Chapter 102

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Izuku knew it would be a while before Bakugo would be able to live with this grief not burdening him so severely. He had just hoped that Bakugo would let him be there for him. The kiss in the courtyard told him he would, but the fact that a small part of Bakugo blames him for it...

It was understandable but still difficult to know as there was nothing he could do to change it. They were walking to the infirmary to check on his father before heading to the dorms as he was contemplating all of that. 

He felt a slight tug as Bakugo pulled him closer to him as they walked. No words were exchanged but it seemed like he knew what was on Izuku's mind. Izuku felt a pang of guilt for still having doubts that they would be okay given how Bakugo had poured out his heat to him quite recently. So he squeezed his hand and focused on seeing his father. 

He had texted Hitoshi about what happened as they were on the bus so he knew their father wasn't alone. Still he wanted to see him for his own piece of mind if nothing else. They rounded the corner and saw Hitoshi stilling against the wall next to the door, knees to his chest hugging them closer - head resting on them.

Izuku's first instinct was that something was wrong so he and Bakugo rushed over to him. "What's wrong Hito-nii? I-is Dad?" he asked fearing the worst.

Hitoshi looked up at Izuku and Bakugo his eyes swollen, puffy and red from crying. "He's in some sort of coma to recover. He took a big hit to the head apparently. Recovery girl says he'll be fine but they are transferred him to hospital to be safe."

Izuku was shocked and in slight denial "He was fine when they took him here..." 

Hitoshi looked up at him with a desperate look in his eyes. "We cant loose him. . ."

Izuku felt the lump in his throat grow too big to contain and felt the sting in his eyes. His brother was right. Neither of them can loose him. Hell the world cant loose him. He felt himself sink to the ground and would no doubt have injured himself if Bakugo hadn't slowed his fall.

Hitoshi scrambled over and grabbed him into a vice grip of a hug making it difficult for Izuku to breathe. Well that's what he thought but the truth was he was having a anxiety attack. It wasn't until Hitoshi put his hands on both shoulders holding him up, looking Izuku in the eyes that he noticed it wasn't the hug restricting his breathing.

"Breathe Izu breathe!" he said lightly shaking Izuku. Hitoshi wanted to ask Bakugo to go get recovery girl but he was already on his way to do just that. Not long after she came out to look Izuku over too.

As Izuku sat there unable to breathe he saw Bakugo leave out the corner of his eye, he saw his brother trying to talk to him but the words sounded distant and hollow. Recovery girl swam into view and then nothing. He had passed out.

His body took over and he finally breathed to the relief of everyone in the hallway. Recovery girl told Hitoshi and Bakugo to carry him inside. She tried to kick both of them out but neither would budge so she finally gave up.

Several hours later Izuku lay there restless some sort of dream having taken ahold of him. Hitoshi was cuddled up next to him despite the protests of Recovery Girl. Bakugo was holding his hand with his head resting on the side of the bed. Both of them had fallen asleep waiting for Izuku to wake up.

There was darkness all around him, nothing had form or shape. There was just an endless expanse of nothing with just Izuku being aware of his existence. Then there was sound but it was nothing but silence. Time became a concept he was aware of and it seemed to be slowing down and speeding up all at once. Then the silence was pierced by a gentle voice. 

Izuku, the chance that you will remember this is slim. This is a copy, the real me is with him. I can only control her for so long. . . I hope a copy will be enough. I'm sorry for anything she has done and for what's about to happen too. Tell him I say Bumfuzzle, he'll know.

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