Chapter 16

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Izuku wondered how his life was going to change now that he was going to live with someone who hopefully doesn't hate him too much. His mother set the bar low. Frankly he'd settle for not having to duck and dive to avoid flying knives.

He was sure old lady Amaya would never but if Izuku knows anything is that how people present themselves to the world rarely match how they actually are. Izuku may know her as the kind old lady who helped him from time to time. However if she did that out of kindness or some other reason he had yet to think about Izuku wasn't sure.

The call for lights out could be heard throughout the centre. Izuku was still brushing his teeth having got lost in thought. He didn't want to get in trouble and sabotage his chance of getting out of there. Old lady Amaya may be unknown territory but it wasn't a juvenile centre with criminals... 

Just as Izuku had finished in the bathroom one of the counselors who acted as guards too blocked his way. His name was Jared. Now Izuku was small even for an eleven year old shy a few months from twelve. Jared towered over him filling the doorframe with his very muscular upper body. It seemed like Jared only owned shirts two sized too small to further add to the display of his muscles.

"You're supposed to be in bed by now mister..." Jared teased with a laughing tone. 

Izuku never knew what to make of the man when he first got here but he soon discovered Jared is beyond vain. Compliment him and he'll let you get away with murder almost. Izuku's roommate warned him to not keep doing it but izuku didn't see the harm. Jared was at least nice if you nice to him too. The other guards barely acknowledged Izuku.

"Yeah sorry Jared. Forgot to brush my teeth... Thought I'd would've been done before lights out..." Izuku said shuffling his feet

Jared sighed and seemed to get an idea as his eyes lit up. "Okay, how about I say you were helping me and you come and actually help for a bit? You're not too tired right?"

"Me? Help you? Are all those muscles just for show then?" Izuku teased

"Haha. No nothing that requires muscles mister flatterer. Just some paperwork that needs sorting" He smiled as he ruffled Izuku's hair

Izuku nodded in agreement "Okay. Lead the way then if it'll keep me out of trouble." 

"Awesome, let's get going then bud." Jared had a look Izuku couldn't quite place but he didn't think too much about it. He followed Jared to the office where the documents were kept. Jared closed the door with Izuku going to sit down next to a pillar of boxes with files in it. 

The door made a clicking sound when it was closed making Izuku jump slightly. "Oof sorry bud, didn't mean to slam the door. You ok?"

"Yeah sorry, guess I'm still jumpy even now that she's been gone for a while." Izuku sighed and the spiral of memories he would've gone in was stopped by Jared hugging Izuku from behind. "You're safe now bud..." 

Izuku melted into this hug and started to cry. Being treated with kindness was such a rarity for him that he didn't realize how much he missed anyone hugging him. If he was honest he cant even remember the last time someone had hugged him. 

Jared picked Izuku up and carried him to his desk chair and sat with Izuku in his lap. Somewhere between being held while crying and Jared rubbing Izuku's back sleep came without any kind of warning.

Sometime later Izuku woke up to a strange situation and at first he was unsure of what was actually happening. The more alert he became however he knew this was the reason his roommate had warned him not to get so friendly with Jared. He was being touched in an extremely inappropriate way.

Izuku still had his clothes on but Jared had noticed Izuku was awake again. "Ah good now you can join in on the fun bud. Don't worry. It won't hurt. I'd never hurt you Izuku... I love you." Izuku wanted to tell the man off but the last bit threw Izuku for a loop. 

The thoughts in his head ran wild. He loves me? That means it's ok right? I don't want to do this do I? But my body is reacting to it? So maybe I do? Why did I have to wake up? Can't we just go back to how it used to be?

The brief hesitation was all Jared needed to go ahead. Izuku couldn't back out now. To Jared it seemed like he agreed to this. Izuku wondered the consequences of voicing how he actually felt about it. Saying no now would make him angry right? 

Izuku saw all those muscles in a new horrifying light. No longer something to ponder how a human can train his body to that extent. No now they were a sign of how much weaker Izuku was.

Izuku hated everything about what was happening. The feeling of those strong hands who had just comforted him now brought fear and discomfort. He hated the feeling of Jared's hot breath, how he could catch the scent of mint from toothpaste in it. 

He hated the feeling of Jared's stubble, how the rough texture of it upon meeting his skin felt. He hated the words that were repeated. "See? it's good right? I can see you're enjoying this. Most of all Izuku hated and was disgusted by his own body. It had betrayed him. Giving Jared the wrong idea by reacting to what he was doing.

Jared had dressed Izuku again who still hadn't said anything during the whole ordeal. Too scared to say the wrong thing. He simply gave Jared a meek smile hoping that would be the end of this.

Tomorrow he would be with Old lady Amaya and would never have to see Jared again. "Let's get you to bed buddy. I'll walk with you. Don't want you to get into trouble for playing with me" Jared smiled brightly and ruffled Izuku's hair. Izuku managed not to flinch and simply nodded so he could get out of there.

The walk back to the boys wing and then to Izuku's shared room felt like an endless eternity to him. Jared had kept his hand on Izuku's shoulder the whole walk. As they were nearing his room he realized he had to pretend to be nice to Jared or he would notice something was wrong. Izuku got free of Jared's hand on his shoulder. "This is me, thanks for walking with me..." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck hoping to not show just how nervous he was.

"No worries buddy. It was nice spending sometime with you. Sweet dreams" Jared was walking away but turned around to say something to Izuku who was halfway into the doorway. "Oh and say hello to Tobio for me" He smiled and finally left.

Izuku got into the room closing the door he slid to the floor and started to cry. 

"Told you to not get to friendly with him" Izuku's roommate spoke up handing Izuku a tissue box.

"Yep, I'm an idiot. Sorry for not listening Tobio. He says hello by the way"

Tobio laughed bitterly. "I bet he does... Guess I'm back to being his toy when you leave tomorrow"

"I'm sorry..." Izuku felt guilty for leaving anyone to go through that.

Tobio kept looking at the wall thinking about something it seemed. Finally he spoke. "Don't, just don't. I'm used to it dude. It's why I'm here you know? My old man got a little too rough and long story short?" He asked but never waited for an answer and kept on talking

"He was caught, charges went nowhere with a corrupt judge. He get's out and tries to kill me for not dying in hospital I guess? I don't know what for really. I defend myself and he ends up dead. I end up here and the "fun" just continues..."

"Are all parents shit?" Izuku asked seriously.

Tobio started to laugh. "You know I wonder that too sometimes. No idea why I wanted them so bad. The contents of my toilet could do a better job indeed"

Izuku laughed finding small joy in commiserating with someone else fucked up too. After many jokes and talking about nothing in particular Izuku looked at Tobio. "I really am sorry I'm leaving you here though dude."

Tobio chuckled. "Don't be, I'll not miss your snoring"

"I do not snore!" Izuku defiantly pouted

"Sure thing Godzilla" Tobio rolled his eyes.

They both laughed. Soon they went to bed. Izuku trying his best to sleep but he kept waking up remembering what had happened or thinking he could smell Jared.

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