Chapter 38

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The rhythmic beeping of machines had lulled him to sleep, something he sorely needed. Not that Aizawa was unfamiliar with not getting enough sleep what with being a chronic insomniac. This was different however, usually the cause for his lack of sleep is his work schedule. This recent bout was because he refused to leave the hospital. 

Not until the problem child who jumped and survived was cleared to be stable. The boy's quirk was working and the doctors assured him that given enough time he'd heal like nothing even happened. He knew it was true as he was allowed to see him by the fifth day.

No longer was the boy a mangled mess barely alive. His remaining limbs were in the correct positions and his severed arm was reforming. Multitudes of wires and pipes monitored and helped him breathe so his body could recover without needing to strain itself. Midoriya as he found out he's called was going to be okay. Yet still he refused to leave.

He felt responsible. He had failed to save him but was given another chance to make it right. Nothing and nobody would stop him from doing just that. He'd already decided to adopt him no matter what. He spent most of the first two days reading through the notebook the original note came from. It was filled with variations of it. It seemed like he thought about killing himself regularly. Enough to fill a notebook and according to the note he found that day this wasn't the only one filled with them.

Aizawa had met with the boy's current guardian and foster parent ready to berate them for not noticing the state Izuku was in. However when he met Mr.Takada the anger left him when he saw the sorrow the old man had for failing the boy. He was very old after all. The fact that he even took the boy in was an extraordinary feat. When Aizawa brought up Midoriya's adoption to the old man he expected protest or anger. However Mr.Takada admitted he was sad he couldn't ever do it himself because of his age but he was glad nonetheless. It seems he really does care for the boy.

As he was going into a deeper sleep the beeping of the machines increased their pace disturbing any chance of rest. Slowly he opened his eyes barely registering what he was seeing, his brain lagged behind his sight. He was sure he was somehow asleep. 

There before him hovering just above the bed was Midoriya and slowly rising higher. He knew he couldn't touch him without special gear lest he die and had to fight every instinct in him to hold the boy down. Instead he rushed to press the call button for the nurse while shouting for help too.

Moments later two nurses with a large burly man came rushing in to see what the commotion was and ready for whatever could possibly go wrong. Aizawa had to commend the dangerous quirk division of this hospital. Given that they need to wear bulky gear to interact with some patients they arrived remarkably quick and fully prepared.

Though his admiration for the staff died out quickly when they just stood there mouths agape. Sure it's not everyday a patient hovers but they work in a specialized ward that deals with dangerous quirks. A little floating is hardly reason to cease work...

Aizawa had to bring them out of their shocked state. He spoke up loudly "Snap out of it and help him please!" after which they apologized and got to work checking Midoriya's vitals with the large man with more protective gear gently pushed him back down onto his bed. After a while they finally told Aizawa what they found.

"While the floating is certainly odd it would appear nothing is wrong, quite the opposite actually. It's like he's healing faster. All of his stats have improved tremendously."

Aizawa sighed in relief sitting back down in his chair only to immediately fall to the floor as multiple events happened at once. The lights were flickering, the windows cracked while the mirrors shattered. Anything metal was crunched like a tin can including the machines Izuku were hooked up to. His slowly reforming arm grew at such a speed that it was reformed entirely in a second. All of this was accompanied by an eerie muffled scream coming from the boy.

He was awake and pulling out the tube down his airway much to the protest of the one nurse who didn't stand petrified. The large man that was holding Midoriya down gently was thrown across the room by Midoriya's bed and whatever just happened. He was rubbing his head but looked fine.

Midoriya was hovering just off of the floor, whether intentionally or not nobody was sure. When he noticed the large man rubbing his head the man floated toward him. It became apparent he didn't do any of this on purpose looking just as confused as the others in the room were at the man that had floated to face him.

Midoriya broke the long silence and exchanges of stares between everyone. "What's going on here? How or why did you float towards me?"

Aizawa got up from the floor and made his way to the problem child. "That's what we would like to know kid. I knew about the healing but do you have another quirk?"

Izuku looked to the man speaking and recognized him as the hobo who gave him the card with the number he called before he jumped. "Hobo-san? that you?"

Aizawa couldn't help but smirk a little. "Oi I thought I told you enough with the hobo talk. I'm just overworked kid."

Izuku blushed. "Sorry Aizawa-san, slipped out before I remembered..."

Izuku had finally noticed to state of the room he was in. It looked like a hospital room only it was in quite a state. What could've caused this much damage though was a mystery to him. "Also who wrecked the room?"

"You did." Aizawa stated blankly.

 Izuku rubbed the back of his head clearly confused. "I'm sorry what do you mean I did? HOW?" What Aizawa said made no sense to him. How could he cause this level of destruction? The cabinets and lockers looks like someone squeezed them. He didn't have that kind of strength. Sure the training with old man Takada strengthened his muscles and he was stronger than the average teenager, but nowhere near this level. Izuku noticed all the broken glass and mirror shards and then he noticed why he hadn't stepped in any of it. He was hovering above the ground, just like the man in front of him did. 


A natural response however he didn't expect the kid to swear like that. Nothing about what Mr.Takada told him about Midoriya or in reading his notebooks suggested this kid would behave like this... 

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