Chapter 48

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The students were all talking among themselves wondering what the delay was all about. Which proctor was late, why did it matter that much? The rest of them were still gossiping about the conflict between Izuku and Bakugo. From the barely hushed whispers Izuku could discern that they were split into two factions. 

Those who believe Izuku stepped in just in time to save a smaller boy who they assume is lost. The other side believes the small boy is indeed a pervert and Izuku must be one too for defending him. This side felt emboldened by the fact that the conflict turned into Izuku threating Hannah. 

If Izuku was honest with himself he didn't feel like he acted heroic to save that boy. No he stepped in to save Bakugo from himself and a situation Hannah had put him in. He cursed himself for still caring about someone who clearly wants nothing to do with him. He just wished he knew how she's controlling him. 

Izuku had ruled out her using a quirk on him. All she's able to do is density shift to phase through objects or alter the bonds of molecules to weaken structures. Izuku has spent an infuriating amount of time trying to discern whether or not she could use any of that to alter a mind but he's fairly certain the subject would die if she tried. 

Present Mic spoke over the gossiping students "Settle down little listeners! The delay is over please gather even closer together and be ready to split into groups." He looked at the clipboard attached to a lanyard around his neck. He flipped through a few pages and looked at the students. 

"Right easiest is alphabetically those of you with surnames from A to M on the left and those with N to Z on the right." He waited for them to get sorted. There was a lot of shuffling and unnecessary shoving but everyone was in their group after a few minutes. Aizawa came up to Mic and said something to him in his ear.

"Okay so where is Midoriya Izuku and Shinso Hitoshi?"

Izuku and Hitoshi stared at each other wide eyed from across the groups. He managed to just stay in the group where they were sitting to begin with but Hitoshi had to move to the second one...

Were they in trouble? Izuku understood if he was but his brother had nothing to do with that succubus. Izuku tentatively got up and walked over to his father and Mic with Hitoshi leading the way in front. Every eye followed them.

When they got to the their father with worried faces Aizawa gave a barely audible giggle but managed to stifle it. Izuku had heard it though.

Izuku whisper yelled at his father "What's the big idea dragging us out in front of the whole school Hobo-dad?"

Present Mic didn't even try to hide his laugh just further confusing the rest of the students.

He looked at his sons. "Sorry guys, it's because I forgot to tell you. Legally speaking you're both Aizawa's now. So you both need to be in the fir-"

Everyone had gasped in shock. Nobody could hear what was being said to the two who were called up. Nobody had expected events to unfold like it did. Before them was the man they were all deathly afraid of. The same man who they were certain was about to do something horrific to the two boys he called out - being held onto for dear life in a bear grip hug by the very same two boys.

Izuku and Hitoshi were both so grateful and didn't care that everyone saw them or how they showed their gratitude to their father. Now in heart and name. Izuku hadn't felt like a Midoriya since his father killed himself. It was just an anchor to his cruel and vindictive mother. He was sure Hitoshi felt some form of the same thing for his family name. Izuku doesn't know the details but he knows hearing his born into family name brings nothing but bad memories for him too.

Aizawa pulled back a bit from the hug but didn't let go entirely "Much as this is nice you guys need to take a seat so the exam can start. We can celebrate at home okay?" Both boys just nodded and went to sit down at the first group smiling from ear to ear. Hitoshi wiped a small tear on his cheek. Present Mic took the chance with everyone silently speculating what just happened to push on through to the exam proceedings. 

"So while this indeed a point based exam you are being monitored throughout the entire process. Technically you need at least 100 points to enter the hero division." He gave chance for that to sink and as expected the eruption of discussion happened. He used his quirk to make a loud noise to draw back attention to him.

"If you can please stay quiet till the explanation is done. None of it will be repeated." 

The discussion died down and stopped.

"Now then, those of you with scores below 100 but reaching at least 50 will be allowed into general studies or another division granted they passed the written test with an above average grade." Mic flipped over a page on his clipboard.

"Those with points reaching 25 and a passing written exam grade are allowed into general studies." He looked over the crowd like he was expecting interruption again.

"Having found yourself at the end of the exam with zero points but above average grade on the written exam means you will also be allowed into general studies." He sighed heavily before continuing.

"However having zero points and only a passing grade on the written exam means you need to apply for another school. It is also to be noted that even though you might be allowed to join general studies there is no guaranteed placement. There is also the caveat that if you have enough points to join the hero division but have failed the written exam you will not be accepted into U.A"

Then came the eruption of protest Mic seemed to have been waiting for. But instead of silencing them he just stood there. Izuku snapped what was happening. It seemed a few others from both groups did as well. They were all running into the cityscape. Izuku heard Mic eventually shout at those who were still seated when he and Hitoshi had reached the entrance.


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