Chapter 24

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Viktor rounded the corner looking for the window the Miss spoke or rather yelled about when he spotted Ash on the floor clutching his stomach. He was ready to punch whoever needed punching but the anger left him as quick as it came when he heard Ash's laughter.

Viktor walked up to his brother and asked him with a smile "What's got you in a giggle fit mister?" Ash just pointed to the room he was laying in front of. Viktor opened the door and saw that's where the broken window was. He also found a pouting Izuku on the bed behind the door, sitting with his back against the wall. "What's up with that look?" He asked amused at how cute the boy looked trying to appear mad.

"My face isn't broken..." Viktor heard him mumble. He chuckled hearing that and made his way over to Izuku. "No it's pretty cute though. Stop pouting or I'll adopt you as my new brother. Ash is very jealous you know..." He teased Izuku and then pinched his cheeks.

"Ouch! that hurts." 

"Stop pouting then mister."

Izuku blushed just registering that Viktor called him cute then he felt sad about the prospect of Viktor being his brother. He was exactly like Izuku would imagine having a big brother to protect you was like. His eyes drifted to the floor but his field of view was filled with Viktor's face suddenly.

"Oi I told you to stop pouting..." Izuku felt a small grin pulling on his face.

"I saw that... was that a smile?"

"No." Refusing to let Viktor know he won.

Viktor gasped in fake shock. "Is that so?..." He got on the bed with Izuku.

"What are you doing....?" Izuku asked slightly worried about what was happening. Did he make Viktor mad? Did he get too comfortable too quickly..

"Oh nothing much... Just..."

"THIS!" Viktor said lunging at Izuku and attacking his sides in a furious assault of tickles.

"Oh.." Is the only response he got out of Izuku though... "Aww no fair... you're not ticklish?! Ash always crumbles..." Viktor was now the one pouting. 

"Is that so?" Ash asked from the doorway.

Viktor's eyes grew wide hearing Ash. "NO! Don't you dare! I'll tell Miss and you'll be eating peas for weeks as punishment!" Ash lunged and tackled His brother starting his tickle attack. Viktor was a laughing mess squirming messing up the bedding. 

Izuku smiled at the brothers, wishing he had someone in his life he could just goof around with like that. Ash's attack slowed and Viktor took the chance and retaliated. It seemed Viktor spoke the truth, Ash was beyond ticklish. Viktor barely started his attack when Ash was already nearing the point of hyperventilating from laughing too much. Viktor let up and let his brother breathe. 

"Ok ok you win." Ash said between coughs and laughter. 

"Damn right I do. Remember that next time. I am the best." Viktor flexed his arm muscles like he was in a bodybuilding competition. Izuku snorted laughing. "You guys are ridiculous". The brother's smiled at him.

The boys got off the bed Viktor made his way and looked at the broken window. There was  glass everywhere and he warned Ash and Izuku to stay away as they just had socks on. Viktor put his hand on the piece of window still intact in the window sill. The shards and framing jumped up and sped back together like time was reversing. The window was like it was never broken.

Izuku's jaw was open again. "That's so cool. Is that your quirk? Some type of time reversal?" Viktor laughed "No no, nothing that cool. I can just mend broken things"  He pointed at a visible line that was now present on the window. "Like most things it leaves a trace. It can be put back together but it's never how it was before." He saw a curiously sad look on Izuku's face so he decided to show him something. "That doesn't mean it's not better because of it though" Viktor then did something that Izuku didn't expect. 

He drew back his arm ready to punch the window. "What are you doing?!" Izuku asked panicked that Viktor was going to hurt himself. He just laughed and told him to watch. "You'll see" The punch reached the window but all that happened was a dull thud like someone just tapped against the glass. "Just because something that's broken is put back together doesn't mean it's weaker."                                                                                                                                                                                      

Ash rolled his eyes. "Stop trying to sound wise" punching Viktor in the arm.  Viktor feigned offence "How dare you. I am the wisest of the wise. Nobody knows more than me! Viktor the valiant. Wiseman of the new age. Sage of repairs. Protector of the weak and feeble. Liberator of the-" Viktor's pants were around his ankles, Ash already running away "Shut up already!"

Viktor blushed and struggled to pull up his pants and was trying to run after his brother. "Get back here you little shit. How dare you interrupt my introduction!?" 

"Because it's lame and way too long!" Izuku heard him yell back. Izuku sat back down on the bed giggling at the strange pair hoping they could actually become friends. Just when things calmed down and Izuku was almost drifting off to sleep the room's door flung open again and four identical boys came rushing in giggling about something.

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