Chapter 42

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 Shinso wasn't used to a lot of sleep so when he woke up without feeling like he could immediately fall back asleep he was a bit confused. He was also confused at how the sun was already shining like it was midday. He's used to waking up at least three or four times a night if he's lucky enough to fall asleep in the first place. Confusing him further but also grounding him back in reality was a wet nose on his cheek. 

It was the cat Mr. Aizawa and his son called Midnight. Fitting name for the elegant black coated Maine Coon, she carried herself like royalty. Shinso was head over heels for her since the first time she jumped into his arms. Though he's the first to admit it doesn't take much to fall in love with any cat with him. Especially black cats, he finds them to be kindred spirits. Rejected and hated for something they had no control over.

The more aware he became of his surroundings he thought he might actually be asleep still. On the ceiling lay Mr. Aizawa's son Midoriya on his stomach. He was deeply concentrated on reading some sort of notebook with what looks like the most horrible handwriting he's ever seen. As if that wasn't a strange enough sight there was a string tied to one of his toes that two cats were eagerly following in an attempt to catch it.

He knew Midoriya was a powerful telekinetic user and he barely had any control over his quirk. It's the whole reason he went with Mr. Aizawa to U.A's support department. He had a way to inhibit his quirk now. Shinso wondered why he didn't use it. He didn't have long to ponder however as Midoriya had spotted him and his confused look when he felt one of the cats catch the string.


The corner seemed to come alive as a large worm like creature stirred. Aizawa sighed loudly "Why in All Might's name are you shouting kitten? I'm right here. . ." 

Izuku giggled "Oops, sorry. Didn't see you from this angle plus you blend in with that sleeping bag, nearly thought you were an overgrown caterpillar there!"

The caterpillar glared at his son before turning it's attention to Shinso. "Welcome back to the world of the waking. I'm just a tiny bit jealous you slept so long. We tried to wake you up when it was morning but midnight refused to let us get close."

"Yep and what her majesty says goes. Oh and he's not just jealous you got to sleep so long it's that Midnight never sleeps with him." Izuku said sticking out his tongue in the direction of Aizawa.

"Slander! She slept with me for a whole glorious month when she was a kitten!" Aizawa shot back

"That's what you go with dad? Not that you aren't jealous?" 

Aizawa's cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink and he chose to not engage in this topic anymore instead turning his attention back to Shinso. "Anyways... You must be hungry. You missed breakfast and it's late enough for lunch to almost be over too. I hope Pizza is ok?"

Shinso had noticed the change in colour in Aizawa and it set off the memory of what he did yesterday and how he had ended up. To have an episode on the first day and then end up breaking down in front of strangers. 

He felt mortified and even more so when he remembered how he let Midoriya play with his hair. The heat rose in the back of his neck no doubt turning him a bright shade of red. He was barely able to reply. "Y-yeah that's f-fine"

Izuku got down from the ceiling and turned on his ring when he reached the floor then walked over to Shinso. When he reached the back of the couch he put his hand through Shinso's hair like last night saying "No need to be embarrassed dude you saw me like that too remember? Yesterday sucked overall so don't let it fuck up today too."

"OI Language kitten!"

Izuku gave his father a look that basically said Really?!

"Don't give me that look mister. When you're out in the world and working and own the place you put your head down at the end of the night then you can swear like a sailor."

Aizawa didn't actually care if Izuku swore or not, but he believes Izuku needs structure. Nobody beyond Mr. Takada has ever cared about him. Something small like a simple rule to follow shows he's not going anywhere and will be there to enforce it.

"Fine. . ." Izuku relented knowing there'd be a bigger lecture if he didn't.

"Come one dude let's go eat before the caterpillar gets even more grumpy"

Shinso didn't really have time to respond, Midoriya was dragging him to the kitchen by his arm already. . . 

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