Chapter 33

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Izuku tried to shake this train of thought and focused on trying to get away. The yelling and explosions were getting louder so Izuku quickened his pace. He looked back to see if Bakugo was anywhere near and saw him at the other end of the hallway. Their eyes connected and Izuku walked away even faster now.

"STOP RUNNING AWAY!!!" Bakugo yelled at him

Izuku wasn't running in his opinion he was just walking really fast but he nonetheless increased the pace even more. Clearly he was running to anyone else with eyes but he had no intention of dealing with Bakugo again today. He could do without trying to pretend he has bruises...


Izuku stopped when Bakugo used the name he only calls him when they used to be alone. He called him that in public. If he was willing to go that far... Izuku felt a small pang of guilt. He knew this conversation had to happen at some point. He wished it wasn't at school but such is the fickle whim of fate. At least they would be alone. No Hannah or thugs hanging about.

Izuku slowed to a stop, turned around and went into the empty classroom he found himself next to. Waiting for Bakugo who saw him to catch up. The blonde appeared soon afterwards bright red and puffing from running at full speed apparently.

"F-Fi... FINALLY!" he struggled to say still trying to catch air.

"Sit.." Izuku pulled back a chair and sat on the desk opposite the chair he offered. He wasn't sure what or how to begin. It's been just over two years since they've spoke without Izuku being bullied or hit. He wasn't sure what to say but he had to begin somewhere...

Bakugo sat in the chair backwards using the back to rest his arm. "Got you alone eventually." He laughed to himself. Izuku frowned at the familiar behavior he was displaying. As if they were still best friends just pretending to not be. Izuku was a bit annoyed but knew he was partly to blame for starting them down this path.

"Two years it took you though. What's so important that the King deigns to speak to the freak?" Izuku didn't want to hurt Bakugo but two years past the end of his stupid plan Bakugo was still bullying him. Worse than ever in fact. Izuku was annoyed and remained glad he never told anyone about his quirks.

"King? What's that about Izu?"

"Oh stop pretending you're my friend."

"pre-" Bakugo started

"Yes. Pretend. It took you two years to find a chance to get us alone together? Really? It's taken you two years to talk to me without having your minions hurting me. Or having my throat under your boot..."

"Why are you mad at me?! You're the one who stopped coming to the park... This was all your fucking plan to begin with..."

Izuku scoffed. "That's rich, I stopped coming to the park? Really. I only stopped because you never showed on the most important day. Also why pick today of all days to finally make a plan to talk to me?" Izuku rubbed his nose bridge and sighed.

"Let's be honest here Kacchan... the plan was made when we were six years old. I know how stupid I can be while thinking I'm being smart." Bakugo clicked his tongue.

Izuku choose to ignore it. "I'm blind to my own flaws when I'm focused on a goal. It's true." Izuku looked Bakugo directly in the eyes now.

"You however are your own person. You're smarter than possibly even you know. If you actually wanted to end the plan, well..." Izuku looked down before carrying on. 

"You know... I don't blame you for agreeing to it in the first place. It made me happy for a time that you thought so much of me. That you trusted me..." Izuku returned his gaze to Bakugo. 

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