Chapter 83

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Izuku and Bakugo had been walking in silence for a while now when the sound of Izuku's voice came through the brain fog Bakugo appeared to be in. "Do you think we have everything you're going to need?"

Bakugo hummed a response "Hmm?"

Izuku sighed at the non-pulsed reaction. "I asked if you think we have everything to make food? Or are you thinking a quick trip to the store?"

Barely registering what Izuku had asked him about he managed to respond "I-uh-I'm not sure we would need to go check."

Izuku started walking them toward the dorms to do just that. "Okay."

However with each step it was obvious something was weighing on Bakugo's mind slowing him down and leaving a somber look on his face. Sighing deeply he stopped walking and stood in front of Bakugo. "Are you going to sulk for the rest of the night?"

Bakugo stopped only partially realizing they aren't walking anymore, he looked up and saw Izuku standing there expectantly. Worried he missed a question he gave the general inquiry of "Huh?"

Izuku placed his hand on Bakugo's chin making him look at him in the eyes. "What's up Kacchan, you've been silent since we left."

Bakugo realized Izuku was right even if he didn't mean to do it he's been in his head since they had left the classroom leaving behind a stunned All Might. "Oh I'm just thinking, sorry."

Izuku looked him over trying his best to guess what has his brain working overtime. Maybe he's concerned about his quirk not being powerful? "You can do that too you know. . ." Izuku tried to reassure him

The words reached his ears but they made no sense. Do that too? Threaten All Might? Make the number one Hero seem weak? What was he talking about. "Hmm?"

Izuku was slightly irked at this one sided conversation but realized he just did something other people might consider shocking. It's not everyday you use someone else's quirk better than them. "I said you can do that too."

Still as confused he needed clarification "Do what?"

Izuku had no idea what could be troubling Bakugo if it wasn't the use of his quirk. He had to explain. "The focused shot i did back there."

None of Izuku was saying made sense to him. "What do you mean I can do that too? I don't even know what you did."

"Huh? I'm sure i told you about my quirk Kacchan." Izuku insisted

Bakugo wracked his brain trying to make sense of it but nowhere did Izuku mention being able to shoot lasers that explode, so he listed what he does remember "Yeah you heal and can live for a long time plus you have a better version of your mom's quirk. None of which explains what you did back there Izu."

Izuku studied Bakugo's face, whether it was from uncertainty of what just happened or from actual fear he didn't know. It was clear that Bakugo was scared to a degree, but was it of him? "A-are you scared of me now Kacchan?"

Bakugo saw the panic rising in Izuku. Hearing the question though made him realize he was in fact showing some form of fear. It had more to do with if All Might decides to retaliate. Right now however he needed to reassure Izuku it's not him that's the problem. "What? No don't be silly. I just don't get what just happened."

Izuku was beyond surprised, he would bet money he explained all of his quirks to Bakugo. "I'm certain i've already explained this to you but it was after we had s-e-x. I'll forgive you for not being entirely focused." Izuku's face was a deep shade of red after he said that.

Seeing Izuku blush and still spell out the word after everything they've done. He fell in love all over again, any form of tension and worry washed away. Laughing lightly he took one of Izuku's hands and held it close to his chest. "Oh my god Izu... you are a literal freak in the sheets but you cant say sex? Gods I love you."

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