Chapter 86

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Izuku and Bakugo's search for Kirishima was derailed before it even began. It was like he suddenly had gained a teleportation quirk. He had disappeared in an ungodly fast amount of time. After a few minutes of scanning the crowd Izuku spotted Uraraka and Iida and headed towards them.

He waved at them as they approached "Have either of you seem Kirishima run past?"

"Sorry nope." They replied shaking their heads

Izuku looked at Bakugo "Dammit can he really have gotten that far this quickly?"

Concern on her face Uraraka asked "Is everything okay?"

"Not sure, he was acting weird and rushed past us like he was trying to get away." Izuku shrugged.

"oh dear, I hope he's okay. Let us know if you need help looking." Uraraka said as the boys were already leaving to continue the search.

"Will do, thanks Uraraka-san!" Izuku half shouted back picking up pace and scanning the crowd for Kirishima's distinctly bright red hair.

Bakugo had had enough though and stopped in his tracks holding Izuku back with his hand on his shoulder. "Ugh I'm texting loudmouth, she'll know where he is."

Izuku frowned trying to remember who Bakugo had given that nickname to. A few seconds later he remembered "Mina? How would she know?"

Bakugo was already busy typing on the phone "She's known him since middle school apparently."

Izuku chose to ignore that Bakugo apparently had another phone or never gave his in when Izuku's was confiscated too. Too glad that there might be a chance to help Kirishima. "Oh okay, good thinking Kacchan."

BoomBoy: Yo slip'n'slide is shitty hair with you?

AcidQueen: No, what's up? I thought he'd be with you and Deku-kun. That's what Pikachu said.

AcidQueen: Pika is Red with you?!

PikaChu: Nope, he said he's gonna try and talk to Bakubro about something? What's up?

BoomBoy: Well he has a hell of a way of saying something by running off. Any ideas where he'd end up? Deku is worried.

PikaChu: Aww. Tell Deku I'm sure he's fine.

BoomBoy: Stop trying to score points to date his brother and help look for Shitty Hair. Tch!

TapeCentral: Wait Red is missing? What happened?

BoomBoy: He ran off the bus and was clearly upset. Deku wants to help him.

TapeCentral: Where have you guys looked? We just got off the bus? How is he missing already?!

AcidQueen: Red can move fast when he wants to, trust me.

PikaChu: You'd think someone with hair like that would be easy to spot. . .

BoomBoy: If any of you find out anything let me know.

TapeCentral: Roger!

AcidQueen: Will do!

PikaChu: On it!

BoomBoy: Right well let's co-ordinate then. Me and Deku hit the entrance area.

AcidQueen: I'll check by the food stands

PikaChu: Good plan I'd have gotten too easily distracted there. I'll check out the smaller rides.

TapeCentral: I'll check the bigger ones then.

BoomBoy: Move out and report back or I'll fry you alive.

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