Chapter 117

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Hitoshi had just woken up from a fairly brief nap, his sleep interrupted yet again by a nightmare. He cleared his throat and called out "Mic?"

Almost immediately Present Mic replied. "yes little listener?" he asked as he looked up from the book he was reading

"Is dad back yet?" Hitoshi wondered aloud

"No he-" Mic started only to be interrupted by a notification on his phone

"oh that must be him" he said as he unlocked the phone to check the message

"what'd he say?" Hitoshi asked hoping for good news today

"They found him!" Mic said clearly excited for the good news as he read further in the message.

"He's bringing him now." Mic shared

"Really?!" Hitoshi asked unable to really believe they found him.

"Really so you need to get better okay?" Mic informed him

"Hito-kun?" Mic asked worried after he went quiet

"i-I'm just glad he's okay, I wouldn't have- not after..." Hitoshi sniffled away at the runny nose his tears had brought.

Mic sat on the bed and offered him a tissue "Oh Hito-kun, neither of those would be or are your fault. Okay?"

Hitoshi sniffed a thanks taking the tissue to clean his nose.

Mic gave him a kind smile as he placed the tissue box next to him. "you feeling like eating something yet?"

Hitoshi hesitated for a moment before answering. "I guess I can try" he said not sounding all too thrilled at the prospect.

Mic just kept his smile "I'll try to restrain myself and not go all out like last time, okay?" he offered

Hitoshi nodded as he said "Thanks for taking care of me Mic"

"My pleasure little listener." Mic said as he ruffled Hitoshi's hair before he made his way out of the room.

Just then Hitoshi heard his phone buzz again. No doubt it was Kaminari but maybe it was Izuku now that he was coming back? He unlocked the phone to see Kaminari had been sending texts since a few hours ago. He sighed before he replied.

(12:04)Kami: Bean talk to me please...😓

(13:10)Kami: It's not what it looked like.

(13:11)Kami: Well it is but also not, please just talk to me 😔

(14:21)Kami: Can you just let me know you're okay? Please

(14:23)Me: I need time, stop texting 😕

(14:25)Kami: 😢

Hitoshi lay there with the faint sound of food being prepared in the kitchen. He really hoped Mic keeps his word and doesn't serve him a whole five course meal again. He hates the he couldn't eat it. The incident with Kaminari has sparked up his body image issues again. He knows Mic cares though and wasn't too mad when he didn't eat. 

The fact that Izuku was coming home helped somewhat as it was one less thing to worry about. At least he knows his brother is safe again. Beyond body issues stopping him from eating he really did feel run down. Recovery girl says it's from stress. 

Just as his thoughts threatened to return back to worrying about Kaminari Mic popped his head in to get him. With the assistance of the walls and Mic helping him along Hitoshi had made his way to the kitchen. Here he saw that Mic did indeed keep his promise of not going overboard again.

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