Chapter 121

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Bakugo and Izuku made themselves busy in the kitchen with the sounds of a sleepover being prepared in the common room. Well Bakugo was busy making food and Izuku was admiring his boyfriend. The door to the kitchen creaked open earning both of their attention when Kirishima walked in accompanied by his U.A appointed watch nurse Yuki. 

"Baku-bro, Deku-bro can I have a word?" he said softly while not really making eye contact with either of them.

Izuku's gaze lingered on the nurse unsure if Kirishima was ready to talk about what was bothering him. Even more so if what he wanted to say was something he wanted a random stranger to hear. "uh... sure?" he answered nonetheless

Kirishima must have read Izuku like a book as he gave a small smile and pointed at the nurse. "Don't worry about Yuki, she knows about it."

Hearing this put him at ease so he sat down at the counter seat facing Kirishima, doing his best to not appear hostile just incase he was under the impression that Izuku was still angry with him. "Oh ok, if you're comfortable that's fine."

"Come sit while the chef gets busy" Izuku offered the stool next to him 

Kirishima gave the first hint of a real smile Izuku has seen since he's been back "Sure that works" he said as he hopped onto stool.

A familiar smell hit Izuku's nose and he twisted his body to look at his boyfriend. "Kacchan are you making me noodles?"

Bakugo gave him a smirk "Obviously I always do after-"

Izuku cleared his throat loudly to cut him off before turning a slight shade of pink. He turned back to Kirishima feeling slightly bad for the awkward air that hang between them now. "Ah, Kiri do you want some too?" he asked hoping food would smooth things over some.

Kirishima waved him off "I'm good thanks, way too spicy for me."

Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance "I make the baby version for him." he said pointing to Izuku.

Izuku feigned offence "It's not the baby version, nobody else has your cast iron tongue is all!"

Kirishima gave a small laugh at the way the two interacted with each other.

Bakugo glared at him and brandished tongs in his direction "Laugh it up sharky I might slip up and make yours spicy too."

"No please don't" Kirishima pleaded with him

Izuku rolled his eyes at Bakugo's empty threats "So what's up Kiri?"

"Ah..." Kirishima rubbed his neck with nerves at being called on.

He glanced between Izuku and Bakugo and then looked at Yuki who gave him an encouraging smile. He sighed and started again. "I just wanted to apologize to you guys"

"again?" Izuku and Bakugo asked in unison earing a smirk at each other.

Izuku leaned in close and put his arm on Kirishima's shoulder "We forgave you long ago Kiri." Izuku told him

"Yeah stop stressing about shit." Bakugo piped up while he went back to the food.

"But..." Kirishima started to say with tears threating to fall

Bakugo picked up a piece of bread, walked over and shoved it in Kirishima mouth "But nothing, stuff this in your face hole while you wait"

He sniffed and took a bite while looking quite shy before mumbling out a "thanks"

Bakugo ended up making enough food the entire dorm who all happily ate given that this was a rare treat. Izuku couldn't help but give a satisfied smirk when Kaminari mistakenly added some of Bakugo's extra strong spicy hot sauce to his food. He knew the electric charged idiot his brother was dating didn't intend on hurting Hitoshi, but a small amount of discomfort was certainly earned for doing it nonetheless.

The rest of the night was spent playing board games or party games. A round of truth of dare had seen Uraraka speak backwards for the entirety of the game. That Sero had a mole in quite the indecent place and it even led to Mineta admitting his current crush is a guy.

Throughout the night though Izuku couldn't help but notice that Izumi seemed distant somehow. So when everyone else was settling in for the all night movie marathon of pre-quirk superhero movies he decided to pull her aside.

"You feeling okay sis?" he asked sensing she was hiding something

Izumi smiled kindly at him "Yeah I'm having fun" 

"you sure?" Izuku insisted

Izumi tiled her head asking "why?"

Still feeling slightly guilty for assuming she's stolen his boyfriend he insisted "you seem, I don't know. Distant."

She gave him a sad scoff "You know nobody should be able to pick up on that. . ."

Izuku moved closer and held the side of her arm to show concern and caring "What do you mean?"

She seemed to think about something "I guess if anyone can it would be you, we did uh... see"

The memory of having walked back into his mother's house for the first time again filled his mind. Seeing how nothing had been touched in all these years. Nobody had cleaned up anything "oh yeah, I uh..." Izuku spoke his voice growing distant

Izumi put her hand on the hand izuku had on her arm and brought him out of his own thoughts. "I'm just saying given how you were treated it's obvious you'd be able to tell something is up with me. To everyone else they just see the smile, you know. Not the..."

"Broken bits under it." Izuku finished her sentence.

"Yeah" the both said in unison.

Slightly shaking the thoughts from his head he renewed his focus on his sister. "So do you think you can tell me?"

She gave Izuku a small smile "It's nothing bad so to say, it's just." she started but stopped and looked away almost as if she was ashamed.

"well it brought up a lot of what ifs..." she finally finished

Izuku frowned slightly "seeing my house?"

She shook her head "No, I mean that brought it's own questions but I got uhm." she cut herself off again almost too scared to say it out loud.

Bakugo's obnoxious laughter broke through the air as he seemingly found some of the physical comedy in the movie hilarious. It set off a reminder in his mind of his supply room argument with him. 

"You got news..." he smiled at Izumi

She seemed shocked "how did you?"

"Kacchan and I had our own..." Izuku cleared his throat to avoid blushing "talk and he told me you think you cant tell me about news you have."

Izumi sighed seeming slightly relieved at not having to find a way to bring the subject up. "It's not so much that I cant tell you as much as I hate the timing of it." she said cryptically

Worry started to seep into Izuku "Okay what's going on Izumi?" he asked her almost desperately.

"Nezu found my mom." She said with a watery smile

"Your mom?"

"Yeah... Father told me she died having me but turns out they told her the same about me and she left to live in America..." The tears now escaping her eyes.

"Ah, so you're leaving?" Izuku asked her realizing where this was going

"Yeah. . . Sorr-" she started to apologize but Izuku had lunged at her and had her in a bear hug.

"I'm so happy for you Sis!" He told her

Izumi was stunned "Wha- I thought you'd be upset."

Izuku laughed lightly "Well I'm not happy we're going to be apart but it's your mom Izumi! You have to find out if she's one of the good parents."

She returned the hug and whispered "Thanks Izu..."

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