Chapter 84

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Bakugo sat listening to Izuku explain all about the situation with Mineta. The more he heard the more he felt guilty for acting so childish. "Wow that makes so much sense now, I never would've guessed there was so much going on with the grape."

Izuku extended an arm to help him up, as Bakugo was standing again Izuku looked him directly in the eyes and told him "Now keep it to yourself unlike what you blurted out about my brother."

Bakugo averted the gaze a bit but didn't look away, clearly still embarrassed about his behavior. "Will do, don't want you to explode my head..." he assured Izuku half teasing and half genuinely concerned about the possibility.

Izuku just laughed it off saying "Very funny. Tease away I'll get my revenge in other ways." while biting his lower lip seductively.

Bakugo took it as an invitation and kept the grip on his arm and pulled Izuku closer so their faces were nearly touching. "Don't threaten me with a good time." he said smirking. Izuku didn't move away so Bakugo started kissing his neck while exploring Izuku's body with his other hand. He let go of the grip on Izuku's arm to hold his head.

Izuku moaned softly as Bakugo kept kissing his neck leaving the occasional hickey though they healed shortly after appearing. This drove Bakugo into a sort of need to make one stay, his kissing gaining passion and vigor. Izuku's hands had been exploring Bakugo's body as well and they found a familiar bulge. Bakugo let out a hungry groan.

Things were about to get wild but a car alarm in the distance brought reality crashing back upon them just as Bakugo was busy undoing Izuku's belt. As much as he wanted Bakugo right then and there the chances of someone looking up at the roof or worse still barging in on them weren't impossible.

Izuku got control of his breath the best he could with his face bright red and whisper yelled "Kacchan! Not out in the open..."

Reality was all too cruel for Bakugo's liking. He had to agree that the chance of being discovered was too high. Even if he was honest the mere thought of it drove his lust further, screaming at him to throw away reason. Bakugo however prided himself on self control and willed himself away. He looked Izuku deeply in the eyes and kissed him. "Fuck... blue balls city population me... Fine, let's go back and make food then."

Izuku laughed at him "It's not like I don't want to you know. I mean" he said pointing at his own bulge turning a searing bright shade of red in the face.

"Don't make me look at that..." He said desperately. He turned around trying to will away his own bulge "I'll be in that corner for a few minutes till we calm down."

After a while the growling of stomachs had replaced any other desire so they flew down and headed for the dorm kitchen. Once back Izuku sat at the counter swinging his legs admiring how Bakugo handled himself in the kitchen. He could easily become a gourmet chef Izuku thought to himself. Though that's no surprise, it is Bakugo after all. Izuku's daydreaming was interrupted by Bakugo's voice breaking the silence "Hand me the bowls."

Izuku didn't even bother trying to jump about to maybe reach the cupboard with the bowels, he used his quirk to get them and float them to the island counter. Seeing this sparked a question in Bakugo "Oh that reminds me, you said a lot of the class could do more with their quirks. Anyone in particular you were thinking about?"

Izuku had indeed been thinking about the very same thing for quite a while now and he's narrowed it down to one person. "yeah I was actually. Kaminari."

As Izuku said his name Kaminari himself walked in and having heard his name thought Izuku was talking to him "Yessir?"

Bakugo laughed at his sudden appearance "Ha! Speak of the devil and he appears."

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