Chapter 55

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Aizawa pulled Izuku behind him and stretched his arms protectively his quirk active making his hair rise and his eyes more menacing with a red glow. "Nezu, Yagi look after my son" He said and stepped forward.


The man his father called Hawks came down and landed looking confused. Izuku was just as confused, his attacker is the hero hawks? Izuku had been partially interested in hawks' career as he's the youngest hero to ever reach the top ten. He never would've imagined someone so high up on the hero list would attack him for no reason, hell he didn't think any hero would. Something he's seriously considering changing his view on.

"What do you mean your son Eraserhead?" Confusion evident in his tone.

"The boy on the floor over there, clearly traumatized by whatever you did. That is one of my sons. That is not what matters here anyway. What the fuck did you do?"

Taking a step back to get away from Aizawa's tone "N-nothing!"

This only served to make Aizawa more angry. "Clearly he's in such a state over nothing. . . Care to try again or do I need to pluck and roast you to make you talk?!"

Hawks gasped at being threatened like this "I was just saving him. He was falling at quite the speed and he would've died if he hit the ground."

Aizawa wasn't convinced entirely. "If that were true why do you have a bleeding bite mark suspiciously shaped like my son's teeth?"

"Coz the lil shi-"

Before he could even finish his sentence Hawks was wrapped up tightly and his mouth was covered by Aizawa's capture scarf. Who spoke slowly and clearly each word dripping with venom. 

"Choose  your  next  words  very  carefully  they  may  be  your  last"

Hawks' eyes were wide with fear and nodded rapidly. Aizawa loosened the binding on his mouth.

"What I meant to say is he struggled and when I secured my grip he bit me. . . look I'm sorry I thought he jumped and was trying to kill himself" 

Aizawa dropped him abruptly making him fall to the ground.

Izuku was being comforted by Nezu and while he was failing miserably the effort alone had gotten Izuku out of full blown panic attack. His father approached and knelt down to speak face to face.

With the kindest face and tone he could possibly muster he asked him "I'm sorry I have to ask this kitten but did you try and hurt yourself again now?"

Izuku's mind raced through a range of emotions unsure of what he felt as it was all happening at once his mind chose the easiest one and went with anger.

"Is that what that fucking chicken said?! I wanted to show you I learned to fly with my quirk and when I was coming down that fucker grabbed me so tightly I could hardly fucking breathe. I had to break my own collar bone to escape!" Izuku eyes darted to Hawks after he finished telling his father. Izuku's brain saw the perfect conduit to release all these emotions. His eyes began to glow a neon green. Anger was driving him now.

Hawks saw it for the clear and imminent danger it was and was making to fly away. It would've been a wise choice if he was dealing with anyone else. For Izuku however it just brought back  memories of how Jared tried to escape too.

Everyone except Izuku reacted to the ground shaking and rumbling, a few of the metal bars of the cityscape's gate snapped and collapsed. "What's happening Aizawa?" Nezu asked of him. "I would also like to know about this Aizawa" All might agreed.

Aizawa looked at his son now clearly using his quirk to an extent he's never seen before. Glowing eyes and rippling hair. He would almost feel pride if he wasn't so worried about what his son was doing. 

Before anyone had time to react Izuku had Hawks pinned in the same manner he had Hannah back during the day of the exams. "You're not getting away this time Jared" Izuku's voice reverberating through everyone's head.

Aizawa stepped in front of his son an placed his hands on his shoulders. "Izuku focus, come back to me. Please kitten. I don't know who Jared is or what he did but that's Hawks. He might me an overgrown chicken and an ass but he's not worth you hurting him."

Izuku didn't hear a word his father spoke. He just knew he had Jared here and had to punish him. He had to prove he isn't weak anymore. That his body is his to control now. He'll never make it betray him again. His anger grew yet again, so did the force which he held "Jared". Izuku heard the snapping of bones. Deranged laughter escaped him as Hawks' screams filled the air. "You deserve worse"

The next thing Izuku knew his view of the world had turned on it's side and his quirk didn't work. His father's words were dull and distant slowly becoming clearer. "I'm sorry kitten I had to use my quirk on you, Hawks was about to die."

Izuku frowned at his father in confusion and panic. "Hawks? Why is he here? Where did Jared go then?"

Aizawa's concern grew exponentially with the things Izuku were saying, not to mention whatever he just did to Hawks.

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