Chapter 76

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"Yo Baku-Bro these pancakes are so manly!" 

"Yeah so delicious dude!" 

Kirishima and Sero were scarfing down pancakes one after the other. Bakugo had intended to make them just for him and Izuku but it's been a while since Izuku left. The others in their class had gotten a smell and wanted some. Bored and unsure when Izuku would return he kept busy by feeding the rest of the class too. 

Bakugo heard the main entrance door opening and went sprinting hoping it was Izuku. This resulted in him appearing in front of Izuku the moment he stepped into the dorm. 

"Izu where were you?" He asked half concerned and slightly annoyed at him for not telling him he was going to be away so long.

Izuku felt a bit guilty for taking so long, then again it had been for something important. He ignored the annoyed tone in Bakugo's voice as he had no idea about any of it. He decided to let him in on what he went and did without crossing a line or exposing Mineta's secrets. If he wanted a relationship worth anything secrets wouldn't help that at all. 

"Oh me and ..." Izuku started to say but realized Mineta was nowhere to be seen.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow looking in the direction Izuku was pointing not seeing anyone. "you and?" he asked

Izuku spotted Mineta already down the hallway walking faster than anyone his height has any business moving. "wow he must still be scared of you..."

Bakugo turned around following Izuku's eyes "who are you talking about?"

Izuku pointed to Mineta "over there"

Bakugo scoffed with a full on mocking tone "the perv?"

Izuku was a bit hurt to hear someone talk that way about his friend but couldn't blame Bakugo. Mineta had done his job thoroughly in convincing everyone. "he's not a pervert, not really." Izuku defended

His tone must've carried how offended he was confusing Bakugo "hah?"

Izuku sighed "long story that isn't mine to share. You were looking for me?"

Bakugo sensed there's no use in prying and didn't want to sour their first day together outside his bedroom. So proudly he proclaimed "Yep. Made pancakes. Worship the ground I walk on because I saved some for you." He puffed his chest to brag.

Izuku bowed taking off a pretend hat "My lord. . ."

Bakugo's ears turned red again making Izuku laugh. "pfff you said I should... you cant get embarrassed afterwards." Izuku leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

Suddenly there was an eardrum bursting screech followed by Mina yelling "WHAT?! OH MY GODS YOU GUYS!! COME LOOK! AIZAWA AND BAKUGO ARE TOGETHER!!!"

Bakugo looked furious and his whole face was red instead of just his ears. He looked at Izuku and seemed to calm down enough to not kill her. "Ouch you slimy banshee, don't scream in people's ears like that!"

Bakugo looked around almost panicked. "we better go before this turns into a circus. . ." Before leaving though he glared at Mina who looked slightly afraid.

"My pancakes though..." Izuku whined as Bakugo dragged him by the collar of his shirt.

He spun Izuku to face him "oh they aren't in the kitchen..."

Izuku went more willingly with Bakugo confused on where the food may be other than the kitchen where food belongs. "what?"

Bakugo laughed to himself "I wont blame you for not noticing but there's a hotplate in my room."

It was Izuku's turn to blush as his mind raced to all the activities they had in Bakugo's room and he very much did not notice a hotplate. "ah. Well i was busy the last time I was there."

Izuku's heart raced and his blood ran cold as he heard the voice of his father behind him "Busy with what may I ask?"

Izuku spun around white as a ghost looking for his father. "D-d-dad?!"

Instead what he saw was a snickering Sero who had done his impressive albeit creepily accurate imitation of his father's voice. "What the fuck Sero! Not funny!"

Sero was clutching his sides laughing "Oh come on you have to admit it's pretty cool."

"if you didn't use it to just scare me shitless I'd agree" Izuku threw back at him

"wow... it didn't take long for Bakugo's manners to rub off on you." 

Bakugo left having had enough of Sero's antics apparently. Sero rubbed the back of his neck looking nervous "Probably wrong choice of words there..." looking as Bakugo left

A light seemed to close it's circuit again and Sero's eyes seemed to light up "anyways you two need to hurry up."

Curious about the sudden change in demeanor but more over why they need to hurry. Classes are canceled as far as he knew. "what why?"

"Classes are back on though it starts just after lunch."

Izuku wondered if his father forgot to tell him after they came to tell their news. The timing was odd to him however. "after lunch? What's the rush then?"

Sero looked at Izuku wondering if he was serious "Have you met your father? After lunch is just for everyone else, for us it means like yesterday."

Izuku just laughed at him "true enough dad can be a bit harsh."

"a bit?!" Sero asked shocked

Izuku just rolled his eyes at him. "It's not that bad plus... well I can be there before any of you so I'm not going to rush. PANCAKE TIME!" Leaving to join Bakugo.

For the second time this morning Bakugo was upon Izuku as soon as he crossed a door's threshold, this time he was pulled further inside the room. Bakugo closed the door shoving Izuku against it while pinning his hands together above his head.

"What are you doing Kacchan? We have to get rea-" Izuku started but was interrupted by Bakugo kissing him deeply. Izuku didn't mind at all and returned the kiss with passion. Their tongues fought for dominance neither willing to submit. Izuku won by biting Bakugo's lip as they broke apart for air. 

He gave Izuku a sly grin wiping the blood off of his lip and clicking his tongue. "Tch! you win this round, but don't you get used to it! Sit and eat so we can leave."

Izuku got close to Bakugo's ear so he could hear him whisper while letting his hand travel all over Bakugo's chest on a downward path finally settling on the bulge evident in his pants. "Looks like at least some part of you didn't mind loosing to me though"

Bakugo's ears gave off a large amount of heat and he let out a hungry moan when Izuku reached his target. Izuku however took away his hand and giggled as he went to grab his food. "Like you said, we have to leave..."

Bakugo growled picking Izuku up and throwing him on the bed. "Like hell we do. You cant awaken the beast like that and then not do anything about it."

Izuku laughed teasingly "Did you seriously just refer to it as the beast?"

Bakugo lunged into the bed and on top of Izuku. "what if I did?" Primal hunger in his eyes.

Izuku traced a finger over Bakugo's jawline resting a thumb on his lips. "I'd ask you if the beast is going to tear me up?"

Bakugo almost growled like an actual animal and replied with "Let's find out . . ."

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