he didn't know it was already the truth was a bit jarring. It was also a bit scary to him, knowing he has grown to see someone else like that. Both his dad and Mic started to prepare for when they would officially get married, but until then Izuku can't help but feel like having Mic in his life is not something that is guaranteed to last.

Izuku however with the help of all his therapy has learned to not keep fears and worries locked away and hidden like he has done for all his life before. He has people who care and would listen to him now. So when he expressed this particular fear to both Mic and his dad one evening after their newly established weekly family dinners, they were there to help him through it. Mic had spent quite some time assuring Izuku that while he intends to grow old with his dad, that should anything ever happen that meant they aren't together anymore, he'll always make time for Izuku and Hitoshi. That to him they are just as much his kids as they can be.

That naturally segued into him and his dad asking Izuku if whether or not Mic legally adopting both him and Hitoshi is something he would consider. The immediate instinct that Izuku had at that was to think it was some sort of trick. He didn't say that aloud though.

The majority of his mind screams at him that he should grab onto this with both hands, but there's still that small part of him that worries that it's just going to be ripped away to hurt him. He compromised though and told Mic that he really wants that he can't say yes without talking to Hitoshi about it. He was completely understanding and that only endeared himself further to Izuku by not seeing it as a slight against him.

Things with his brother were starting to improve. Granted Hitoshi was still unwilling to let Izuku physically visit him but he had given Mic a letter to give to him. Izuku found himself reading it so often that the edges of the paper were entirely wrinkled by now.


They keep telling me to not bottle up how I feel, so here goes I guess. Part of me is still angry that you saved me, but it's not all of me anymore and has more to do with my own mind. It's an odd thing to be angry for something I'd probably have done too if the roles were reversed and I had the power to. It's been even more strange to realize then that I'm also now partly happy you did happen to save me.

I'm not ready to face you in person yet but I do need to say that I don't actually hate you. That was just the anger talking back then when I said that. I've always partly wondered how come you used to slip into and give yourself over to the anger, now I know. It's easy and freeing but also the only emotion available when you're empty.

Knowing this, please believe me when I say that even in my worst state, with anger controlling my mouth – nothing could ever erase the truth that I will always love you and dad, and now Mic too.

It wasn't a long letter but to Izuku it was like a lifeline to his brother, one he hadn't realized exactly how much he had needed. Not only did it confirm that Hitoshi had only said those things to him in anger, but it relieved some of the stress he had.

Izuku was fully prepared to face a reality where he might never reconcile with his brother, where they were forever estranged. To him it would have been worth it because at least Hitoshi was alive enough to hate or blame him. To know that there's a chance that he doesn't have to live in such a reality, brought him untold amounts of comfort.

It also made him happy to see that Hitoshi has taken to including Mic in the list of people he loves. Izuku is almost certain that Hitoshi will gladly agree to Mic wanting to adopt them both. He still wants to physically hear him say that though before he agrees to it.

The landscape around them had changed to predominantly trees a while ago and there was no sign of any kind of buildings yet. So when an hour into the forest lined road they suddenly slowed to a stop, Izuku couldn't help but go on full alert.

He was hardly the only one; the majority of the class were obviously waiting for something to go horribly wrong or for some sort of attack as they got off of the bus. If it wasn't for the fact that his dad and Mic looked completely at ease, Izuku would no doubt have started preparing to get everyone away with a gate.

The air was thick with nerves and his dad must have picked up on it as he called for attention to the class, who were all quietly speculating what was going on or preparing for an attack in their own ways. "Everyone relax, we are not under attack."

A few of the class immediately relaxed at that. The majority including Izuku only looked more tense though. Did this mean that the attack was still coming?

They didn't have long to wonder about that though as a car came to a stop near them. The reaction was immediate from those who hadn't been put at ease earlier. Those with active quirks activated them without attacking yet, the rest changing into a ready stance, anticipating whatever or rather whoever might get out of the car.

"This is why I said the usual is a bad idea this year Sho..." Mic sighed as he stepped in front of the entire class holding up his hands, trying to calm down everyone. "It's just the Wild, Wild Pussycats kids, this is their forest and lands– this is where the training camp will be held. Please relax now."

After Mic had told them that the car doors opened and confirmed what he had told them. Stepping out of the car was the famous rescue team The Wild, Wild Pussycats. If everyone wasn't so tense at the moment it might even have been exciting to meet them. It's not often that heroes reach the level of fame they have while being part of a team.

Slowly the class settled down and while Izuku himself didn't have a visible quirk active anymore, he certainly didn't relax. Something still felt off, the least of it being why they were in the middle of the road. Izuku had also been one of the few to notice that Class B wasn't with them. The sound of his dad sighing as he joined Mic in front of the class brought him a bit out of his over cautious state. If his dad is relaxed enough to do that, nothing truly bad could be going on right now.

"I suppose there was no need for this part of the training camp. Usually by this part of the trip I would be testing your ability to prepare and respond to the unforeseen in some way." His dad said, surveying the class and seeing that some of them still looked on edge and ready for an attack he sighed even more deeply than earlier. "It would appear that given all that you guys have faced so far there was no need."

One of the pussycats, Mandalay spoke up then in a sweet and slightly teasing tone. "I always said that it was a bit cruel of you Aizawa. Vlad doesn't do this to his kids..." He grumbled at that but didn't audibly respond to her.

She took the opportunity to introduce herself and her team to the class. Thankfully they were spared the usual song and dance routine that the Wild, Wild Pussycats usually do. Mostly because Mandalay, their leader clearly felt and saw the lingering tension among the class.

Instead she along with Mic explained exactly why they were on the side of the road instead of at the main campgrounds. "For Class A the training camp starts NOW!" Mandalay exclaimed as suddenly the ground underneath them gave way and sent them sliding downhill and into the trees.

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