Chapter 71

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Izuku was sleeping peacefully in a position nobody would say is comfortable just by looking at him. Midnight seemed to have taken it as a challenge and was sleeping in an equally contorted manner. Hitoshi had long since given up on sleeping last night and was doing homework in advance. He kept an eye on the clock so he could wake his brother to get ready for school.

While he's been undoubtedly worried he's glad there's a plan of action to help his brother. He felt it was his duty to make sure he was okay. After all it was Izuku who convinced him to take his own sessions with hound dog seriously. He hasn't had a severe episode since and he now knows what to do when he feels one developing.

Suddenly an ear splitting alarm shattered the calm silence of the early morning. At first Hitoshi thought it was just an obnoxious dorm neighbour with an unreasonably loud alarm clock. Though it kept going and only seemed to get louder. Far too loud to be coming from a household clock alarm. 

Izuku opened his eyes and twisted his body upright to sit up. "What's going on Hito-nii?" he asked still half asleep. Hitoshi just shrugged unsure himself. They didn't have try and figure it out for long. An announcement blared with the alarm.


"An intruder?" Izuku was now wide awake. Hitoshi didn't know what to make of the announcement. Who would be foolish enough to try and break into U.A? What could possibly be here worth the risk to steal it?

The alarm continued to blare.  Izuku and Hitoshi decided to try and help barricade the doors like they were told. When they went to help they saw it wasn't needed, the others in Hitoshi's class had already taken care of it. Nearly every piece of furniture was pilled up against the doors. They joined one of the groups openly speculating about what was goin on.

In Izuku's dorm everyone knew exactly what was going on though. There had been an attempt to capture Hannah and bring her in for questioning under suspicion of having connections with known villains. An offence worthy of expulsion and possible criminal charges for lying on the U.A application forms. She had managed to escape though and was busy terrorizing class 1A for information on where Izuku was.

Everyone in 1A was tied up and was forced into a kneeling position towards Hannah. She had been demanding that someone bring her Izuku for over ten minutes now. Her patience clearly wearing thin. "You losers better bring me that reject out or one of you is going home in a bag."

She grabbed the girl nearest to her who happened to be Momo Yaoyorozu, she held her face in her hand and placed a sharpened claw like nail in her neck. It drew a bit of blood as she placed it. "WELL WHERE IS HE?!"

Momo was by no means easy to scare but she had to admit to herself that this girl is beyond reasoning with. She flinched as she felt the cut on her neck "unfh.. we d-don't know okay"

Hannah didn't like that one bit. She slapped Momo across the face leaving an angry welt. "STOP LYING TO ME!!!"

Kirishima struggled more than everyone else at that moment against his binds. He turned his head towards Bakugo and yelled at him "BAKUBRO! DO SOMETHING! THAT'S YOUR GIRL ISNT IT?!"

He was the only one not tied up completely. Hannah looked up at Kirishima clearly annoyed he spoke to Bakugo. "YOU SHUT UP! HE'S MY LAPDOG NOT YOURS!"

She began to sound frantic "NOW BRING ME DEKU OR THIS PRETTY ONE HERE IS THE FIRST TO GO" making a gash across Momo's face as she did.

Next thing Mineta had gotten loose and lunged his body at Hannah who easily dodged him and grabbed him by the back of his neck. "HAHA DID YOU ACTUALLY JUST TRY AND SAVE HER?! YOU!?" She laughed maniacally.

She adjusted her grip so that she was holding him by his neck hanging there gasping for air. "How someone as pathetic as you made it into 1A... Just more proof this so called school has gone to the dogs... haha. Well the genetic freakdom that is Nezu. close enough..." She mocked him and continued to insult everything and anyone around her.

Hannah sighed seemingly bored now. "nobody going to bring him to me then?"

She readjusted her grip on Mineta again "fine... you were brave enough. how's about we see how useful you are when I take off your scalp? How you going to use that useless quirk of yours without any hair hmm?" Her claws about to scrape off his skull but Uraraka spoke up.

"STOP IT!" she screamed at Hannah.

Her interest piqued at someone who would speak up for Mineta. "Hmmm? has the pervert gotten lucky and someone has taken pity on him?" 

Uraraka's face made an involuntary spasm as if she had just eaten something off. Hannah turned Mineta to speak to him. "yikes... guess not there little perv. Don't worry I'll make sure you wont suffer. All you have to do is tell me where Deku is." She almost sounded sincere in her compassion for Mineta.

He didn't say anything and this time it was Kaminari who spoke up. "Nobody knows you psycho!"

Hannah was annoyed clearly now. She threw Mineta into a corner and a dull thud could be heard as his head hit the wall. Hannah however carried on like nothing had happened "Come on now, I know he's not worth anyone's time! But nobody knows?! Surely someone keeps track so you can try to and avoid him?!"

She was met with silence, a few kept looking over towards Mineta's limp body, wondering if he's alive. "NOBODY?!" Hannah yelled at them.

She threw her arms in the air to signify giving up. "UGH Fiiine... guess we'll do it the old boring way then... COME!"

Bakugo instantly came and stood before her. "Where is he mutt?" She asked him.

Without even seemingly thinking about it he answered her. "Probably in the dorm next door. His brother is there."

Hannah smiled a wicked smile and pat Bakugo's head like a dog that just performed a successful trick. Classmates voiced their displeasure at him 

"BAKUGO! What's the matter with you!"

"How could you?!"

"Not cool bro."

Finally Bakugo snapped and yelled at them. "FUCKING SHUT UP EXTRAS!!"

As Hannah began to make for the exit and go find Izuku for herself. Clearly pleased by herself, her bubble and the doors burst open as a battle formation of heroes and licensed students cut her off. Aizawa was quick to disable her quirk so she cant phase shift away again. She was tied up in his scarf and quirk handcuffs and a quirk inhibitor neck lock was placed on her before he undid her bindings.

She started to scream obscenities but Aizawa-sensei put a mouth lock on her too. It's usually reserved for quirks that are voice related or activated via the mouth. Though he couldn't help but smirk as suddenly she was quiet. The whole squad of heroes walked with their captured target to make sure she doesn't escape. 

Aizawa-sensei stayed behind to help his students. Recovery girl was also there and healed Mineta best she could. It was just a cut and a concussion according to her, so he was carried to the infirmary to be watched. The rest of the class just had cuts and were a bit shaken up.

Things had calmed down a bit but Iida was insisting that Bakugo be taken in as well. "He helped that harpy. He gave up where Izuku was!"

Aizawa-sensei gathered his class and had Bakugo stand next to him. "Now listen well, I know how you feel. Izuku is my son after all. Truth be told i have my own personal issues with Bakugo here. It would be easy to make him take some of the blame. However without him notifying me of her plans she might have gotten away with them. A far more chilling thought than Bakugo's misplaced affections for a villains daughter. This is the last I want to hear about it. Whether we like it or not Bakugo helped both you and the heroes today..."

Everyone was mumbling amongst themselves at this revelation then behind all of them came a voice loud and trembling. Tears running down his face Izuku stood there with a pleading look on his face.

"Is that true Kacchan? Did you finally stand up to her?"

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