Chapter 118

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Izuku cleaned his face the best he could after and sat down to eat something, no doubt the food Hitoshi didn't manage to eat. Afterwards he felt stable enough to go check on his brother. He gathered his courage and with shadow trotting along he made his way to the spare bedroom. Pressing his ear against the door he heard the familiar drone of a radio talk show. It's something Hitoshi does when he cant sleep in hopes of being bored asleep. Izuku knocked with his hand on the door knob ready to turn.

"Can I come in?" He called through the door

"IZU!" He heard his brother call out in response and he opened the door with a smile.

Hitoshi looked worse than he had imagined. He's used to the eyebags from the lack of sleep but the lack of food seemed far more obvious than it should be. He was worried that even when he did manage to eat that the chance was great he threw it up shortly after in secret.

Izuku did his best to conceal this worry as he walked over and sat on the bed "Hey Hito-nii" he greeted him

"I'm so glad you're safe, please don't leave again" Hitoshi said practically pleading

The pang of guilt in his stomach was sharp knowing he contributed to his brother's current state. He didn't know what to say so he just hanged his head a bit and apologized. "Sorry . . ."

Hitoshi lifted up his brother's chin looking him in the eyes and said "Don't say sorry, say you're staying or take me with you next time at least" a crooked smile on his lips

"I'm staying." Izuku nodded returning the smile.

Content in the answer Hitoshi sat back against the head of the bed "good." he said

Before either of the brothers could continue their talk the familiar buzz of a phone vibrating against a wooden surface broke the silence. Every time Izuku thought it had ended it started up again.

"Wow someone is popular" he noted 

Hitoshi shook his head sadly "No it's Kami begging to talk to me"

"Did you guys break up?" Izuku asked picking up on the subtle tone difference in the mention of Kaminari's name




"I honestly don't know anymore" he finally settled on with a sigh.

"What's going on Hito-nii?" Izuku asked concerned 

"It's stupid." Hitoshi said picking at a loose thread on the bed covers

Izuku resisted every urge he had to crack a joke about how when it concerned Kaminari it was indeed no doubt stupid. But he kept his composure for the sake of his brother and the slight guilt for thinking like that about a friend. Opting instead to be supportive

"Obviously not if you're not talking to each other." Izuku insisted but didn't get a response making him worried Kaminari did in fact do something stupid.

"Do I need to go dangle him a few kilometers in the air?" He offered fully intending to do it if Kaminari had hurt his brother.

At this Hitoshi looked somewhat distressed and shook his head "No, it's my fault I guess"

Now Izuku was indeed confused. "how so?"

"I found him watching porn. . ." Hitoshi answered his voice trailing

"does that bother you?" izuku asked trying his best not to view the problem through his own experience.

He must've failed as Hitoshi sighed and looked at him "I know it's not supposed to."

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