Chapter 148

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Izuku was about to go sit back down when he noticed another form, his brother's. He was confused what that was doing here, he's in class B after all. That was until he read it fully. He was going to be doing an internship under their dad. Geez, he's braver than Izuku. He loves his dad but he's far past a workaholic and if his gym lessons are anything to go off of, Hitoshi is going to have no trouble falling asleep for a while. He also happened to notice the name he had picked and it was perfect.

The persuasive Hero : Hypnos

Kaminari and Kirishima came up behind him to give in their forms and Izuku had to swallow the bile he had built up listening to them openly flirt. Certainly he has no moral high ground on public displays of affection, but he didn't move on ridiculously fast from a relationship like Kaminari had. Kirishima looked like someone kicked his dog when he saw Izuku's face, and that made him feel horrible.

If anyone deserves a happy relationship it would be their resident neon red headed friend. Izuku just wishes it didn't happen to be with the one guy who had hurt his brother. Given his record now the chances are high he might end up hurting Kirishima too. The whole situation was just a giant mess, wanting Kirishima to finally be happy but also keeping in check his anger at Kaminari.

This was a task he was rapidly failing at right this second. There in front of him Kaminari stood with his goofy smile entirely unaware how much Izuku wanted to slap him.

Kirishima however had picked up on it and was hastily trying to move his boyfriend back to their desks. He wasn't the only one too, most of the class had gone silent.

"Wha-? I thought we were giving in our paper Kiri?" he asked, bewildered and unaware of the situation he was finding himself in.

"W-we can do it when we leave class, let's go sit."

"Don't be silly we're already up" he said as he stepped closer to Izuku "Oh sorry there, deku-kun, just gotta slip past here.."

Izuku let him place the papers down, but just as he had fully turned to leave he gently grabbed his wrist. Finally this was when he became aware how silent everyone had gone.

Slowly he turned back around to look at Izuku, whose hair was raised and eyes were glowing. Kaminari wanted to say something but found no sound came out.

In fact the only sound that was to be heard was a mild reverberating echo of Izuku's voice once he started to speak. "You are very lucky that unlike you, Hitoshi actually valued your time together. He specifically asked me not to harm you." Blood drained from Kaminari's face as small beads of sweat started to form on his brow.

Izuku looked him dead in the eyes now "Kirishima however isn't my brother, so even if he asks I'm under no obligation to listen to him. This is your one and only warning. Hurt my friend like you did my brother and nothing in existence can save you from my wrath. Do we understand each other?"

He swallowed heavily and just nodded, still unable to speak.

"Good." Izuku smiled at him and let go.

Some of the class had no idea how to react to the sudden shift back to normality. Most of them understood that it was just a standard shovel talk. In fact some of them added to the sentiment with their own "Yeah's" Kirishima is after all loved by the entirety of the class.

Katsuki was chuckling to himself at the situation, he more than anyone else knows exactly how much Izuku's been holding back his anger when it comes to Kaminari. He's had to endure more than a few rants.

Then there was Kirishima who looked genuinely touched and somewhat confused that so many of the class actually cared about him. To his credit the blonde seemed to be doing a decent job of caring for the class favorite redhead. He went to him and held his hands. "Even if our class didn't just join in on threatening me to be a better boyfriend, I still would have done it. I made a lot of mistakes before, all of them came from not talking. So I promise to actually communicate with you."

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