Chapter 141

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This was the last thing that he needed in his life right now. Izuku knows technically he didn't outright turn down his birth father. Somehow though a part of him had wished the man would return to his favorite hobby. Forgetting Izuku exists. . .

If he was honest with himself the reason he hadn't plainly turned down the offer to join him had more to do with having an out than it did saving Izumi. Sure saving his sister was a definite good thing, but after doing that?

After learning just how fucked up their father is and all the things he put her through? Still he kept that option open. Figuring it all out though? That would require introspection on an unprecedented scale for him and that's something Izuku avoids like it could actually kill him.

Izuku was woken out of his musings by his phone going off again.


I've booked Hitoshi for a session with Hound Dog later today. We will get him through this kitten.

Okay, thanks for letting me know😀

Also uhm

You might see some things😅

Who or what did you break this time?

I take offense to that😤

I don't break things that much😑

Izuku, what happened?

So uh...

I might have




Brainwashed Endeavor


I'll assume it was deserved


I never saw this message.

Izuku chuckled and wandered over to the medical tent to see if Bakugo was doing as told and sleeping.

Hitoshi had been trying to be positive, he really had. He was even somewhat excited to take part in the sports festival. The very same festival he and his sister would watch together in those rare moments when she was somewhat healthy. He'd imagine how proud and excited she would be to see him on TV. This time of year would usually depress him but he was determined to push through with the thought of her spirit looking on and smiling.

It was a nice idea, something to get his mind off of Denki and how Kirishima might be asking him out soon. So when he saw how Kirishima was worried for Denki after the cavalry battle, more than a friend would be. He didn't get angry, he didn't.

He also didn't go too far with his goading to get a response out of Kirishima for his quirk. Nope... He had no right to be angry at how someone else had feelings for Denki. Who wouldn't? He deserves better than him anyways. Someone not broken. Someone who doesn't have these weird fucking issues with their body and the idea of sex.

Hitoshi was struggling to accept that Denki would soon have others asking to date him. Hell he practically had helped Kirishima get ahead of the rest. So it was entirely irrational being upset when he saw Denki snuggle up to the just defeated Kirishima after their match. He had no right to wonder why the blonde had begged him not to end things if he's able to move on this quickly.

Going to sleep in the commentators box being near his dad was the best thing he could have done. If he had bothered him or Mic neither mentioned it, not even when he had arrived and spent quite a while sobbing into his dad's shoulder.

Reluctantly he would wake up and head down for his next match, the memory of his sister being the only thing pushing him forward. Seeing a dazed version of the number two hero walk past him and being hugged by the school's emotionally stunted robot, said hero's own son.

Now that wasn't something he was expecting at all. Nor how nice Todoroki's hair had smelled. Being told someone was glad he was born also sent his mind into a spin, good and bad ways.

By the time he took his spot in the arena and the sound of the crowd had reached his ears his mind wasn't anywhere in the match. The buzzer rang out and Hitoshi found himself wishing he had taken his dad up on the offer to let him forfeit.

There wasn't time to think about it anymore though, Asui had closed the gap quickly and was upon him seemingly in an instant. The world tilted sideways as his face stung. He felt his arm being twisted behind him uncomfortably and his eyes searched the crowd.

It didn't take long to find what he was looking for, Class A's seats. There he saw Denki who was clutching Kirishima's arm looking conflicted and maybe worried. Or was that wishful thinking on his part? Before their eyes could meet Midnight was in his face asking if he could get himself out of the hold Asui had him in. Right he was in a match...

Why is he trying again?

For the first time since he's been living with his dad that old feeling of not caring overtook him completely again. He simply shook his head no at Midnight who then backed away and declared Asui the winner of their match.

She let go and got off of him, the crowd cheered and they shook hands before leaving. Hitoshi avoided looking at Class A in case he saw Denki again. Instead he went and sat down with his own class for once.

Monoma of course was the first to comment about it as he sat down next to him. "Oh, look who decided to grace us with his presence. Mr. too good for his own class"

Hitoshi didn't have the energy to care about Monoma's insults against Class A. He just ignored him the best he could. But the blond kept up the underhanded jabs about how he's never with his own class apart from actual school and something in Hitoshi cracked.

How dare he, of all people, ask why he's never with them?! Why he had moved out of their dorms and into the A dorms. It was Monoma's fault after all. He's the one who kept pushing them to do more than kissing after that one stupid game of truth of dare.

How he wishes he could go back to that time. Before he and Denki had even talked. Maybe he wouldn't hurt like this now. What good is love if all it does is hurt.

Why is everyone so obsessed with sex?! Monoma, Denki... Everyone! How is he so fucking broken that he doesn't feel interested in it. He's not blind, Denki is aesthetically pleasing to look at. So is Uraraka and even this annoying fucker Monoma. Why does none of them arouse him though? Why does nothing do that?! Is an orgasm really worth all this turmoil?

Denki has moved on and can get as much as he wants from Kirishima now. The whole idea has no appeal for him but he did end an entire relationship over it and he doesn't even know what it's like. He's tried foods he hasn't liked before and simply didn't have them again. Why should sex be any different...

To decide this now after he just broke up with Denki though? If he were to find out... Wait. No. Fuck it, Denki- no. Kaminari has already moved on, why should he care?

Fighting all the alarm bells going off in his head he finally looked at Monoma who was still grumbling about Class A. "Oh my gods Monoma, will you shut up about them already if I agree to what you asked me last time?"

Monoma immediately shut up and eyed Hitoshi with curiosity. Everyone in Class B had also torn their eyes away from Midnight to stare at the pair. Some even whispered among themselves about what Hitoshi could be talking about, others were just impressed that he was able to get the excitable blond to shut up for more than a few seconds.

Monoma gained a sly grin. "Yessir. Come on" he said as he stood up, extending a hand for Hitoshi to take. Hitoshi swallowed down his reservations and a good deal of nausea then took it.

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