Chapter 105

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As soon as they entered the room Izuku could feel the change in atmosphere. The bar Hideout felt homely and welcoming. This room that looked like a study of sorts had a cold feeling to it. The walls lined with black leather bound books on white shelves. At the end of the room someone was seated behind a desk. A man but the closer They got to more unsure Izuku was about all of this. This man had no face apart from a mouth, he didn't appear to be hindered by this however. Somehow he 'saw' them coming closer, he 'looked' up from what he was doing on the desk giving a wide smile.

"Izuku my son. Come sit" he said gesturing to a pair of armchairs in front of the desk.

Izuku looked around nervously between Shigaraki and Kurogiri who encouraged him to do as their sensei asked. He swallowed trying to push down his nerves and ignore the hairs on his neck standing up. Izuku was almost considering running for it when he noticed a glass plated wall on the left. Inside it looked like a typical girl's bedroom however it was clearly a prison cell given there was no way out.

Seeing this he ignored his better judgment in favor of curiosity and took the offered seat his eyes darting between the man and the cell. The man smirked as he noticed this sending a shiver down Izuku's spine.

"I see you noticed the accommodations. Would you like to know who lives there son?" His smile getting impossibly wider

Izuku knew there wasn't actually a choice involved, this was the illusion of one. Something he suspects this man is quite fond of doing. He's at least on par with his mother's level of sadism so maybe it was true he is his father. Izuku was still trying to not spew out his nerves so he simply nodded at the man to answer his question.

He clapped his hand together making Izuku involuntary flinch. "Girl! Get out here!" his voice boomed. From a behind a door Izuku assumes is the en-suite  bathroom emerged a girl with light brown hair in a braid and green eyes instead of the brown he's known. There was no doubt however. There stood Hannah alive, though it most certainly not the snarky girl he disliked. Just by her appearance she seemed to radiate kindness.

Izuku stood up and walked over to her forgetting his nerves and that he should be on guard. "How?! Y-you died!" he asked her shocked.

She just smiled kindly and tapped a collar on her throat. The man behind them spoke up again reminding Izuku he didn't have the luxury to be doing what he wants. "She cant speak with her quirk dampener on son."

The constant nature of calling him son was starting to annoy Izuku slowly overtaking his nervousness. Feeling a small surge of bravery he turned around and asked him "How is this possible?"

A laugh echoed across the room. "She's my daughter. The ones you've known are nothing more than part of the quirk I gifted her. Nothing more than copies. Imperfect ones at that" His voice gaining an edge of anger. Izuku saw Hannah shuffle a few steps back.

Izuku glanced back at her and seeing the girl he's always thought of as a bit too confident for her own good shrink away like that, kind of set him off and erased his nerves. He returned his gaze to the man. "So you sent her copies after me then?"

The faceless face adopted a scowl somehow "No, everything i've ordered them to do they went about it in the most inefficient way possible. Especially when it concerned you son."

The constant calling him son reminded him far too much of Doctor Connor. "You keep using that word and claim to be my father now and in that note. I'm sorry but I just don't see it."

His laughter echoed again. "I can understand that. Here does this help?" He asked standing up while a soft flow of steam came from his body. Slowly his face adjusted and with horror Izuku stood there as the man he last saw hanging was now in front of him again, very much alive. The same eyes, Izuku's nose and even the freckle they both shared in the same spot. His biological father was standing before him again.

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