Chapter 44

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Izuku and Hitoshi just ignored the teasing from the kids around them after their father drove off. They kept walking to U.A almost forgetting about the exam with all their nerves about it gone. Though that was short lived as they approached the ridiculously big campus. Izuku was so distracted by it's scale that poor Hitoshi had to make sure he didn't trip, while he succeeded the effort meant he wasn't so lucky. 

The ground came fast and unforgiving all Shinso could do is prepare for the inevitable pain. It never came though, when he opened his eyes he was floating. Not an unfamiliar sight to him though usually it's his brother doing the floating and not him.

"Izu is this you?!" he asked his brother shocked.

Izuku looked just as confused however and motioned to his ring "Cant right now, remember?"

"Ah right, then wha-" 

A girl interrupted him just then "You guys should really watch where you're going it would be bad luck to fall before the exam. I'm Uraraka Ochako. Oh but lemme put you down. Sorry didn't mean to keep you"

Shinso flopped on the ground and was busy dusting himself off while Izuku was introducing them with a crazed look on his face. He was excited about Uraraka's quirk. . . This much Hitoshi knew from the time he's spent with his brother. He's super into all kinds of quirks and how they work. In the time he's been living with him Izuku had filled at least two notebooks about Hitoshi alone.

Excitement clear for all to see Izuku launched a question after question at the poor girl. "I'm Midoriya Izuku and this is my brother Shinso Hitoshi. Say what's your quirk? How'd you do that? Are you a telekinetic user? Or maybe you can change air density?! That would be cool!"

Izuku was overwhelming the poor girl with questions and scribbling in his notebook. She was a bright shade of red and clearly didn't know how to respond. Shinso stepped in and pulled Izuku back from Uraraka.

"Whoa Izu slow down a bit she cant breathe. Sorry Uraraka-san he gets a bit excited when it comes to quirks."

Izuku looked up from the notebook he was scribbling in and saw how flustered Uraraka was. He rubbed the back of his neck "Oh... uhm sorry. Didn't mean to overwhelm you there."

She turned her focus to Shinso and her normal skin tone returned slowly. "No worries guys was just a bit shocked if I'm honest. Everyone always says my quirk is lame.

Shinso clicked his tongue "I'm familiar with this 'everyone' person, trust me they suck and nothing they say is worth anything."

Uraraka giggled. "Too True. Well I can control gravity to some extent. Comes in handy saving clumsy boys or sneaking out windows, but you didn't hear the last part." The boys laughed along with her. 

Izuku looked her dead in the eyes and with serious tone said to her "Well that sound awesome and anyone who doesn't agree can come eat my big toe" Uraraka and Shinso shared a bemused look and burst out laughing. Izuku wasn't sure what they found so funny. "Come on or we'll miss the exam at this rate.." Izuku said sternly as if he wasn't the cause for the delay to begin with. . .

Nonetheless they picked up the pace and managed to catch up to the last few stragglers before the big gates were shut. Everyone filed into the assembly hall which was much larger than Izuku thought it needed to be but to his surprise it was packed. Seems everyone wants to get into the best hero school in the nation.

Nerves Izuku thought had settled renewed as soon as they entered and sat down. Up on stage were faculty members and Izuku knew Hitoshi was also searching for their father like he was. However Aizawa was nowhere to be seen. Their search came to an unwanted close when Present Mic stepped up to the front using his quirk to address the large crowd of hopeful students. Even though they were closer to the back of the hall it still felt like Mic was standing right next to them.

"Right listeners welcome to everyone of you I'm sure all of you have the desire to become heroes and help people. A great dream to have. Sadly we cant take all of you. . ."

Large portions of students could be heard whispering amongst themselves. Then Izuku noticed a disheveled hobo take to the stage. He recognized this hobo as his father though his words were far from the person he knew.

He activated his quirk making his hair rise and his eyes glow and spoke into a loudspeaker. "The next student to speak or interrupt Present Mic will be removed personally by me. I will make sure you never go to any hero school in this country. . ." 

The hall fell silent and Aizawa kept staring at the students silently daring them to test him. A minute that felt like an hour passed. Present Mic took the chance to carry on with his speech. "Thank you Aizawa sensei. Now then as I was saying we wont be able to take all of you. This is how today is going to work. . . A written test to determine if you can keep up with regular schoolwork on top of hero training. A mock battle in a fake city scape here on campus with a points system. Also it should be noted that after the written portion if you would like to apply for the support division report to Power loader. Those who wish to enter the Management division report to our mathematics teacher Ectoplasm."

Aizawa spoke again though not with his quirk active this time. "Open your desks and take out the exam booklets. It is now 9:58 AM. When the clock reaches 10:00 AM you may open your booklets and begin. You will have till 12:30PM to finish. If anyone is caught cheating they will be in so much trouble that their punishment will be so severe as to affect their great grandchildren..."

Izuku could see the other kids were scared of Aizawa and while true he's currently much stricter than at home he cant help but smirk to himself picturing his father in that purple cat eared onesie with a tail he saw him in this morning. Izuku really struggled to not burst out laughing.

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