Chapter 137

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One of the jumbo monitors displayed how Izuku was helping Cementoss fix the arena causing the crowd to cheer for them. Izuku felt as his face flushed red, somehow it had slipped his mind that everyone there and millions watching at home were focusing on him. He panicked slightly remembering how Bakugo had marked him earlier, he scrambled to cover his neck only to realize the marks have long since healed away. Izuku sighed in relief but Midnight gave him a knowing wink and he was blushing all over again.

Izuku's dad and Mic were filling airtime meanwhile with a blow by blow recount of his match. Very similar to how they did earlier. The repairs however went much faster with two people handling it so they were done faster than was accounted for. Cementoss thanked him and then went to rest again.

Izuku finally left the arena and saw the rest of Class A who weren't competing anymore wave at him. He made his way over and as he did noticed a few things. Iida definitely had gone to kiss Uraraka earlier, they were cuddling at the back. Kaminari had recovered from his quirk overuse and was leaning on Kirishima. Izuku was sure his face looked conflicted as he watched them but it soon must have turned to confusion catching the glare Sero had sent his way. Mineta on the other hand seemed to be doing all he could to not look Izuku in the eyes.

Izuku almost wanted to laugh... Normal high school drama. Him? Who would have guessed he'd ever be that lucky. Much as he found the idea of it cute he's spent too much of his life being glared at. Never again. He reached the class and greeted them, answered a few questions, praised Ojiro for pushing to think on his feet like that and then turned to Sero. "Sero can we go talk please?"

He looked at him shocked, like he just expected Izuku to ignore it. The small hunch he had that this involved Mineta too was confirmed when Sero looked over to the smaller boy who gave a nervous nod after telling the other something nobody else could hear. Sero stood with Mineta following shortly after. Izuku led them to the tunnel towards the lockers when Asui happened to pass heading for her match against Shoji. "Good luck Asui-san"

She furrowed her brow "Call me Tsu, and thank you. Congratulations on your win." Before Izuku could apologize for not using her preferred name she was already gone. Sero cleared his throat clearly uncomfortable and looked increasingly nervous. Don't glare at people if you're going to be scared of them. Izuku found himself thinking before he puffed out a sigh and turned to face both Sero and Mineta properly again.

"Is there a specific reason you've been looking at me like I punched your mother today Sero?"

Hearing this left his mouth hanging open in slight shock before he managed to reply "Ah w-well."

"I'm guessing it has something to do with you Mineta-kun? Aren't we friends?"

The mixture of dark purple gumball hair and the bright red of his face reminded Izuku of festival sweets, but despite that sweet thought this whole situation was starting to sour his mouth. Mineta is one of the first people Izuku considered a friend here at UA. If he did something wrong he needed to know.

"W-we are friends but I should to stay away from you."

Sero sighed suddenly "I didn't mean it like that Minoru"

Izuku was highly confused. "Wait. You guys are together?!"

"Is that so odd?!"

"Sero you do know I'm like the biggest gay slut for Kacchan right? Like I kissed him on Live TV and everything?"

Sero just avoided his gaze. Izuku threw his hands up in the air, entirely annoyed at this non fight. "The only reason I sound shocked is because I saw you and Jirou snuggled together on the bus to the carnival that time. I thought you guys were an item."

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